Chapter 126

Wei Rong'er was already at a loss, and Du Juan was eager to protect her master, so she eagerly explained: "It must not be poisoned by our lady. I followed the lady all the time. I was also responsible for putting the Lantern Festival into the pot. Besides, the Lantern Festival was helped by the people in the kitchen." Made it, our lady is only responsible for adding a handful of firewood, putting the Lantern Festival into the pot and then into the bowl, there is no chance of poisoning from the beginning to the end, everyone is watching!"

Lin Qianyu ignored Du Juan's words, and only said to Mrs. Lin: "Grandmother, do you believe this? Poisoning is not a big deal. If you secretly put a little medicine in a bowl, who can see clearly?"

"Why should I poison her? I have no grievances with her, so why bother?" Wei Rong'er cried, "Auntie, Rong'er won't poison people, I don't even know what Baikucao is, How can you use this poison to harm people?"

"You say you don't know, who can prove it? Grandma, in my opinion, we should search the second lady's house. Since she brought this harmful poison, she might still have it now." Lin Qianyu suggested .

In order to prove her innocence, Wei Rong'er didn't even think about it, and said: "Search, just search, I have a clear conscience, Auntie, let someone do the search!"

Lin Siran really wanted to shut Wei Rong'er's mouth, why was she so confused, this was obviously a trap set up by others, waiting for her to jump into it, but she jumped into it without hesitation.

"Grandmother, the second lady has just entered the door, and she has no grievances with Hui Xin. She has lived in Songshoutang for so many days, and she has never seen her have any wrong thoughts about Hui Xin. How can anyone poison someone the next day after entering the door?" Lin Siran tried to explain to Wei Ronger.

Mrs. Lin also didn't believe it was Wei Rong'er, and said, "This thing is indeed weird."

"Grandmother, it is because of the strangeness that I need to find out. Although Huixin is a servant, she is pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Lin family. Now that the child is gone, it is not for anything else, but for my unborn brother. Check it out!" Lin Qianyu glanced at Lin Siran, provocatively, as if she wanted to fight Lin Siran to the end.

What Mrs. Lin couldn't stand the most was the phrase "unborn younger brother". Tears fell instantly, and she said, "What a crime! What a crime!"

At this time Mrs. Lin also came back, knowing that the child was gone, she comforted her: "Master, old lady, don't be too sad, this child has no destiny with our Lin family, there is nothing we can do. We just need to find out the truth and return If the child is fair, he will be worthy of him!"

With a hoarse voice, Lin Xiaoqian said, "How could this be? It was fine just now."

Mrs. Lin glanced at Wei Rong'er, and said, "Sister Rong, I don't believe you were the one who poisoned her, but after all, you are the most suspected. To be fair, I hope you can accept the search."

Lin Siran couldn't say anything at this time, Wei Rong'er had already fallen into a trap, and it was not easy to save her.

"Okay, I'll investigate. I'm not afraid to investigate. I have no intention of harming others. What am I afraid of?" Wei Rong'er also regained some of her backbone at this time. When she thought of being slandered and poisoned, she was very angry, "We must If you want to find out the real poisoner, don't even think about pouring a drop of dirty water on me."

Madam Lin's eyes flashed with pride, and she said, "To be fair, let Mother Chun go and search? Do Sister Rong and Master have any objections?"

Lin Xiaoqian shook his head, glanced at Wei Ronger, and then turned his eyes away. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word for Wei Ronger.

Wei Rong'er felt a little chilled, but now the most urgent thing is to prove her innocence, so she said: "Nurse is the most fair person, I don't worry if she goes to investigate."

Sister Chun glanced at Mrs. Lin, who nodded and said, "Be careful."


After speaking, Mother Chun went.

As soon as Mother Chun left, Hui Xin crawled out, knelt down in front of Mrs. Lin, and cried heartbreakingly: "Old lady, make the decision for child, my child!"

Huixin's mouth was hurt, and her speech was very vague, which made people feel sad too.

Madam Lin covered her face and wept.

Lin Xiaoqian stretched out his hand to hold Huixin, showing a rare tenderness, hugged her, and said: "Don't cry, don't worry, this matter will definitely be investigated and the truth will be found out, so that our children will not be wronged."

However, Lin Siran looked at Huixin coldly, with great disappointment. After all, she chose to bow her head to Mrs. Lin, even at the expense of her own child.

She thought Huixin was so smart and cared for this child, but in the end, she was still a fool.

She did not hesitate to betray her master and also wanted to protect the child in her womb, but now she gave up?What a vicious heart.

"Wuwu...Second Madam, why did you kill me? Why did you kill my child, it's still so small, so small..." Hui Xin struggled and threw herself in front of Wei Rong'er, accusing Wei Rong'er of harming her.

Wei Rong'er shook her head, kept stepping back, and said, "I didn't, you don't want to spit blood, why would I harm you?"

"How do I know why you want to kill me? I'm just a slave, even if I give birth to a child, I can't hinder you. Why are you so vicious and want to kill my child?" Hui Xin bit Wei Rong'er tightly.

Lin Sizan watched Wei Rong'er retreat steadily, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward, and said to Mrs. Lin: "Grandmother, maybe it's inappropriate to say this right now, but don't you think it's too strange? If the poison of Baikucao is so strong If the second lady really wanted to kill Huixin, why didn't she take enough doses to kill Huixin directly? It seems that such a small dose only caused Huixin to lose her child, but saved her life. It must be a carefully calculated dose Bar?"

As soon as these words were said, Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoqian also reacted instantly.

If you want to harm someone, you have to decide how much medicine to put. It is unreasonable to only kill children but leave adults behind.

There was a hint of panic in Huixin's eyes.

"That's's unreasonable, Hui Xin, how can you be sure that Rong'er poisoned you?" Lin Xiaoqian asked coldly, a little more suspicious of Hui Xin.

Huixin cried and said: "She cooked the Lantern Festival, and she brought it to me herself. Who else would have no chance to poison me if it wasn't her? Besides, who would kill my child except her?" What? She must be jealous that I am pregnant, afraid that if I give birth to a child, the mother will be more expensive than her, and will be more favored than her."

"This is even more ridiculous. The second wife is an equal wife, and her status is above yours. She is also the niece of the grandmother and the cousin of the father. The two have known each other for many years. They are close relatives. You are just a slave. Even if you have a child, can you still be more honorable than the second lady?" Lin Siran strongly refuted Huixin's words.

Wei Rong'er looked at Lin Siran gratefully, and said: "Ranran's words are correct, how can I be willing to degenerate, and compete with you, a girl who was born as a slave, to be jealous? So that I poison you? What's more, today is the second day of my entry. The joy of the wedding has not yet passed, and if I want to kill someone, won't I be bringing bad luck on myself?"

After hearing this, Lin Xiaoqian felt more and more that Wei Rong'er was not the murderer, and finally said: "Rong'er is definitely not so stupid, she has always been gentle and well-behaved, even an ant is reluctant to step on it to death, how could she be so cruel to kill someone?"

Mrs. Lin said: "I don't believe that Sister Rong did it either, let's wait for Mother Chun to come back."

(End of this chapter)

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