The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 128 Being a Human Being Is Too Bitter

Chapter 128 Being a Human Being Is Too Bitter

"Don't worry, old lady. There is no poison in Yuanxiao. It just means that Miss Huixin got poisoned not after eating Yuanxiao, but after eating other things. Paraquat is very poisonous. It takes a long time to get poisoned. After a while, the old man was just wondering how he could get poisoned so quickly, and even sprayed the eldest lady with poisonous blood, and it would take at least an incense stick of time to eat the persimmons to get poisoned."

Doctor Shi's explanation completely cleared Wei Rong'er's suspicion. Before a stick of incense, Wei Rong'er was still cooking Yuanxiao in the kitchen. How could Huixin eat the poisonous Yuanxiao at that time?

Mrs. Lin's face was a little embarrassed. She actually made such a stupid mistake. She thought that everyone would only be in a hurry because of the poison in their hearts, and they would not check it so carefully.

Unexpectedly, Lin Siran suddenly ran to check on the Lantern Festival that Huixin had eaten.

Of course, the poison of Baikucao was not deposited in the Lantern Festival, but she didn't know how Huixin ingested it. She only told Huixin to do so, but she couldn't control what Huixin did.

Lin Sizan looked at Hui Xin, and there was a chill in her eyes. She warned Hui Xin, but she didn't listen, so she can't be blamed.

"Huixin, please explain yourself. Why did you slander the second lady for poisoning you? I remember that you came after the second lady came to pay her respects. After you came, you didn't eat anything until you ate the bowl Lantern Festival, sour time, you must have taken the poison before entering the house, right?" Lin Siran looked down at her hands, after washing with alum, the symptoms seemed to be relieved, but the burning pain was still there Unbearable.

Hui Xin shook her head and said, "No... I didn't take poison, no!"

"You didn't take poison? Does that mean someone around you poisoned you?" Lin Siran asked.

The people who are in charge of taking care of Huixin are Zisu and Hongsong sent by Mrs. Lin. Both of them are people that Mrs. Lin can trust, otherwise she would not dare to let them take care of Huixin who is pregnant.

Zi Su and Hong Shao came in immediately, knelt down and said, "Old Madam, slaves and maidservants must never dare to poison Miss Huixin, Madam, please learn from me!"

Mrs. Lin snorted coldly, and said, "Zisu and Hongshao were sent by me to take care of you. If they poison you, does that mean I'm going to poison my own grandson?"

Hui Xin hurriedly shook her head, and said: ", this is not what I mean, it's not Zisu and Hongyao who hurt me, it must be someone else, I don't know who it is."

"You have been in Songshoutang all the time, and you seldom even come out of your own room. In Songshoutang, there are only people that grandma can trust. Who do you think will poison you?" Lin Siran's mouth twitched coldly Radian, Huixin is bound in a cocoon after all, she is the one who has to swallow the bitter fruit, no one else.

Mrs. Lin finally understood that if no one else poisoned Huixin, and Huixin pointed at Wei Ronger immediately after being poisoned, then she would take the poison herself, and then set the blame on her.

This explains why the dose of poison was only enough to kill the fetus in her womb, but Huixin was fine.

"You have such a vicious heart, but that is your own flesh and blood, a child who is almost five months" Mrs. Lin trembled and shed tears when she said this.

"How can there be such a cruel and vicious woman like you in the world? Even your own flesh and blood can be murdered, just to frame someone who has no grievances or enmities with you?" Lin Siran followed Mrs. Lin's words, and the spearhead Directly pointing at Huixin made her speechless.

Huixin could only shake her head and deny it desperately, but it seemed that the general situation was over and no one would help her.

"No, I didn't...I didn't..." Huixin seemed to have suffered a serious injury, and her voice became weak.

Lin Siran squatted down, grabbed Huixin's arm, touched her slack abdomen with his hand, and asked in an extremely sad voice: "Huixin, how can you bear it? Brother, he was always in good health. Here, in another five months, he will come to this world, and you took his life with your own hands..."

The so-called murder.

Huixin finally understood the horror of Lin Siran. She collapsed completely, and the self-blame and pain of killing the child spewed out at this moment, making her feel that it was a sin to be able to breathe.


Hui Xin pushed Lin Siran away, raised her head to the sky and screamed, suddenly got up, and slammed into the beams and pillars in the house.

The loud noise made the room silent, everyone was stunned, and no one stopped Huixin.

Her body was limp on the ground, blood slid down her forehead, she looked at Lin Siran in despair and pain.

Lin Siran didn't show any pity, it was her own choice, what right does a woman who killed her own child have to live in this world?Die like this, but cheaper for her.

Huixin looked at Mrs. Lin again, her eyes were extremely resentful and unwilling, and finally only turned into a tear in the corner of her eye, tremblingly said: "It's too hard to be a human being!"

She had all the filial piety of a daughter, but lost the compassion of a mother.

Hui Xin fell to the ground, her eyes stared blankly at the beam, the light in her eyes gradually went out, but her eyes did not close.

The room was still silent, and everyone seemed to be trying their best not to make any noise.

In the end, Mother Chun sighed, walked over, and stroked Huixin's eyes so that she could close them.

Mrs. Lin was still full of anger, and said: "This Huixin is really confused!"

Lin Siran knew how Hui Xin died. She looked at Mrs. Lin with a mocking gaze, then quickly retracted and stood beside Mrs. Lin silently.

If it wasn't for Mrs. Lin's hard work, how could Huixin be willing to give up her child?
Lin Xiaoqian waved his hand and said, "Let her family take her away, drag it down!"

Mrs. Lin pretended to be merciful and sighed, and said: "Huixin is really confused and confused. In order to be jealous, she didn't hesitate to poison herself. Now she is harming others and eventually harming herself. Hey... thinking of her serving Yu'er once." , reward her family with dozens of taels of silver for funeral expenses."

Mrs. Lin thought of what Lin Siran had told her before. Huixin was forced to seek death because Mrs. Lin wanted to force her to poison Wei Ronger. Unexpectedly, Huixin did not poison Wei Ronger in the end, but poisoned herself.

In the final analysis, it was Mrs. Lin's fault.

But now that Huixin is dead, she didn't say anything when she was dying, and Madam Lin couldn't be involved.

"Forget it, let's go!" Mrs. Lin waved her hands, feeling exhausted. With this bereaved star in the family, she wanted to hold her grandson, but it became more and more difficult.

"Qian'er, stay here, Mother has something to tell you." Mrs. Lin left Lin Xiaoqian again.

Others have resigned separately.

After leaving the Songshou Hall, Mrs. Lin said to Lin Siran in a strange way: "Ranran, you really impressed me today. If it weren't for what you said, Huixin wouldn't have committed suicide. !"

Lin Qianyu also echoed: "That's right, my sister is too much, Huixin lost her child, it's already painful enough, but you actually made the situation worse, even if Huixin poisoned and framed Erniang for the sake of jealousy, then it's not enough to die, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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