Chapter 147 Deep Lessons

"You have such poor manners, how dare you enter the palace to participate in the talent show?" The admonishing mother's tone was very disdainful, "Take them out, even after a few days of training, this kind of kind is useless. In front of the masters, wouldn't it be necessary Lost the face of Caiwei Palace? Even if we are involved, we will be punished, why bother?"

A word of instruction from the nanny sealed the fate of these beautiful girls.

Poor manners immediately disqualified her as a show girl.

The rest of the people all became tense, standing firmly one by one, without squinting.

"Standing posture is only the most basic. If you can't stand well, let alone other etiquette, the old slave will teach you some basic etiquette. Which little master will come out to cooperate with the old slave?" everyone.

Lin Qianyu was standing in the first row, she was the most expressive, she immediately raised her hand and said, "Mommy, I am willing."

"Okay, very good..." The instructor nodded in satisfaction and let Lin Qianyu go out.

The admonishing mother directly ordered three heavy books to be loaded, Lin Qianyu's expression stiffened visibly.

She wanted to show off her good manners, but she didn't expect that the admonishing mother would directly hold the book. She didn't practice it at home. She only saw Lin Sianran do it, and she tried it once or twice, but all failed. , so she gave up.

This is going to be embarrassing.

Lin Qianyu was a little anxious, and it seemed too late to back down at this moment.

"There is nothing else this morning. All of you walk with books on your back. Your posture must be dignified, you must not be stiff, and the book must not fall off. When you have finished training, when can you rest."

Instructing the nanny to place the tree on Lin Qianyu's head and shoulders, and then said to her, "Take two steps!"

Lin Qianyu took two steps because of the difficulty, her body was as stiff as if filled with mud, and the book fell to the ground as soon as she turned around. The admonishing mother did not reprimand her, but said to everyone: "Everyone has seen this. This kind is unqualified, the shoulders must be steady, the head must not shake, but the body must look loose, how ugly is it to walk like this?"

Instructing the nanny to put the book on her body, and then holding the handkerchief in her hand, she demonstrated the correct walking posture to everyone.

"I saw it, so I'm going to go like this. Is there anything you don't understand?" asked the nun instructing.

Lin Qianyu returned to the queue with a red face.

Then the ladies of the palace distributed the books to the ladies of the show.

Ying Mingyue and Huo Min looked very calm, Lin Siran knew that there must be no problem with them.

Sure enough, Ying Mingyue walked steadily and naturally with the book on her head, no different from her usual walk.

Although Huo Min is not as skilled as Ying Mingyue, there is no major problem, and her steps are very steady.

Lin Siran also walked around with the book on her head.

There are quite a few people who can walk comfortably and naturally with their books on their backs. Only a few like Lin Qianyu, who are stumped by a few books, are a little fragile and cry directly.

Sister Discipline watched the crowd from the sidelines.

After an hour, the nun instructing stopped.

"Okay, I'm all standing up. I've seen it. Some of the young masters have done a good job. You don't have to waste time. You can walk in front of me formally. I said you passed, so you can go to rest for a while, and then Then practice how to salute, line up in a long line, and walk around the yard, and those who can complete the walk will be considered pass." The admonishing mother said.

So the show girls lined up one by one, and Ying Mingyue stood in the first place.

She walked slowly in front, and the team slowly moved forward with her, and soon two beautiful girls were called out of the team by the nanny.

Lin Siran stepped forward, and at this moment, the girl behind screamed and rushed towards Lin Siran.

Lin Siran subconsciously moved to the side.

The girl rushed forward straightly, if Lin Siran didn't dodge, she would definitely be thrown to the ground by her.

The girl was lying on the ground, and a front tooth was directly knocked out, her mouth was full of blood, her nose and chin were broken, it was very tragic.

I don't know whether it was pain or fright, but the girl began to cry.

Lin Sian remembered that she seemed to be the young lady of the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion, her name was Cui Wan.

There was a commotion among the show girls, and some timid ones were scared to cry by Cui Wan's tragic fall.

However, Lin Siran noticed Lin Qianyu standing behind Cui Wan, and she also looked at her with a touch of provocation, as if telling Lin Siran that she did it on purpose, but Lin Siran took She can't help it.

The nun of the discipline hurriedly sent someone to check.

"Little Master Cui, how are you? Hurry up...please come here!" Nanny Tong rushed over first, and lifted Cui Wan up together with the two maids.

Cui Wan's appearance was extremely embarrassing, and her appearance would definitely not recover for a while, which was tantamount to losing her qualifications for the election.

"She... she pushed me!" Cui Wan pointed at Lin Qianyu.

Lin Qianyu shook her head pretending to be horrified and innocent, and said, "I didn't, Miss Cui, how could you just wrong someone so casually?"

Cui Wan cried and said: "It's her, she is the closest to me, and she deliberately bumped into me... Nanny Tong..."

Nanny Tong stared at Lin Qianyu, but fell silent.

Lin Qianyu is a beautiful girl who is required to take special care of her. She doesn't know who is behind Lin Qianyu, but it should be someone she can't afford to offend.

Cui Wan is the daughter of the Marquis Mansion, and her status is not low, this really embarrasses the palace people of Caiwei Palace.

"Miss Cui, I have no grievances with you. How could I push you? It is clear that you accidentally fell down, so don't slander others!" Lin Qianyu was determined that no one would see her action, so Have nothing to fear.

Lin Siran believed, however, that Cui Wan's words were not nonsense, Lin Qianyu probably wanted to create confusion, if she hadn't heard Cui Wan's exclamation at that time, and jumped out of the team with agility, she might have become Cui Wan's back, then The fall must have been worse than Cui Wan's, and maybe even more unlucky would hurt the people in front of her.

Cui Wan cried until she was in tears, and was helped out by Nanny Tong and others.

The admonishing mother looked at the crowd without saying a word, her eyes stayed on Lin Qianyu's face for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, concentrate on training, don't make any mistakes, everyone must be careful and protect yourself Don't think that everything will be fine once you enter the palace. During these two months, every day is a test for you. Before meeting the emperor, if you make any mistakes, you will have to bear the consequences yourself. This old servant knows that you are alone Both are the apples of your parents' eyes, but from the moment you leave the house, forget about your origins, here, you can only rely on yourself!"

Lin Siran thought, this admonishing nun should have seen such things a lot, so she was able to take it so calmly.

She would not seek justice for anyone, unless Lin Qianyu was caught doing evil blatantly, otherwise no one could do anything against her.

In the past two months, the biggest test has never been the etiquette training and talent show, but whether you can avoid the open and dark arrows that will be shot at you at any time, whether you can avoid all intentional or unintentional traps, and finally get out In the end, in addition to being lucky enough, the person must be strong enough.

What they chose was not the most beautiful woman, nor the most talented woman, nor even the woman with the best family background, but the woman who was most suitable for living in the court.

Lin Siran saw that many people's faces changed.

Cui Wan's blood shed on the ground taught everyone a profound lesson. If you can't even protect yourself, then don't even think about going to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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