The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 150 The Crown Prince's Eyes

Chapter 150 The Crown Prince's Eyes

She withdrew her gaze, pretending that she didn't see him, pretending that his smile was not for her.

She heard Huo Min's slightly excited voice: "It's Mr. Lu."

Lin Sizan responded softly: "Well, don't talk, be careful not to be heard by the nuns."

Huo Min smiled, but did not continue to say anything.

The princes and grandsons over there were all dressed up brightly, but Lu Jinnian was particularly eye-catching when he sat there. He was the kind of person who was in the crowd, and seemed to be an independent existence, as if shrouded in a faint light, It is impossible to ignore.

Soon, there was commotion in the hall again.

It turned out that several princes had arrived.

"His Royal Highness the Prince is here, His Royal Highness King Fu is here..."

After a few announcements, everyone got up and saluted.

It wasn't until the prince and Fu Wang sat down and said "Excuse me", that everyone got up and took their seats again.

The show girls couldn't hold back anymore, because the three adult princes were the goals of many show girls.

Especially Fu Wang is the "sweet pastry" in the eyes of everyone.

But Lin Siran paid more attention to the prince.

She recalled the fate in Suiyuan.

Different from the casualness of that day, today's prince looks a lot more majestic, unsmiling, and even has an air-conditioner, with the words "Don't get close to strangers" written on his face, his eyes are cold, and he inadvertently glanced at Lin Siran. .

The position of the crown prince was very close to the show girls, so Lin Sian could clearly see his expression, including the slightly raised brows when he glanced at him.

Did he recognize himself?
Lin Siran couldn't believe it, after all, she made herself completely unrecognizable in Suiyuan that day.

But his eyes clearly made her feel that he knew herself.

Lin Ruran was full of suspicion, thinking that he shouldn't recognize her.

She couldn't help but glanced at him again, and found that his eyes had moved away, so she breathed a sigh of relief, maybe she was overthinking.

Immediately afterwards, the concubines of the harem also arrived, and everyone got up to salute again.

Concubine Zheng and Concubine Hui led the concubines here. They were truly graceful and luxurious, and all eyes were on them.

It was not the first time for Lin Siran to see Concubine Zheng, but she had never seen her so closely before.

Concubine Zheng perfectly interprets what is a rich flower in the world.

Gorgeous and eye-catching appearance, even if she is old and has given birth to a child, it will not detract from her beauty. If you ignore the faint fine lines at the corners of her eyes, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is in her early twenties.

It's no wonder that she can spoil the harem, unmatched by anyone, she is such a beauty, even as a woman, she can't help but want to take a closer look.

It's really strange to say that Fu Wang didn't seem to have inherited such an outstanding appearance from his mother, and he didn't know who he followed. It's too ordinary.

On the contrary, the prince born to Concubine Hui perfectly inherited the advantages of the emperor and Concubine Hui, and was born with an outstanding appearance. If it weren't for his cold temperament, such a appearance would attract a lot of ladies even if he didn't say that the emperor favored him. They flock to it.

Lin Siran couldn't help but glanced sideways at Ying Mingyue, thinking that Ying Mingyue is considered a lucky person, accompanying the prince through the most difficult years, and the prince did not let her down.

After sitting down again, the eyes of the concubines also turned to the seat of the beautiful girls. For them, these beautiful girls are potential threats, right?
After all, show girls have younger looks, and even better family backgrounds. This is the case in the harem. A new generation replaces an old one. There are always people who will be ruthlessly abandoned by time.

Some older concubines couldn't help frowning when they saw these beautiful girls who looked like flowers.

The emperor hadn't held an election for ten years, although he added some newcomers from time to time, but it was not like this time, more than 30 newcomers came at once, although not all of them would be elected to the harem, but the emperor would inevitably choose some to fill the harem .

There are also those who are secretly happy, because they are not favored in the first place, and they gloat when they see someone entering the harem to compete for the favor of those concubines who are proud of themselves.

Concubine Zheng's gaze was the sharpest, with a touch of disdain, as if she didn't pay attention to these young faces.

Concubine Hui's eyes were the most peaceful, with a faint smile on her face.

She didn't deliberately look at Lin Sianran more, her eyes only briefly met with Lin Sianran's and then moved away, probably because she didn't want people to see that she had any special connection with Lin Sianran.

Last came the emperor.

Everyone in the audience got up and knelt down, shouting long live, not even daring to lift their heads.

It wasn't until the eunuch's male duck shouted "Ping Shen" and everyone thanked him again that they got up and sat down.

The emperor sits at the highest place and has a panoramic view of everyone.

Lin Siran didn't even dare to take a second look at the emperor. That high-ranking person would inevitably give people an invisible sense of oppression. The originally relaxed atmosphere in Linde Hall became a bit depressing. No one whispered to each other, let alone dared to Whispering.

The emperor seemed to be aware of his arrival, which made the atmosphere tense, and he said with a smile: "You don't have to be strict, the emperor and ministers are having fun today, let's relax, don't let me think that this is going to court in Zichen. what!"

One sentence made the atmosphere much more relaxed.

Concubine Zheng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you can announce the opening of the banquet, and don't let everyone just sit around!"

"Okay, let's start the banquet!"

The palace people came in one file at a time, holding various dishes in their hands, and sent them to everyone's seats one by one.

Then the string music sounded, and the dancer entered the arena and began to dance the opening dance.

No one moved their chopsticks to eat anything, they all had their own minds, observing the people and things they wanted to observe.

Lin Siran doesn't want to observe anyone, she just wants to spend the day in peace, it's best not to be too noticeable, it's best not to make mistakes.

So instead, she took two mouthfuls of food calmly.

Ying Mingyue was a little nervous, seeing Lin Sianran eating, she asked in surprise, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry, but sitting like this is really boring." Lin Siran smiled.

Ying Mingyue was also amused by her, and said: "I'm so nervous, I'm going to show my talents in front of so many people later, I've never done this before, I feel like a monkey being pulled out to play .”

Of course Lin Siran understands Ying Mingyue's feelings. Every lady learns piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and even dance for self-entertainment. How can she show it in front of others?But Xiu Nu is different, she must display all these skills like a peacock opening its tail, so that His Majesty the Emperor can see it.

"Don't be nervous, when it's your turn later, you can pretend that these people are all radishes or flowers and plants in your garden, so you won't be nervous!" Lin Siran said in a low voice.

Ying Mingyue was startled at first, then laughed, and said: "I really didn't realize that you are still such a ghostly spirit. If His Majesty and ladies hear this, you will be treasonous!"

"Hee hee... I know Mingyue, you won't take it seriously." Lin Siran snickered, "Anyway, you are entertaining yourself, so don't be nervous."

"Well, when you say that, I really feel a lot more relaxed." Ying Mingyue also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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