The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 156 I just want to illuminate you

Chapter 156 I just want to illuminate you

"Ranran, please give me a chance, I will prove that I am the most correct choice for you." Lu Jinnian looked at Lin Siran with earnest eyes, persistent and firm, stretched out his hand, and held her.

Lin Siran struggled to get out, shook his head, and said, "It's too late, it's already too late."

She closed her eyes in despair, letting herself ignore the deep emotion in his eyes.

Why not earlier, not earlier?

But Lin Siran knew clearly that even if it was earlier, she would not dare to expect Lu Jinnian.

She guards her heart so carefully, afraid that anyone will touch it, afraid of being hurt or trampled, she tries her best to arm herself to make herself look invulnerable, she wants to become stronger until no one dares insult her.

But she forgot that she is still an ordinary person who can feel pain and heartbeat, and her heart is still pounding when facing a shining man.

Lu Jinnian was the man who would shine brightly.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

She once read this poem, imagining what kind of man in the world is worthy of this line of praise.

It wasn't until Lu Jinnian appeared in front of her that she realized that this poem was for him.

How can I be heartless and ruthless in order to face his confession without being moved?
Lin Siran found that she couldn't do it, she couldn't restrain her restless heart.

He just sat in front of him like that, looking at her stubbornly, focused and affectionate, without any intention of shrinking back.

"It's in time, as long as you are willing, you will be in time." Lu Jinnian said, "Believe in me, I can do it, if I can't, I will never come here to bother you, Ranran... just nod, I will I will definitely take you away."

Lin Siran closed her eyes, shed a tear, and asked, "Where can you take me? The world is so big, there is never a place for me. You don't know what I've been through, and you don't know what I want. You don't know where I want to go, you don't know me..."

"I know, I know that you are in a helpless and desperate situation, I know that you are ignored by your father, and you are repeatedly hurt by your stepmother, I know that your biological mother was betrayed and forced to commit suicide, I know that you bear blood and blood, I know You want to be protected, but no one can see your pain and struggle, I heard your cry, so I came."

Lu Jinnian grabbed her hand again, and said, "Since I'm here, why don't you know? You said that there is no place for you in the world, but I want to tell you that from now on, you will be by my side Here, I will give you a home, a safe and stable home, where there will be no more harm and pain, I swear!"

Lin Siran still desperately resisted.

"No...don't say it anymore. I don't want to hear this. All the vows are meaningless. Everything I want can only be at ease if it is in my own hands. I won't trust anyone's promises!"

Didn't Luo Zifang promise her?
The sweet words and sweet words he said, and the vows of eternal love, all turned into a poisonous sword in the end, piercing her heart.

How could she trust a man's words again?
How could she be willing to be a man's captive?

Even if it was Lu Jinnian, she didn't dare to believe it.

Seeing her tearful face, Lu Jinnian felt very distressed, pulled her into his arms, wiped her tears with his sleeve, and said, "I know you won't trust me easily, but I will prove it to you It's just that I don't want you to enter the harem, you know? My aunt was once the emperor's favorite concubine. She entered the palace at the age of 17. As the daughter of the Lu family, she has both talent and beauty. She was promoted to the concubine, but in just three years, three years... She lost two children, was hit hard, the emperor's favor was no longer there, she was depressed, and she couldn't afford to be ill. In the winter of 20 years old, she disappeared. Jade died."

"20 years old, how young? Is she from a bad background? Is she not talented enough? Is she not beautiful enough? But it still ends in a dismal situation. There are endless women like her in the harem. Ranran, how can I have the heart to let you in? The place that eats people?"

Lu Jinnian hugged Lin Siran tightly, and a tear fell on her face.

"As long as I think that you will end up like my aunt, I feel like a knife. Why can't I stop my beloved girl from jumping into the fire pit? The emperor is already so old, even if you climbed to the level of Concubine Zheng What about the position? You are so young, and you still have a long, long life, have you thought about how many years of despair you will spend in the future?"

Lin Siran knew what Lu Jinnian said better than anyone else.

The emperor has not many years to live.

As far as she knows, since five years ago, no woman in the harem has ever conceived a dragon child, and never will again. Even if Lin Sizan wants to enter the palace, it is absolutely impossible for a mother to be more expensive than a child.

As for concubines without heirs, after the death of the emperor, there are only two ways, either to be buried as a sacrifice, or to be ordained to become a monk.

Either way is a dead end.

"I have no choice, Lu Jinnian, I have no choice, do you understand? Do you think I don't know the results of what you said? But what should I do? I have no way to go." Lin Siran finally gave up struggling, Leaning on Lu Jinnian's shoulder, weeping softly.

She really felt helpless and hopeless at this moment. His embrace was so warm and exuded a faint rosin, which was irresistible. She only wanted to be hugged by him, so that she felt safe and not alone.

Lu Jinnian sighed slightly, but his voice was gentle and firm, and said, "I will open up a way for you, as long as you follow me, follow me!"

Lin Siran raised her head, her eyes dimmed with tears, and asked, "Can I trust you?"

Lu Jinnian said with a softer smile than the moonlight tonight, "I want to be the light that you can feel when you close your eyes. Maybe I'm not as bright as the sun. The sun shines on everyone, but I just I want to illuminate you, I know you are in the dark and you are afraid, but it’s okay, I’m here, don’t be afraid anymore.”

Lin Siran's tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, dripping continuously.

She found herself melting into his eyes, even if it was thousand years of ice, it couldn't match his tenderness.

The most beautiful love words in this world are when Lu Jinnian said, I'm here, don't be afraid anymore.

"Don't cry, I will feel bad." Lu Jinnian gently wiped away her tears, "But if you really want to cry, you can cry in front of me to your heart's content, but I don't want you to cry anymore. "

Lin Siran asked: "Why do you like me? I am not good at all, and I am not good enough for you. There are so many women who like you, and they are all good, with good family background, good temperament, and everything. Why do you want to marry me?" Pick me?"

In her opinion, Lu Jinnian deserves to be the best woman in the world. She should have a gentle disposition, a sweet smile, and bright eyes. Such a woman should be what Lu Jinnian likes.

But she is dark and indifferent, selfish and vicious, full of calculations and resentment, with her like this, his life will be messed up by her.

"They are good in every way, but none of them are you. You are bad in every way, but none of them can compare to your goodness." Lu Jinnian held her hand tightly, put it on his lips, and kissed it lightly.

The faces of the two blushed at the same time. They were not used to such an intimate behavior.

Lu Jinnian hurriedly let go of her, his eyes were flustered, and he stammered, "I'm sorry, I'm... a bit rough, please don't be angry, I'm definitely not a frivolous person, it's just... just a temporary situation."

(End of this chapter)

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