The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 177 Let's Rectify the Calamity Star

Chapter 177 Let's Rectify the Calamity Star
The emperor glanced at Lin Siran, and said, "Go to the back and avoid it first."

Although Lin Xiaoqian is Lin Bianran's biological father, the emperor thinks that it is not appropriate for Lin Xiaoqian to see him summoning Lin Bianran alone.

Lin Siran was led to the back by Chen Sande.

Lin Xiaoqian entered the Zichen Palace, and before the emperor could speak, Lin Xiaoqian said: "Your Majesty, I... I have heard the prophecy of the Qin Tianjian, and I have come to beg your majesty to come down, I deserve to die!"

The emperor frowned. He didn't expect that this matter had already spread. It seemed that someone had to put Lin Siran to death.

The more so, the more the emperor didn't want to kill Lin Siran.

What he hates the most is this kind of person who intends to manipulate the theory of destiny to persecute him.

The emperor asked: "Lin Aiqing, what is your crime?"

"I already know that the disaster star predicted by Qin Tianjian is my eldest daughter, but I sent her into the palace. Although I didn't know about the disaster star before, it is my fault that the disaster star came from the Lin family!" Lin Xiaoqian burst into tears.

The emperor comforted: "Lin Aiqing, you don't have to be like this. Those who don't know are not guilty. How can I blame you?"

"Your Majesty is wise, I thank you for your forgiveness, but...but I still feel uneasy, I don't know what mistake I made, and I let a disaster star be reincarnated under my knee." Lin Xiaoqian's words were full of resentment.

The emperor did not speak, but looked at Lin Xiaoqian, as if waiting for his next words.

Lin Xiaoqian did not let the emperor down either, he held his hands and said, "Your Majesty, for the sake of the country, the country, and the people of the world, please don't take care of your ministers, and bring disaster to justice!"

Lin Siran, who was sitting at the back of the hall, stood up involuntarily, his whole body stiffened, as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Even Chen Sande cast a sympathetic look at her.

And the emperor blinked his eyes a few times, he couldn't believe that these words came from Lin Xiaoqian's mouth.

Seeing the emperor's silence, Lin Xiaoqian explained: "Although I cherish my flesh and blood, I can't disregard the people of Li and Your Majesty for my own selfishness. I am guilty... I am willing to sacrifice my little girl's life so that the world can be safe!"

What awe-inspiring righteousness, what righteous words...

Lin Bian felt it was absurd, the emperor couldn't bear to kill her, and was willing to leave her a way out, but her biological father gave her life so generously.

What a Lin University scholar for the sake of the common people in the world and the common people!
The emperor couldn't help asking: "Are you really willing to part with your daughter? She...has no real fault. As a father, Lin Shangshu doesn't feel distressed?"

"I am naturally distressed, but I am deeply favored by the emperor. I eat the king's salary and share the worries for the king. I can't be so selfish. Sacrificing one person can protect the peace of the country. I must be willing!" Lin Xiaoqian no longer shed tears at this time, His face flushed slightly with excitement, and he even looked at the emperor with some expectation, probably thinking that these selfless remarks would be rewarded by the emperor.

After all... It is really rare to have such a loyal and righteous courtier.

The emperor really didn't know how to speak for a while, he judged others by himself, if someone asked him to sacrifice the lives of his children, even in the name of serving the common people, he would definitely not be able to do so.

Tiger poison still does not eat seeds.

Lin Siran walked out of the inner hall, step by step, staggering, devastated.

Lin Xiaoqian was very surprised, he didn't expect Lin Siran to be in the inner hall.

Lin Siran knelt on the ground with a thud, and said, "Your Majesty... Please grant me my death!"

Lin Xiaoqian's face was a little pale, he could be righteous to the emperor, with a clear conscience, but when Lin Sizan heard what he said, a person with a little conscience would feel ashamed.

As a father, how could he send his daughter to die with peace of mind?
The emperor also showed embarrassment, not knowing how to clean up the situation.

"You shouldn't come out." The emperor had no choice but to say, if you don't come out, you don't have to face such an embarrassing situation.

Sometimes it's harder to be stupid than smart.

Lin Siran said: "It's not that I shouldn't come out, it's that I shouldn't be here, and I shouldn't have heard what my father said just now. I just feel that all my thoughts are empty. I tried my best to ask His Majesty to forgive me and give me a chance. Vitality, but... but it seems that living in this world is meaningless."

She didn't understand why Lin Xiaoqian did this.

Lin Xiaoqian was startled for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty... please... please don't be deceived by the little girl. The disaster will surely cause a lot of trouble. For the sake of Li Chao, the country, and the common people, please make a clear decision!"

"Father... really wants me to die!" Lin Siran smiled miserably, "Do you really...hate me so much?"

Lin Xiaoqian frowned, and resolutely denied: "Ranran, it's not that father is cruel, nor is it that father hates you, father also loves and suffers, but... everything is God's will, father can't be selfish for your majesty and the people of the world. Regardless, are a sensible child, you must understand father's painstaking efforts, right?"

"Sensible? Because I am sensible, do I have to die willingly for my father's loyalty and ambition? Because I am sensible, I have to sacrifice myself so that the Lin family will not be implicated by me, the disaster star? can you ask me to be sensible?"

The flesh on Lin Siran's face kept shaking. Even if she no longer had any illusions about Lin Xiaoqian, she never thought that he would sacrifice her without hesitation in front of his interests, and even hoped that she would die impatiently.

If it is said that no one instigated it, and he did not weigh the pros and cons, she would absolutely not believe it.

She suddenly thought that the person who wanted to put her to death should be Concubine Zheng Gui. She had become a thorn in Zheng Guifei's eyes, and Lin Xiaoqian, who was a hardcore Fu Wang faction, could not get rid of her thorn in Zheng Guifei's side?
Lin Xiaoqian's lips moved, and finally he turned his eyes away, not looking at the tears in Lin Ruran's eyes, and said stiffly: "Ranran, father is also helpless, you are a disaster star, not only will you bring disaster to your relatives, but also It will harm the country and the country. My father is not only your father, but also your majesty's courtier. If I beg your majesty to save your life out of selfishness, then you will really bring disaster to the world in the future. How can I be worthy of your majesty and the people of the world? I can't do it because of you alone Man, it ruined the overall situation!"

"Why am I a catastrophe? My birth date is totally different from that of the catastrophe. It is not my birth time at all!" Lin Siran was full of anger and unwillingness.

"That was indeed the time of your birth. After you were born, your mother wrote a letter to me. With the letter as proof, there is no mistake." Lin Xiaoqian said without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Siran sneered, and said, "Father claimed that Xiao Yu and I are twin girls, one mother and the same mother. Why did my birthday turn out to be the seventh day of May?"

"You clearly know that it's for... bringing you home for the sake of justice, so you have to say that..." Lin Xiaoqian lacked confidence.

"That's right, in order to cover up that I was born by my father's first wife, and to cover up the fact that my father threw away his own flesh and blood back then, my birthday became the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, so is my father guilty of deceiving the emperor?" Dye asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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