Chapter 179 Puppet Carving

Lin Xiaoqian finally fell silent, he didn't dare to look into Lin Bianran's eyes.

The silence spread between the father and daughter, which was more depressing than the quarrel just now.

They didn't know what Concubine Zheng Gui was talking to the emperor, but after a while Chen Sande came to invite them in.

Concubine Zheng glanced at Lin Xiaoqian, then raised her eyes slightly.

Lin Xiaoqian's face changed slightly.

Lin Siran realized that he might face a more terrifying situation next.

The emperor's face was cloudy and uncertain, he looked at Lin Siran and asked Chen Sande to give her the things in the tray.

"This thing...have you seen it?" asked the emperor.

Lin Siran looked at an extremely ugly carved wooden figure in the tray, and a strange symbol was painted on the wooden figure's body with red paint, which looked quite scary.

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"I don't recognize it? This is something I found from your house, don't you know it?" Zheng Guifei sneered.

Lin Siran was still in a daze, and said: "Your Majesty, I really don't recognize such things, and I don't like to carve puppet figures, nor do the two maids around me. We left from Caiwei Palace early this morning. We went to Hechang Garden, and after His Majesty summoned us, we came to Zichen Palace, and we have never seen this puppet before."

Although Lin Siran didn't recognize this puppet, and didn't know what it meant, she guessed that it might be a way to suppress the victory?

Since ancient times, emperors have hated this kind of overpowering sorcery the most. In history, many people were killed for this crime.

Lin Siran didn't expect Concubine Zheng Gui to use this method to deal with herself.

It seems that she really wants to put her to death. Lin Siran really can't figure out, is it necessary for Concubine Zheng to kill her?She hasn't been favored yet, even if she has such potential, isn't there no harem woman who can beat her?It's not that women who are younger and more beautiful than Concubine Zheng have appeared in recent years. She shouldn't be so unconfident, right?

Zheng Guifei smiled and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty must be very familiar with this puppet. This girl from the Lin family is really not simple!"

Lin Xiaoqian was also at a loss, he didn't know what this puppet represented.

"Your Majesty... this... what is this?" Lin Xiaoqian asked suspiciously.

"Master Lin naturally doesn't recognize him. Poor Master Lin has been used by people to recognize a daughter in a muddle, but he doesn't know that your daughter is a member of a cult. No wonder there will be a prophecy of a disaster star. This The cultists clearly broke into the inner palace with ulterior motives, intending to confuse the Holy One, bring disaster to the country and the people, and overthrow the Li Dynasty!"

Concubine Zheng spoke harshly, every word and every word was full of murderous intent.

Lin Xiaoqian gasped in fright and asked, "A cult? What cult?"

"The Fire Scythe Cult, the symbol painted on this villain is the symbol of the Fire Scythe Sect!" Concubine Zheng's eyes flashed a hint of evil.

Lin Siran glanced at the puppet again. The red runes on the puppet really looked like a sickle.

"Twenty years ago, the Huosi cult bewitched the ignorant people and grew quietly among the people. They even had followers in the harem. They burned the Wuji Palace and caused a catastrophe in the Daming Palace. If it weren't for your Majesty's wise and martial arts, the cult was suppressed in time to cause chaos. , Then...the consequences are really unimaginable. I didn't expect that the Fire Scythe Sect would revive, Your must not soften your heart, you must punish this demon girl, and then trace the remnants of the Fire Scythe Sect behind her. You must eradicate the roots. 20 years ago This tragedy must never happen again!"

Zheng Guifei's loud words made Lin Xiaoqian's forehead seep layers of cold sweat.

Only now did Lin Siran understand that this was not a way to overwhelm her, but to label her as a remnant of a cult?
"My daughter is only 16 years old this year. She was born in the countryside since she was a child. She is ignorant and ignorant. She really doesn't know what the Fire Scythe Sect is. Even my father doesn't know about it. How did I know it? Besides, who have I been in contact with since I was a child?" , Your Majesty will know when you check it out, saying that I am a remnant of the Fire Scythe Sect is really absurd." Lin Sizan wondered if Concubine Zheng was crazy, why would she think of such absurd charges?
Lin Xiaoqian also nodded, and said: "Your Majesty, although I have heard of the Fire Scythe Sect, but after all, I have personally experienced the Fire Scythe Sect's rebellion, and I have never heard of the Fire Scythe Sect's reappearance in these years. Could it be... Misunderstood?"

Lin Xiaoqian did not dare to say that Zheng Guifei made it up, but he also knew the seriousness of this matter. If Lin Siran was a remnant of the Huosian Sect, wouldn't it affect the Lin family?
Concubine Zheng said to Lin Xiaoqian: "Lord Lin, I and Your Majesty both know that your daughter was just brought back from the countryside a year ago. How can you be sure that she is your biological daughter? Will someone impersonate you?" Is your daughter actually ulterior motives? Cults are best at this kind of conspiracy."

Lin Xiaoqian froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Lin Siran looks like the Qin family, and Lin Xiaoqian never doubted her identity, but he is unwilling to reveal this matter, although it is not a secret, but to admit to the emperor that he abandoned his wife and daughter back then, he still can't do it.

Lin Siran was also a little confused, and asked: "Father, what are you talking about, didn't you send someone to Yan's house to take me back to the capital? You told me that I am your daughter, why now it is my fake name?" replaced?"

"I..." Lin Xiaoqian was at a loss for words, facing Zheng Guifei's meaningful eyes, and the emperor who had been silent all this time, Lin Xiaoqian didn't know how to answer at all.

He was afraid that if he said a wrong sentence, his future would be over.

As for Lin Siran's life and death, it is not that important.

The emperor finally spoke and asked: "Lin Aiqing, you don't even recognize your own daughter, do you? Whether it's true or not, don't you even know as a father?"

"Your Majesty, it's no wonder Mr. Lin. After all, I haven't been with you since I was a child. It took another 15 years for me to recognize each other. It's understandable that I can't tell the difference." Specifically for Lin Siran.

The emperor glanced at Concubine Zheng coolly, and said, "I didn't ask you."

Only then did Concubine Zheng shut up.

Lin Xiaoqian was panting nervously, and finally stammered: "Chen... I only know that my mother sent her infant daughter to the Yan family to be raised, and she seldom returned to her ancestral home these years, and never saw her daughter again. , didn't send someone to Yan's house to pick her up until last year, and as for... As for whether she is the minister's daughter, the minister...has never confirmed it."

"Recognizing your daughter is such an important matter, are you so confused? Doesn't your daughter have something that can be used as a sign of future recognition?" The emperor was not satisfied with Lin Xiaoqian's answer.

Lin Xiaoqian shook his head and said: "I'm confused, I really haven't paid attention to it, and there is only such a girl in the Yan family. I naturally think that this is the daughter entrusted to the Yan family by my mother back then."

Lin Siran was completely disappointed in Lin Xiaoqian. He really did everything he could to protect himself. Doesn't this mean that whether Lin Siran is his daughter or not has nothing to do with him?
Lin Siran has been abandoned by Lin Xiaoqian, he will not say a word for her, and will not give her even a little protection.

From this moment on, Lin Siran completely stopped thinking about Lin Xiaoqian, the love between father and daughter...let's stop here.

(End of this chapter)

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