Chapter 183 has been prepared
Fuzi burst into tears, and said: "This servant did not lie, did not lie..."

"What color is the mattress on the bed in my room?" Lin Sianran continued to ask indiscriminately, regardless of Fuzi's almost collapsed state.

Fuzi shook his head and said, "Your servant doesn't remember!"

"What color flowers are on my window sill?" Lin Siran continued to ask regardless of her answer.

Fuzi shook his head and said, "Your servant doesn't remember!"

Lin Siran asked again: "Have you changed your clothes today?"

"The servant doesn't remember!" Fuzi seemed to be the only one to say this sentence.

Lin Sizan smiled and said, "I don't remember anything? Then how do you remember that this puppet was found in my house? There are twelve rooms on the east side, and each room has the same layout. If you don't pay extra attention , How can you be sure it's my room? Could it be that you entered someone else's room and mistakenly thought it was my room? "

" must be the young master's house, I remember it is the young master's house!" Fuzi panicked, insisting that it was Lin Siran's house.

"You can't even remember the characteristics of my house. How can you be sure? No one has seen which room you walked into. Who can prove that you were found from my house? Are your words unreliable? "Lin Siran knew that his victory was in sight.

Fuzi was already cornered by Lin Bianran, and said: "The servant has been on duty in Caiwei Palace for a year, so it's impossible not to know whose house it is."

"That's right, Fuzi is not stupid. Ms. Lin's words are too preposterous." Seeing that Fuzi was about to lose her grip, Concubine Zheng finally couldn't help but offer her support.

Lin Sizan smiled and said to Concubine Zheng: "Madam, I don't mean to be pretentious when I say this. Isn't it strange that she said that she doesn't remember anything, but only remembers that the things were found from my room?"

"She was just scared by you, that's why she doesn't remember anything, right?" Concubine Zheng said.

Lin Siran nodded, and said: "Your Majesty, please allow the court lady to take people back to the Caiwei Palace. As long as you go to the Caiwei Palace, you can prove the court lady's innocence."

"Oh?" The emperor was puzzled, "Really?"

"Your servant is sure." Lin Siran assured.

Concubine Zheng frowned, not knowing what Lin Siran wanted to do, she asked, "Don't try to delay."

"Your Majesty gave me one day, Your Majesty, I still have a lot of time." Lin Siran was no longer polite to Concubine Zheng.

Concubine Zheng said angrily: "Forgive me, you can't do anything."

Lin Sizan said to Chen Sande: "Will you, father-in-law, accompany me to go? You are the most trustworthy person of your majesty. If your majesty doesn't want to condescend to accompany me, father-in-law will act as your majesty's eyes."

Chen Sande asked the emperor with his eyes.

The emperor nodded, Chen Sande said: "Yes."

Lin Sizan grabbed Fuzi and said, "Let's go, Fuzi, to prove what you said is true."

Concubine Zheng was worried, and said: "Wait a minute, let Lin Lang follow you."

Lin Siran didn't refuse, but said calmly, "Yes."

A few people went straight to Caiwei Palace. Lin Sizan kept holding on to Fuzi to prevent her from getting in touch with Lin Lang. Chen Sande also observed the reactions of these people.

Lin Lang was a little anxious, and kept trying to provoke Lin Sizan, but Lin Sizan acted as if he hadn't heard her, and remained indifferent.

Lin Siran said to Fuzi: "You go forward."

Fuzi glanced at Linlang hesitantly, and Lin Sizan said: "Look at what other people are doing, you will make me think that you and Miss Linlang are in the same group, and you have colluded for a long time."

Lin Lang's face darkened, and she said, "Little Master Lin, don't spout blood, I can't afford it!"

Lin Sizan smiled at her, and said, "I just remind Fuzi, don't bring others into trouble."

Lin Lang stopped talking.

Fuzi had no choice but to walk forward, she naturally recognized Lin Sizan's room, and when she reached the door, she said, "This is the room, you live in the west room, and Young Master Ying lives in the east room."

"Well, when you left, did you close the door?" Lin Siran asked while looking at the untouched door.

Fuzi nodded and said, "Well... I was afraid of being discovered, so I closed the door casually."

"Then you go in." Lin Siran pushed her.

Fuzi staggered and entered the room.

At this moment, Lin Sizan called to stop the others and said, "Don't move!"

Lin Lang and Chen Sande hurriedly stopped and looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" Lin Lang asked dissatisfied.

Lin Siran squatted down, pointed to the ground, and said, "Since I was poisoned last time, I have been very careful. I usually leave a person in the room to watch. If there is no one in the room, I will Sprinkle a special layer of dust on the door, which is similar to the color of the ground, so it is not easy to detect, and if someone comes in, they will leave footprints."

Lin Siki jumped over that area, entered the room, then picked up a bowl of water from the table, and poured it on the ground.

"As you can see, Fuzi just stepped on it, leaving only her two footprints on it. If she had entered my house before, there would not be only these two footprints here, but more, before she entered the door , no one else has been here." Lin Siran pointed to the footprints that appeared.

Chen Sande was amazed, and said: "Little Master Lin, you are really amazing!"

Lin Siran said again: "Qingying, come in and take off Fuzi's shoes!"

After Qingying heard this, she jumped over that area and forcibly took off Fuzi's shoes.

"Her shoes are stained with this layer of ash, but they are newly stained. And..." Lin Siran pointed to the chest of drawers again, "I put a layer of colorless and transparent potato powder on the door of the chest. If someone touches the cabinet, there will be potato flour on their hands, Qingying..."

Qing Ying immediately nodded, took out a small porcelain bottle from the dressing table, and said: "There is iodine water in it, which can make the potato flour turn purple."

"Fuzi, stretch out your hand!" Lin Sizan said.

Fuzi shook his head and said, ""

"If you didn't lie, you wouldn't be afraid, would you?" Lin Siran asked with a half-smile.

Chen Sande also said: "Fuzi... stretch out your hand!"

"I've washed my hands!" Fuzi shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you wash your hands. Once the potato flour gets on your hands, it's not easy to wash because I added other things in it. Unless you wash it with strong alcohol, it won't be clean." Lin Siran was confident look.

Fuzi looked at Lin Lang helplessly.

Lin Lang also knew that Lin Sizan had been prepared for a long time, and it was impossible to convict her again. At this time, helping Fuzi was tantamount to dragging herself and Concubine Zheng into trouble. She was not that stupid.

"Fuzi, you should tell the truth, why did you wrong Mrs. Lin?" Linlang changed the subject and began to question Fuzi on Lin Sizan's behalf.

Fuzi was tongue-tied, and tears fell down.

"Fuzi, either tell the truth, or..." Lin Sizan didn't continue, but his smile was cold and lifeless. Fuzi knew what was going to happen.

Fuzi looked at Linlang again, and Linlang looked indifferent, not looking at her.

Fuzi didn't know where the courage came from. He suddenly got up and slammed into the wall hard.


Three feet of blood spattered.

Lin Lang screamed, Chen Sande frowned, and said nothing.

Qingying walked over, checked Fuzi's breath, shook her head, and said, "I'm out of breath!"

(End of this chapter)

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