The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 186 The Princess Has Something on Her Mind

Chapter 186 The Princess Has Something on Her Mind

Qingying said to Lin Bianran: "Before she left, Miss Ying asked her maidservant to give this thing to you, saying it was a souvenir for you."

Lin Siran took it over, opened it, and found that it was a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, and it was a valuable treasure at first glance.

"Did she say anything else?" Lin Siran was a little sad, and she still couldn't let go of not being able to see Ying Mingyue for the last time.

Qing Ying shook her head and said, "She just asked you to take care of yourself."

Lin Siran nodded without saying anything, and asked Qingying and Sui'er to pack up, and she was going to move out of Caiwei Palace.

While waiting at the door, Wei Lan unexpectedly walked past her door, the two met face to face, and Wei Lan looked at Lin Siran with a very smug look.

If fate would change, Wei Lan got her wish and became Princess Fu.

Her pride at this time is naturally because she got what she wanted, but Lin Siran has become the companion of the sixth princess, not the emperor's favorite concubine as widely rumored.

She probably wanted to see Lin Siran's jokes, so she deliberately walked over with her waist twisted, and mocked with a smile: "Miss Lin, you are moving away too? I didn't expect to see you again. How are you, Sixth Princess That is His Majesty's most beloved princess, you will have a bright future in the future."

The taunting meaning of these words is obvious. Being a princess's companion is not being a prince's companion. The prince's prosperity can be followed by a companion, and being a princess's companion is not much different from being a slave.

But Lin Siran didn't take it seriously, she had a lot to do when she was with the princess, and she could temporarily stay away from disputes and protect herself.

But there is no need to say this to Wei Lan, she just smiled at Wei Lan, and said sincerely: "Congratulations, Miss Wei, your wish has been fulfilled, see you next time, and I will call you Princess Fu!"

There was a hint of surprise in Wei Lan's eyes. She wanted to find some disappointment or jealousy on Lin Sizan's face, but she didn't see anything. Lin Sizan's eyes were clear, her smile was open, and she was not at all unhappy.

On the contrary, Wei Lan felt that she was inferior in front of Lin Sizan, and said embarrassingly: "You are too polite."

Lin Siran nodded at her, and Wei Lan left uncomfortably.

Lin Siran didn't want to care about anything with Wei Lan. Marrying someone like King Fu, Wei Lan would probably suffer forever. At this time, she still had infinite longing for the future, but she didn't know that the gift of fate , The price has already been secretly marked.

Lin Sizan took Sui'er and Qingying to Penglai Palace together.

The sixth princess allocated her a big house, which was divided into two rooms, one for Qingying and Sui'er, and one for Lin Siran.

After settling down, Lin Ruran went to pay her respects to the sixth princess, but she saw that the sixth princess was holding her chin with a sad face, as if she had encountered something troublesome.

"Princess, what's the matter with you? Is there something on your mind?" Lin Siran asked.

The sixth princess sighed, and said: "Hey... I'm going to enter the imperial school tomorrow, and I can't play freely anymore. I have to get up before dawn every day, ah... It's so miserable, why does the emperor insist on letting me go to school? Well, what’s so interesting about reading, I still like to go horseback riding, archery and play polo.”

What did Lin Siran think? She still didn't want to go to school. She smiled and said, "The princess really misunderstood your majesty's good intentions, do you know? There are few princesses in history who were able to study in the Imperial Academy. The school is specially prepared for the grandson of the emperor and the children of the family, and even Princess Huayang, who was loved by the late emperor, did not have the honor to study in the Tai Xue, which shows that your Majesty treats the princess very differently."

When the sixth princess heard this, her eyes sparkled, and she asked, "Really? Aunt Huayang didn't go to the imperial school either, did she? Hee hee..."

The sixth princess seemed to be very happy about this, and immediately regained her spirits, she said: "But the father is really good to me, and everything that is good will stick to me."

"That's right, Your Majesty loves the princess very much, so the princess should not worry about going to school. Your Majesty doesn't expect you to study and take the imperial examinations. He is afraid that the princess will be too bored in the palace. It would be good if you can study and gain knowledge, right? What's more, Taixue not only teaches the Four Books and Five Classics, but also teaches piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, you choose what you like to learn, and I will help you if you don't like it."

Lin Siran made the sixth princess happy, and she finally stopped worrying about going to school.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Sizan got up, packed the sixth princess's bookcase, and waited for the sixth princess at the door.

Sixth Princess was very upset when she was called up sleepily, and coaxed her for a long time before coaxing her into the sedan chair.

The sixth princess also fell asleep in the soft sedan chair. Lin Sizan hugged her to make her sleep more comfortably, and woke her up at the gate of the Taiyuan Academy. The sixth princess rubbed her eyes and said, "I fell asleep again. Is it on? Uh... are you there?"

"It's here." Lin Siran wiped her face with a handkerchief.

The sixth princess said embarrassingly: "Sister Lin, I made you laugh."

"You are still growing, and it is normal to sleep a lot, so you can grow taller..." Lin Siran smiled softly. In fact, when she hugged the sixth princess just now, she suddenly recalled the child in her previous life. Heartbroken and helpless.

In this life, that child will no longer exist. Lin Siran only hates that she was too incompetent at that time, and couldn't even protect her own child. She is not worthy of being the child's mother. She hopes that he can devote himself to a happy family. Suffer the pain of the previous life again.

The sixth princess looked at Lin Sizan's pity eyes, and suddenly hugged Lin Sizan, saying: "Sister Lin, the way you looked at me just now is really like my concubine mother."

The concubine of the sixth princess passed away four years ago.

At that time, the sixth princess was only four years old. Although she had been favored by the emperor and taken care of by the palace people in recent years, for a child, none of these could replace her mother.

Lin Siran caressed the sixth princess's back, and said, "Princess, do you miss your mother?"

"Well... I almost can't remember her appearance anymore, I just remember that she also hugged me and took a nap, fanned me, and looked at me, just like you." The sixth princess's voice was a little choked up.

Lin Siran patted her and comforted her: "Your Majesty is in the spirit of the sky and has been with the princess all the time."

While the two were talking, they suddenly felt the carriage shake violently. Lin Siran thought it was an earthquake, but then heard the coachman yelling: "Why don't you have eyes, don't you know that this is the sedan chair of the sixth princess?"

Immediately afterwards, a clear and somewhat proud voice suddenly shouted: "Princess Six, Monkey..."

The sixth princess's face changed slightly, her expression was a little stiff and angry.

Lin Siran immediately sensed that the owner of that voice was bound to be a bad person.

Sure enough, the curtain of the car was suddenly lifted from the outside without any politeness, and there was a girl in red with a sword pinned to her waist and her hair tied up like a man's. She looked quite heroic Sassy temperament.

It's just that her expression is slightly arrogant, and her eyes are full of domineering attitude.

"Hou'er, I didn't expect to run into you as soon as I came back!"

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, she unceremoniously called the sixth princess "monkey", Lin Siran knew that her identity must be unusual.

The sixth princess subconsciously shook Lin Siran's hand, her palm was slightly cold, and she was a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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