Chapter 198 Who is responsible?

Princess Shushen tugged on King Fu's sleeve, and said: "Your Highness, you have to decide for me, why should I be expelled from the Taiyuan Academy if I didn't make a mistake, and she burned the Taiyuan Academy, disrespected me, and still arrogant?"

King Fu nodded and said, "Aunt Shushen, don't worry, I am here, no one will dare to bully you!"

"It's too much to talk about bullying? No one here dares to bully Aunt Shushen!" Li Fu said with a smile, "His Royal Highness, why don't you take a step back and don't pursue it. We are all a family, why tear your face? Ms. Lin She is also Liu'er's companion, and Liu'er likes her, so His Highness probably doesn't want Liu'er to be unhappy, right?"

Li Fu wants to be a peacemaker, to calm things down.

"Yes... yes, His Royal Highness Fu, let's forget about this matter. Princess Shushen doesn't have to leave the Taiyuan Academy. I hope that the two Highnesses can help think of a way. This book was burned. , if His Majesty pursues it, our Academy cannot afford it."

Wu Chengwan was most worried about the out-of-print collection of books.

It's not that he feels sorry for the book, but that he is worried that the emperor will blame him, and his position as the supervisor will not be kept.

"Whoever burned the Zangshu Pavilion will pay for it!" King Fu glanced at Lin Siran and sneered.

Wu Chengwan said: "This... this... Miss Lin does not admit that she burned it."

"What do you mean by not admitting it? I didn't do it at all. On the contrary, I tried my best to fight the fire and reduced a lot of losses. Didn't Mr. Wu also see it?" Lin Siran spoke eloquently.

"You appeared alone in the Library Pavilion, and when the fire broke out, you were the only one in it. Besides you, who else had the opportunity to set the fire?" King Fu asked.

Lin Siran said: "Your Highness, come in and see for yourself!"

"What do you mean?" Fu Wang didn't move, he stared at Lin Sizan, thinking that she had no evidence to justify himself, and he would definitely kill her for the crime of arson, so that he could give this stinky girl a hard lesson.

King Fu has not forgotten Lin Sizan's disrespect to him at the beginning.

A little rural girl dared to disrespect his high and mighty lord, if she didn't give her a little color, how would she know how powerful King Fu is?

Lin Siran pointed to the open door, and said: "Cangshuge is such an important place, no one is watching the handle, and the door is left open so casually, the collection of books inside is priceless, even if there is no fire, if there are thieves thinking about these books, they can go in and steal the sheep What? Furthermore... books are flammable, but there is no water in the water tank at the door, which shows that precautions were neglected. There is a window against the courtyard wall in the Library Pavilion that is open, and that location is where the fire broke out. In a place where someone can throw a fire pocket into it from outside the courtyard, and set it on fire casually, why do they need to enter the pavilion?"

Lin Siran's series of analyzes made Wu Chengwan sweat profusely on his forehead.

"So Mr. Wu, who is more responsible for this matter?" Li Xingxu asked calmly.

Wu Chengwan stammered and didn't say a word for a long time. As the prison supervisor, he had an inescapable responsibility, and he couldn't escape it.

Fu Wang still wanted to kill Lin Siran, so he forced his mouth and said, "What you said is useless. How do you explain the arson incident?"

"I have already explained that I came here to look for the sixth princess. I saw a fire and smoke coming out of the Library Pavilion, so I rushed in in a hurry to try to put out the fire. Then Mr. Wu brought people in, and everyone put out the fire together." Only by extinguishing it did not cause more damage." Lin Siran still insisted that he came in to fight the fire.

Anyway, there is no witness, who knows that she has been in the Library Pavilion all the time, just like she has no evidence to prove that she was thrown in by someone fainted.

Princess Shushen and Lin Qianyu wanted to plot against her, but they didn't expect that Lin Siran was not stupid. If she ran away at that time, or said the wrong thing in panic, she would not be able to clear up the suspicion of arson.

But Lin Ruran insisted that she saw the fire first, and then entered the library, no one could do anything to her.

"Heh... So, you have become a hero in fighting the fire?" Fu Wang laughed angrily, "Why are you so good at putting gold on your face?"

"I don't intend to take credit, and I don't care about any credit. I am a book lover, and I don't want to burn those books, so I just try my best to put out the fire." Lin Sizan said frankly, this was her first reaction to put out the fire. Not for fleeing.

She really cherishes those lonely copies that may never be found again.

Although she tried her best to put out the fire, many books were destroyed by the fire. Lin Siran still feels distressed.

The words were so sincere that everyone who spoke was dumbfounded.

King Fu gave Lin Sizan a hard look, and asked Li Xingxu, "Brother Emperor, what do you think? Do you also think Lin Sizan is innocent?"

"The point is not what Gu thinks, nor what King Fu thinks. Everything needs evidence. Can anyone prove that Lin Siran is the one who set the fire?" Li Xingxu glanced at everyone.

Princess Shushen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Qianyu, so she didn't say anything.

Fu Wang arrived later, and he didn't know the ins and outs at all, so he was not qualified to say anything.

Superintendent Wu only saw Lin Sizan fighting the fire, but didn't see her arson, let alone prove anything.

So the final conclusion is that Lin Siran is indeed a successful firefighter, not arsonist.

"So Mr. Wu, should you apologize to Ms. Lin, she was the one who discovered the fire first, and then minimized the loss!" Li Xingxu looked at Wu Chengwan.

Wu Chengwan hurriedly wiped off his sweat, and said, "Yes... yes... Miss Lin, just now I was in a hurry and said something wrong, don't take it to heart!"

Fu Wang was annoyed: "Then who is the person who set the fire? You must find out, otherwise who will bear the loss?"

"Fu Wang is very keen on this. I heard that Fu Wang has a close relationship with literati. They are all people who love books. Maybe they have a rich collection of books at home, which can be donated to the Imperial Academy?" Li Xingxu looked at Fu Wang with a half-smile, Against the generals.

King Fu immediately retracted, and said: "Brother Huang was joking, the books in the Library Pavilion are all treasures, how can I get them back!"

Fu Wang is not stupid, even if he knows people who have these books, they may not be willing to take them out. If he forces them to take them out, wouldn't that offend them?He doesn't do such thankless things.

"Your Highness, what should we do? His Royal Highness was ordered to compile the Yongjia Canon, and the burned books are all useful!" Wu Chengwan looked at Li Xingxu and King Fu pitifully, hoping that they could help Method.

"Supervisor Wu, then you can ask my brother, since he is ordered to repair books and protect the books in Zangshuge, he is also duty-bound!" Fu Wang wanted to see Li Xingxu's jokes, but instead threw the hot potato to Li Xingxu.

The two brothers plot against each other, and they don't shy away from others at all.

The sixth princess glanced at Li Xingxu worriedly, and then whispered: "It's not the fault of the prince's brother, how can the prince's brother be responsible for compensation?"

No one dared to say this, only the sixth princess dared to say it.

King Fu could do nothing to the sixth princess. First of all, she was young, and secondly, she was favored by the emperor.

"Liu'er, I'm not bullying the emperor, I'm giving the emperor a chance to show off. After all, the father has entrusted the important task of compiling the book to the emperor. If he fails to complete the task, the father will be unhappy. , when the time comes, Brother Huang will bear the reputation of being incompetent, can Brother Huang deal with himself?"

King Fu glanced at Li Xingxu provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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