The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 213 Pretending to be Alone Doesn’t Exist

Chapter 213 Pretending to be Alone Doesn’t Exist
"Nie Zhan, no wonder your mother said you are a white-eyed wolf. Your grandmother still expects you to gain power, support your younger siblings, and bring greater benefits to the Lin family. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. Don't forget that you can have today , it was given to you by the Lin family!" Lin Xiaoqian gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't listen to me, I can make you return to nothing at any time!"

Lin Siran rubbed her face, her heart felt cold, but she didn't feel sad.

Lin Xiaoqian is so self-righteous, she did rely on the platform of the Lin family, but she has not relied on the Lin family to get to the present, on the contrary, the Lin family is already a stumbling block for her.

But facing Lin Xiaoqian's aggressiveness, Lin Siran was still very embarrassed. A hurdle she would never be able to overcome was blocking her, that was filial piety. Lin Xiaoqian was her father, and she was powerless to change this. No matter how he treated her, she Neither can resist.

Filial piety will become a great weapon for Lin Xiaoqian to deal with her, but Lin Siran is almost helpless in the face of these two words.

This is Lin Siran's greatest sorrow and weakness.Just like now, she clearly wanted to go up and twist Lin Xiaoqian's hand, but she could only suppress her anger in her heart, unable to move him at all.

"Yo... Master Lin is so majestic!"

Li Xingxu did not know when he appeared in a pavilion not far away, holding a jug of wine in his hand, he seemed to have drunk a lot, his body was leaning against the pillar, his unruly appearance was very different from the usual serious and indifferent prince .

Lin Siran was also a little surprised, he didn't seem like the kind of person who would get drunk on such an occasion.

Li Xingxu stood up holding the jug, his footsteps were a little vain, and when he approached, he looked at Lin Xiaoqian with a smile, and said, "Father is very proud of being able to worship under the famous teacher for the sixth sister, but Master Lin made the same worship here. How can a daughter of a famous teacher be so different as a father?"

Li Xingxu took another sip of wine, his smile was a bit blurred, and when he looked at Lin Siran, his eyes were full of indescribable distress.

With just one glance, Lin Siran felt sad.

People are sometimes very strange. No matter how great the grievances are, they can survive with strength, but if someone expresses their distress to you, they will feel that the grievances are surging like mountains and seas, and they cannot be contained.

Lin Siran clenched her fists fiercely to stop her tears from falling.

"His Royal Highness, you...why are you here?" Lin Xiaoqian remembered that he had clearly observed the surroundings just now, but there was no one there.

Li Xingxu smiled again, and said, "What's wrong? Master Lin is not happy when he sees Master Lin scolding his daughters?"

"Your Highness misunderstood, and I am also happy for my daughter, but this child is too rebellious and selfish. I was worried that she would get carried away, and I didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so I reprimanded her. I didn't expect that she would dare to talk back to me." I beat her." Lin Xiaoqian thought he was right, since he was right, he was not afraid of what Li Xingxu would say, after all, he is a father, so what is wrong with beating his own child?

"Oh? Is Ms. Lin still such a person? Gu is very curious. How Master Lin trains women, and let Gu grow up." Li Xingxu folded his arms and planned to watch, "Master Lin, just continue as a lonely person." exist."

Lin Xiaoqian was said like this, no matter how thick-skinned he was, it was impossible to continue, and he said helplessly, "Is Your Highness a little drunk? Do you want me to invite His Highness's attendants over?"

"You feel lonely and drunk, have you started talking nonsense?" Li Xingxu asked with a half-smile.

"I don't dare, I'm just worried about His Highness's body." Lin Xiaoqian obviously didn't have that much respect for Li Xingxu. If it were King Fu, Lin Xiaoqian's calves would already be shaking.

Lin Siran stood up, her mood calmed down a lot, she straightened her clothes, and said to Lin Xiaoqian: "Father, please forgive me for your request, if father thinks that the younger siblings are qualified to be apprentices, please ask them to rely on their own ability to apprentice Bar."

"You...I raised you for nothing!" Lin Xiaoqian gritted his teeth angrily.

"Apprenticeship? What apprenticeship?" Li Xingxu looked at Lin Siran curiously.

Lin Xiaoqian felt a little embarrassed at this moment, and said: "Your Highness, it's just the minister's housework, I don't dare bother Your Highness to ask."

Saying I dare not, in fact, I just don’t want to.

However, Li Xingxu refused to listen to Lin Xiaoqian's implication, instead he insisted on asking: "Gu just wants to ask, Gu is very free today, Master Lin might as well let Gu also listen, Gu promises not to say anything."

Lin Siran saw that Li Xingxu seemed to be really drunk, otherwise he couldn't say such "rascally" words, right?

Lin Xiaoqian didn't know what to do, and said to Lin Sizan, "Why don't you invite His Highness's followers to serve His Highness?"

"Hey? Why didn't you say it? Can't you just listen?" Li Xingxu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Xiaoqian.

"Your Highness really drank too much, why don't I help His Highness go there to rest?" Lin Xiaoqian couldn't do anything about Li Xingxu, after all, he is the prince, and Lin Xiaoqian can't offend him if he is not favored.

Li Xingxu nodded and said, "Okay, then there will be Lord Laurin."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and asked Lin Xiaoqian to help him.

Lin Xiaoqian had no choice but to act as an attendant, bowed his body, and supported Li Xingxu. Li Xingxu moved to his side, and suddenly vomited all over Lin Xiaoqian with a wow.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Gu really drank too much!" Li Xingxu wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and then threw the handkerchief on Lin Xiaoqian, "Master Lin, wipe it yourself."

Lin Siran was dumbfounded watching from behind, this Li Xingxu is too weird, isn't he?He actually vomited all over Lin Xiaoqian, Lin Xiaoqian is usually the person who cherishes cleanliness the most, this must be disgusting.

Sure enough, Lin Xiaoqian wailed, and then directly took off his coat, but he didn't dare to get mad at Li Xingxu, so he could only endure his disgust, and said, "Your Highness, Rong Chen please leave!"

Li Xingxu waved his hands and said nonchalantly, "Go..."

Lin Xiaoqian almost trotted away.

Lin Siran was dumbfounded from beginning to end.

Li Xingxu turned his head, gave her a naive smile, and then fell back straight.

Lin Siran rushed over subconsciously, wanting to give him a hand, but she didn't expect to be brought down by Li Xingxu. She just lay on Li Xingxu's body, treating him as a meat pad instead.

"Hmm..." Li Xingxu snorted, "You are really heavy!"

Seeing him complaining about his weight again, Lin Sizan thumped Li Xingxu's chest angrily, and said, "Obviously you are heavier, I wanted to pull you, but you pulled me down!"

Li Xingxu smiled, his eyes were a little blurred, looking at Lin Sizan, he suddenly reached out to touch Lin Sizan's slapped cheek, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Lin Siran bounced away like an electric shock and stood up.

Li Xingxu still fell to the ground, looked up at the starry sky, and said: "If one day, I also become a father, I will definitely treat all children fairly, and I will not be biased, and I will not let a certain one suffer. The grievance is also my own flesh and blood, shouldn't the palms and backs of the hands hurt the same?"

Li Xingxu's smile became bitter.

He probably really drank too much.

(End of this chapter)

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