Chapter 220 Go raise geese
Lin Siran thought for a while, and said, "I'd better ask my sister about this matter first. My sister has misunderstood me a lot, and I'm afraid she won't want it!"

"As long as you agree, why is she unwilling? I'm in charge of this matter. As long as you agree, I will pack your bags for you another day. From now on, the family will regularly send food, meat and vegetables to the mountains every month. In addition I'll give you a share from my own monthly bill, and take it as a thank you for taking care of your sister, how about it?" Mrs. Lin didn't expect that Lin Siran would let go, and she was a little excited for a while, and gave a series of promises and benefits.

Seeing that she had taken the bait, Lin Sizan smiled and said, "Mother, you don't need to be like this, we are all one family, why are you being so polite?"

"You want it, life is hard in the mountains, mother can't bear you to suffer!" Mrs. Lin grabbed Lin Siran's hand.

"Mother, let your sister find me later. I have something to tell her. If she agrees, I will take her with me. If she doesn't agree..." Lin Siran paused tactfully, "Then Don't be angry with me, mother!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't make excessive demands, she will definitely obey you!" Mrs. Lin agreed.

Lin Sizan said: "She is my younger sister. As an older sister, how could I make such excessive demands? Mother, don't worry!"

The two of them flirted with each other again, pretending to chat for a few words, then Lin Siran took his leave and left.

In the evening, Lin Qianyu reluctantly came to Lin Siran's room, and at a glance she knew that she was forced to come here by Mrs. Lin, her face was full of unwillingness.

"Sister is here? Sit down!" Lin Siran took the initiative to say.

Lin Qianyu pursed her lips, sat down, and said, "I heard that you want to take me to Mr. Qingxuan?"

Lin Siran said with a half smile but not a smile: "Mother asked you to come, right? Don't worry, I invited you to come here for this very reason."

"What do you want?" Lin Qianyu didn't think Lin Sizan would be so kind.

Lin Siran smiled again: "I hope my sister can promise me a few requests, as long as you can promise to do it, it's not a big deal for me to take you there."

"Tell me." Lin Qianyu couldn't see Lin Siran's complacent look, and said very depressedly.

Lin Siran nodded: "First of all, you have to kowtow to your husband to make amends. Although those geese did not die, they were also very weak after being poisoned. You must first admit your mistakes, and then promise to take the responsibility of taking care of the geese every day. "

"What? You want me to raise geese? Where can I do it?" Lin Qianyu jumped up immediately.

Lin Siran comforted: "You can learn if you don't know, Sui'er will teach you. We raised geese before, and it wasn't that difficult. If you want your husband to like you, you have to show sincerity first and serve the geese well." Only then can you win the favor of Mr.

"I don't want to raise geese, it smells so disgusting!" Lin Qianyu refused without hesitation.

Lin Siran raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then sister doesn't want to follow me?"

"You're clearly trying to make things difficult for me!" Lin Qianyu was angry, "You don't want to take me there, so just say, why are you disgusting people in this way?"

"Hey... My sister has misunderstood all my painstaking efforts. It is really chilling. Since my sister disagrees, there is nothing to say next. My sister will stay at home and take good care of my mother." Lin Siran raised her hand. The teacup is about to see off the guests.

Seeing her arrogant appearance, Lin Qianyu became more and more furious. The anger that had been suppressed for a long time rushed to her forehead. She walked over in three steps at a time and knocked over the tea in Lin Sizan's hand.

"What do you think you are, and you treat me with such an attitude? It's because we give you alms that you have the opportunity to climb the dragon and the phoenix. You don't know how to be grateful. Do you really think you are great?" Lin Qianyu scolded angrily.

Fortunately, the tea was not hot, but Lin Siran's clothes were wet.

Lin Siran looked innocent and said, "Sister, why are you so angry? What did I do wrong?"

"Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn't fight against me, damn girl, I'm angry at you, I have to teach you a lesson today!" Lin Qianyu suddenly picked up the tiles on the ground and swiped towards Lin Siran's face .

Lin Siran hastily blocked it with his hand, and the tile scratched Lin Siran's hand.

"Hiss...sister, are you crazy? What are you going to do?" Lin Sizan shouted, as if terrified.

Lin Qianyu smiled grimly and said, "Isn't it because of your face that you are so lucky? Don't think I don't know. Mr. Qingxuan thinks you look like her friend, so he values ​​you so much. Your Majesty is also because of you. It's only because of your face that I look at you differently, I ruined your face today, let's see how you will continue to deceive me in the future!"

Lin Qianyu's eyes were fierce and ferocious, as soon as she grabbed Lin Siran's hand, she was about to scratch her face.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoqian rushed in from the outside, pulled Lin Qianyu away, and scolded: "You bastard, what are you going to do? She is your sister, are you crazy?"

"Father... you... why are you here?" Lin Qianyu never expected that Lin Xiaoqian would appear at this time.

Of course she couldn't think of it, because this was arranged by Lin Siran.

" me!" Lin Ruran burst into tears, "I don't know what happened to my sister, she suddenly went crazy and wanted to kill someone!"

"Shut up!" Lin Qianyu roared, "You did it on purpose to provoke me, right?"

"What are you talking about? I just hope that you can apologize to your husband, so that he can accept you. Why did you deliberately provoke you, really misunderstood me!" Lin Siran was so wronged that she shed tears Come on, your hands are still bleeding.

"Father, I really don't know what I did wrong. I asked my sister to raise geese for my husband, because my husband and her late husband liked geese the most. If my sister can raise the geese well, my husband will definitely forgive my sister for her previous mistakes. I'm doing this for my sister's sake!" After Lin Siran finished explaining, she couldn't help wiping her tears.

Lin Xiaoqian's face was livid, and he slapped Lin Qianyu's face with a slap, cursing: "Things that are not successful enough to be ruined, what did your mother tell you before she came? Apprenticeship is the most important thing, it is really an incurable thing, a family Everyone is planning for you, but you are born to sing against others, mud can't support the wall!"

"Yes, I am mud, and she is gold inlaid jade. Dad is also partial to her now, and thinks she is better than me in every way, then you want her as a daughter, drive me away, and send me to the countryside. Someone else raised me, anyway, I don’t want to stay here and look at people with cold eyes! You all said that it was for my own good, and you sent me to be a companion to Princess Shushen, but she humiliated me every day and tortured me, and now you want to I'm going to be a girl for Lin Siki, am I that cheap?"

Lin Qianyu cried and condemned Lin Xiaoqian's injustice.

" actually said such heartless words! It's not for you, does father need to ask for help everywhere? Even the companion of Princess Shushen, it was also your father who tried his best to ask for it. You have a good future, can you marry a good family in the future?" Lin Xiaoqian was also full of grievances, "If it wasn't for your sake, why did Dad bring your sister back home? Now she promised to help you, but you are ungrateful Take revenge, your conscience is so bad!"

"Sister, we are really doing this for your own good. Why don't you understand? Even if you don't like me, you shouldn't misunderstand your father and mother's love for you!" Lin Siran said this, but With a sneering smile, he intentionally provoked Lin Qianyu who was already completely enraged.

As expected, Lin Qianyu couldn't bear such a stimulus, roared, got up from the ground again, pulled out the hairpin from her head, and rushed towards Lin Sizan.

(End of this chapter)

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