The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 225 The Old Lady's Weakness

Chapter 225 The Old Lady's Weakness
Lin Siran was startled, and quickly caught Wei Rong'er's pulse. After a while, she showed a gratified smile.

"Congratulations, Erniang." Lin Sian felt that the timing of this child's arrival was really good.

Wei Rong'er also laughed, with tears in her eyes, and said: "I don't want you to see it, I don't feel relieved, but I don't want to say anything now, the master is injured, the old lady must be thinking about him, I'm afraid..."

"Well, needless to say for the time being, this good news will naturally be announced on a good day." Lin Siran thought, if Su knew that Wei Rong'er was pregnant, she would probably find a way to get rid of Wei Rong'er.

She couldn't tolerate Lin Xiaoqian having a child who didn't crawl out of her stomach.

This is also the reason why the Su family did everything possible to harm Lin Sizan. Who told her that Lin Sizan was not Su's own flesh and blood?
Lin Siran said to Wei Rong'er: "With this child and Lin Qianyu's mistake this time, you must put this mistake on the head of the eldest lady and make her bear the crime of being a poor teacher. During Qian Yu's confinement, you will be in charge of discipline."

"This... how can I care about her?" Wei Rong'er was a little reluctant, "Now I only care about your father's safety and the child in my belly, and I'm afraid I will be powerless."

"It is for the sake of the child and the father that Erniang has to put in more energy to fight the eldest lady. You have to know, if the eldest lady is always at home covering the sky with only one hand, can you protect this child well?" Lin Si Ran looked at Wei Rong'er.

Wei Rong'er felt a chill down her spine, and finally made up her mind, saying: "Okay, for my child, I'm not afraid of anything anymore, Ranran, I'll listen to you!"

Lin Siran breathed a sigh of relief.

She has many things that are inconvenient for her to come forward. After all, she is a junior, so she can't interfere with the elders' affairs too much. With Wei Rong'er charging ahead, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Lin Sizan returned to the house and said to Mrs. Lin: "Grandmother, we should arrange more people to go out to find my sister? It's getting dark, and it would be too dangerous for her to run around alone."

"Even if she died outside, I don't bother to care about it. It's really irritating." Mrs. Lin still didn't calm down, "Look at your father, he has never suffered such a crime in his life, but he almost died on his own. In the hands of my daughter, what is this called?"

"Grandmother, I can understand that you are angry, and I am also worried about my father, but... my sister is from our Lin family, if something goes wrong, won't the whole family suffer in the end?" Lin Siran persuaded.

Only then did Mrs. Lin sigh, and said: "It's true that she has raised a funeral star, which is not worrying at all, but the capital is so big, who knows where she will hide?"

"Grandmother, I guess my sister is probably looking for His Royal Highness Fu Wang." Lin Sizan whispered, "She has a private relationship with Fu Wang. I still heard Hui Xin say about it. I couldn't believe it at the time, but in the palace It seems that my sister has had contact with His Royal Highness Fu Wang, and Fu Wang seems to have taken good care of my sister. I thought of such a big thing, and the only thing she can rely on is Fu Wang. She committed a catastrophic disaster, and there were people who helped her."

In fact, Mrs. Lin also vaguely knew about Lin Qianyu and King Fu.

It's just that she didn't want to take care of it before. Anyway, if Lin Qianyu can climb up to King Fu, it will only benefit the Lin family and not harm him, so she just turned a blind eye.

"If she really went to find Prince Fu, I don't think there is any need to find her back." Mrs. Lin sneered, "She wants to enter the Prince Fu's mansion, and she will have a private meeting with a foreigner in the middle of the night, which is really embarrassing to our parents! "

"But grandma, if my younger sister is really allowed to follow Fu Wang in such an unreasonable manner, our family will really lose face. We must bring her back, and...we can't let her act recklessly like this again, otherwise father and We will all be implicated by her." Lin Siran said nervously.

Mrs. Lin lost her mind for a moment and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"In my opinion, it is best to find a place far away from the capital and marry her to quietly send someone to bring my sister back. If she is not in the capital, she will not have a chance to see King Fu again, and we don't have to worry about it anymore. She made troubles and brought down the Lin family. Brother Yuan is young, if Erniang has more younger brothers and sisters in the future, will it be because of her that they will all be unable to hold their heads up in front of others?"

Lin Siran immediately grasped Mrs. Lin's weakness.

She is an old man who values ​​the honor and interests of the family the most. She only wants to honor her family so that future generations can be blessed. Anyone who dares to destroy the reputation and interests of the Lin family is the biggest enemy of Mrs. Lin.

"You're right, the only way to avoid trouble is to let her marry far away, but... for a while, it's hard to find a suitable family? If she doesn't agree, her mother will definitely refuse." Mrs. Lin said.

"Mother naturally wants my younger sister to climb the dragon and attach herself to the phoenix so that she can grow her face, but she can't see the form clearly. His father is valued by His Majesty precisely because he is a clean stream and has never been attached to any faction. He is a pure minister of His Majesty, and there is no complicated family behind him." Relationship. If my younger sister marries King Fu, it will be different, and my father will be directly identified as King Fu's faction. Now that King Fu is becoming more and more powerful, His Majesty may be afraid."

Lin Siran analyzed the situation in the court, Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Siran with strange eyes, and asked: "Ranran, how do you see these things clearly? This is not something that women in the boudoir should care about. .”

Lin Ruran was taken aback, and realized that he had talked too much. It is indeed not normal for a woman to care too much about state affairs. It might be a rooster in the morning, and it would cause bad speculation.

"Grandmother, I also heard it from the palace. I have been in touch with the nobles a lot, so naturally I have become a little bit smarter. If I have something inappropriate, please ask my grandmother to point it out." Lin Siran returned to meekness look, with an expression of fear of saying the wrong thing.

Mrs. Lin's tone was a little heavy, and said: "Ranran, what you said is good and insightful, but this insight should not be revealed. A woman's lack of talent is virtue. I don't object to your reading, and I don't object to it. How knowledgeable you are, but the most important thing for a woman is to follow her own duty, three obedience and four virtues are duty."

"Yes, Ranran remembers her grandmother's teachings, and will not dare to talk about government affairs in the future." Lin Siran said in panic.

"Well, just remember, you are now following the sixth princess, and the people and things you come into contact with are different, but the closer you are to the center of power, the more you must be cautious in your words and deeds, and you must not make the slightest mistake, otherwise you will attract It's too late to regret the big disaster." Mrs. Lin's earnest teaching also sincerely hoped that Lin Siran would be well.

Lin Siran said yes again and again, as if she was obedient to Mrs. Lin's words.

This is also the reason Mrs. Lin likes Lin Siran very much, she thinks this child is obedient and smart, and can understand every point.

(End of this chapter)

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