Chapter 229 You Are Just a Bug

Fu Wang's guards who had stayed outside the door rushed to hear the sound.

"Your Highness!"

"Take this woman who murdered her father and oppressed her own sister to this king, and send her to the Shuntian Mansion, and order the Shuntian Mansion to interrogate her overnight, and make her plead guilty!"

Seeing that Mrs. Lin was not letting go, King Fu simply wanted to send Lin Siran to the yamen. Shuntian Mansion was under his jurisdiction, and the prefect was also his man, so he would naturally know what to do.

As long as Lin Siran enters the Shuntian Mansion, the guilty plea will be handed over to him tomorrow morning. When the emperor knows about it, he also has something to say, the emperor can't go to war for a girl.

Moreover, if the woman enters the prison in Shuntian Mansion, she will be crippled within three days. I'm afraid she won't be able to save her life.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lin shouted in panic: "His Royal Highness, it is absolutely impossible. My granddaughter did not kill her father, how could she be sent to the Yamen? Please be merciful, Your Highness, let her go!"

"It's not that this king has given you a chance. I wanted to expel her from the Lin family, which is considered a lenient sentence, but isn't Mrs. Lin unwilling? Then the king has no choice but to handle it impartially and let the government interrogate her. , if you ask to be killed, ask to be killed!"

There was a malicious smile on the corner of Fu Wang's mouth, but on the surface he pretended to be impartial.

"Since we are going to be sent to the government, should my sister and I be sent together? She identified me as the murderer, and I also identified her. What's more, I have physical and personal evidence, but she is just empty words. Whose suspicion is more serious?" Big, self-explanatory, why is His Highness only being fair and strict to me, but not mentioning the suspicion of my sister?" Lin Siran is now going all out, this King Fu is too deceitful, she has nothing to be afraid of, the worst is death, It was better than being humiliated to death by him.

Anyway, she was having a hard time, and she would never let Lin Qianyu go.

As for Fu Wang, he has his own good end.

King Fu smiled angrily, and said, "Are you questioning this king? Lin Siran, do you know who made the king's law? And who made it for? Stupid and ridiculous woman, do you really think of yourself as a human being?" In the eyes of this king, you are just a bug. If you want to be crushed to death, you will be crushed to death. If you dare to challenge this king, if this king wants to send you to the court and convict you, it is only a matter of one sentence. , and you... have no power to resist at all, this is the fate of the bug!"

Lin Sizan looked at King Fu, and suddenly understood a sentence, if the sky wants to kill him, he must first make him crazy.

King Fu has lived so smoothly these years, he has almost everything he wants, so he completely forgets about it, thinking that he is really omnipotent, but he doesn't know that his rise and fall of honor and disgrace are just a matter of the emperor's words.

Lin Siran had some sympathy for King Fu, he was like a stupid and arrogant pig, thinking that he had everything under control, but he didn't know that everything about him was under the control of others.

Fu Wang noticed Lin Siran's eyes, and was even more annoyed. He asked, "What kind of eyes are you? I think you want to die, don't you?"

"I just feel that the prince is very pitiful. You can only get some kind of satisfaction by bullying a weak woman who has no power to fight back. It seems very majestic to pretend to be omnipotent in front of people who are not as good as you. It just shows your inner inferiority and cowardice. In fact, you live a very empty and fearful life, right? You are anxious every day, what must you do to prove your strength?"

Lin Siran looked at King Fu mockingly, at this moment, he didn't know who was the strong and who was the bug.

Fu Wang finally became angry from embarrassment, drew his sword again, and stabbed towards Lin Ruran, but Lin Siran didn't dodge, but turned his body slightly sideways, and the sword pierced through her shoulder.

She showed a cold smile and let the sword pass through her body, but she even took a step forward, her eyes became cold and sharp, like a sharp blade unsheathed, showing its sharpness.

"You will pay the price for your sword, His Royal Highness Fu!" Lin Ruran smiled, and blood gushed out from where the sword pierced, staining half of her body red.

The surroundings seemed to freeze, and the people also froze, completely forgetting to react.

They just opened their mouths, or widened their eyes, and their expressions froze.

Until Sui'er let out a scream, rushed towards King Fu, and pushed him away.

The sword was also pulled out, and blood splashed out, blooming in the air.

Lin Siran snorted, his face turned pale from the pain, but he refused to fall down, standing there stubbornly, staring at King Fu.

"Miss...Miss..." Sui'er hugged Lin Siran, crying heartbreakingly.

Mrs. Lin and Mother Chun finally came to their senses, and hurried over to check on Lin Siran's injuries.

"Your Highness, King Fu, you are going too far. You actually committed murder and hurt people in my Lin residence!" Mrs. Lin finally couldn't bear it anymore. Even if the other party was King Fu, she couldn't be so lawless, right?
Fu Wang's face was also quite ugly, even a little pale and embarrassed.

He realized that in front of Lin Siran, he was so majestic that he was so agitated that he lost his mind easily. He drew his sword at first just to scare her, but when he drew his sword for the second time, he really wanted to kill her.

This has exceeded Fu Wang's expectations, how could he be so reckless?Even if the other party is just a weak woman, she is also the daughter of a second-rank official, and Lin Xiaoqian is still of great use to him. What he does is tantamount to discrediting the Lin family.

What's more... Lin Siran's status is different now, if he just humiliated her, or slapped her twice, it doesn't matter, at most he was reprimanded by his father, but when he drew his sword and stabbed her, the matter escalated.

" forced me to do it, deserve it!" Fu Wang's tone was so hasty, his arrogance could not be arrogance at once.

Lin Siran sneered, covered the wound to avoid bleeding too much, and said, "I hope you won't regret it!"

After Lin Siran finished speaking, she fell into Sui'er's arms.

King Fu was terrified, thinking that Lin Sizan had been killed by him, in a panic, he dropped his sword, turned around and ran away.

Old Mrs. Lin yelled to find a doctor, and Nurse Chun quickly began to hold Lin Siran's wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

Mrs. Lin and Lin Qianyu were also a little dazed, and they couldn't recover for a long time. They didn't know that things would take a turn for the worse and turn into this situation.

"What are you still doing in a daze, call the doctor for help!" Mrs. Lin roared, "If something happens to Ranran, you mother and daughter will be blamed!"

"What does it have to do with us? His Royal Highness Fu stabbed him." Mrs. Lin was full of resignation, "Who made her so ignorant that she confronted the prince head-on, didn't she want to die?"

"Get lost!" Mrs. Lin yelled angrily, regardless of face, "You poisonous woman with a broken heart, you will have your retribution sooner or later!"

After finishing speaking, he cried and said: "Quick, help to carry Ranran back to the house!"

Lin Siran actually still had some consciousness, but the pain was so painful that she had no strength at all, so she let everyone carry her into the room, and after a while, she had the strength to open her eyes.

Lin Siran held Sui'er's hand tightly, and said, " find Mr., and tell me that I may not be able to do it. Before I die, I want to see...see her as an old man!"

She will never suffer this sword in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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