Chapter 238
"You have a bad temper. After drinking, you can enter the minister's house and stab his daughter?" the emperor asked suppressing his anger.

"Father, forgive me, my son is confused!" Fu Wang's voice was faintly reconciled.

Concubine Zheng looked at the emperor's increasingly gloomy face, and hurriedly persuaded: "Your Majesty, there must be a reason for King Fu to do this. He is not the kind of foolish person, and it is impossible to attack Miss Lin for no reason. There must be a reason !"

"King Fu, tell me... is there something unspeakable?" Concubine Zheng also realized that King Fu suddenly changed his attitude and admitted Lin Siran's accusation. There must be some special reason.

King Fu cried and said with a sad face: "Mother and concubine, I have let you down. It is true that I made a mess after drinking!"

Naturally, he didn't dare to explain the reason clearly in front of the emperor. Lin Siran held a letter that could destroy him. He didn't know how Lin Siran got it, but the process was not important anymore. Handing the letter to the emperor, he will face a huge crisis, and may even lose the favor and trust of his father.

Therefore, Fu Wang would rather choose to admit his harm to Lin Siran. He believed that Lin Siran was just the daughter of a minister.

"Father, please forgive me. I was really drunk and confused, and I believed what Miss Lin said, thinking that Miss Lin had stabbed Lin Shangshu, and even forced Second Miss Lin to jump into the river to commit suicide. I was also momentarily outraged!" Fu Wang explained.

"His Royal Highness Fu really thinks that I have killed my father?" Lin Siran asked.

King Fu gritted his teeth, secretly hating Lin Bianran for being too aggressive, and said: "I don't know about this king, it's your Lin family's housework, how can I know?"

"Since the lord doesn't know, why did you keep claiming that I was a poisonous woman last night, and even beat me up?" Lin Siran was aggressive.

The flesh on Fu Wang's face was twitching, one could imagine the anger in his heart at this time.

"The king was drunk at the time and was impulsive. He didn't do it on purpose. Ms. Lin, don't be aggressive?" King Fu narrowed his eyes and thought, when he passes this level, he will definitely chop Lin Siran into flesh Sauce, to vent the hatred in my heart.

Of course, Lin Sizan knew what King Fu was thinking. Since she chose to enter the palace, she had already declared war on King Fu and Concubine Zheng. Naturally, she had already made all preparations, including the retaliation of King Fu and Concubine Zheng.

"How dare I be aggressive towards His Highness? I just hoped that His Majesty would give me a sincere apology instead of shirking drunkenness, so I thought about this matter. Although I am not as noble as His Highness, my body is also given by my parents. Naturally, he loves me very much, His Highness punched and kicked me, and even stabbed me with a sword, almost costing me my life, so I can't be without apology at all, right?" Lin Siran spoke in an aggrieved tone, but her attitude was always the same. Unchanged.

Under the weak appearance is a heart that never compromises, so even if you are in the most disadvantaged position, you have to turn against the wind.

"Ranran, forget it. Didn't His Highness already say it? He didn't mean it. Besides, His Highness Fu Wang is so honorable. How can you ask him to apologize to you?" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Mrs. Lin hurriedly offered to help King Fu spoke in order to win the favor of King Fu's mother and son.

Concubine Zheng Gui also sneered, and said: "You really take yourself seriously, what are you, asking King Fu to apologize to you?"

"So, the so-called law is only made for the common people. Is it just empty words to say that the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people? Sure enough, I was too naive to expect justice from His Majesty, even though this justice is not enough. It is for His Royal Highness Fu to condescend and give me a sincere apology." Lin Siran smiled wryly and looked at the emperor.

The emperor's face was also a little embarrassed. As an emperor, he naturally had to uphold a fair and fair attitude. Otherwise, the name of "Ming Jun" would be questioned. No matter what he thought in his heart, his superficial skills must be in place.

However, the emperor never expected Lin Sizan to be so disrespectful to King Fu and the concubine. He always thought that Lin Sizan was smart and knew how to hide her strength and bide her time, and she was not the kind of aggressive and sharp-edged woman.

But this time, it surprised him. He didn't even know how she forced King Fu to admit the crime of murdering and hurting others.

But the emperor believed that Lin Siran must have her means, otherwise she would never dare to appear in Zichen Palace with such a posture.

The emperor didn't speak a word all this time, he purposely watched coldly, just wanting to know what kind of strange trick this girl was planning to do.

At this moment, it seemed that Lin Sizan was going to force him, the emperor, to speak, but the emperor felt that it was not time yet.

"Lin Siran, you actually uttered wild words? Do you still have this palace and His Majesty in your eyes?" Concubine Zheng took the lead in launching the attack.

Lin Siran was neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "The minister's words are definitely not because of his majesty and empress, but because he has this question in his heart? Dare I ask, if the minister's daughter and His Highness Fu Wang exchanged identities, would he dare to do so? After it's over, can you be confident, turn black and white, and refuse to admit your sins?"

"Why do you compare yourself with King Fu?" Concubine Zheng asked angrily, "King Fu is the son of His Majesty, the son of my palace, what are you?"

"All the people in the world are the emperor's subjects. Your Majesty loves the people like a son, so he will be respected by all people. Since I am a citizen of the Li Dynasty, Your Majesty is the father of the ministers! Don't tell me your Majesty only cares about your own children, but not yourself. The people of your family?" Lin Sizan asked confidently, without any fear of the imperial concubine's questioning.

Concubine Zheng was stunned for a moment, she always thought that she could be eloquent, but when she met Lin Siran, she realized that she was powerless to fight back.

" are using strong words!" Concubine Zheng held back for a long time before she could say such a sentence.

"I don't dare, I just believe that your majesty is a wise emperor through the ages and must have the virtues of Yao and Shun, so I dare to go to the palace to complain!" Lin Siran looked at the emperor with extremely reverent eyes.

I almost felt ashamed of the emperor.

It's not that the emperor has never heard of flattery, but it's rare for him to say something as natural as Lin Siran.

What Concubine Zheng Gui wanted to say at this time was to question that he, the emperor, was immoral.

Once the tall hat is worn like this, it cannot be taken off.

Fu Wang also realized that he really underestimated Lin Sizran in the past, she knew how to use the power of others too well.

"Fu Wang, since you admit that you did something wrong, it's not too much to apologize to Ms. Lin. As a man, you must take responsibility and measure yourself!" The emperor stroked his beard gently.

Lin Siran realized that the emperor wanted to calm things down, not because he was really angry with King Fu.

How could Lin Siran let King Fu go so easily, she deliberately said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is wise. Your Highness, King Fu, it is not too much to give you an apology for my injuries, right?"

There was a hint of mockery in Lin Sizan's eyes, only Mrs. Lin and Fu Wang who were so close to her could see it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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