Chapter 242
Mrs. Lin has no chance to speak at all. The emperor has spoken, and that is a promise.

She hated in her heart, but she said: "Ranran is really a blessing. With a foster mother like Mr., who will dare to bully her in the future? This is a blessing in disguise, right?"

"Do you want such a chance to get a blessing in disguise?" Qingxuan asked angrily.

Mrs. Lin's mouth twitched a few times, and she said: "Sir, I'm just happy for Ranran, you...why do you do this, you will be Ranran's adoptive mother, and I will be Ranran's mother, so we can be regarded as a family .”

"Who is in your family? Mrs. Su, you are not qualified if you want to join my family!" Qingxuan made no secret of his dislike for Mrs. Lin, "A person who doesn't even want to protect his own daughter is simply miserable." Conscience."

Mrs. Lin's face turned blue and pale, she wanted to get angry but didn't dare, she maintained a very strange expression on her face, whether she wanted to cry or not, she wanted to laugh or not.

Lin Siran felt indescribably happy in her heart, but at the same time felt sad. After all, she was still a little weaker. If she had such courage and toughness as her husband, how could she be tortured and hurt by Mrs. Lin?
Because he is not strong enough, he must endure it. Even after suffering such an injury, he can only swallow his anger.

"Mr. Qingxuan, you are really going too far. Mrs. Lin is a first-rank conferred lady, how can you be so rude?" Concubine Zheng said angrily.

"The noble concubine reminds me that I still know the grade of this imperial lady." Mr. Qingxuan was not polite to Concubine Zheng, "Your Majesty, it's your turn to speak. My daughter is still seriously injured, so I have to go back to take care of her sooner. You should make up your mind quickly."

The emperor glanced at Concubine Zheng, then at King Fu, and asked, "Qingxuan, how about...another way? This imperial staff of thirty is a bit too heavy."

"So your Majesty thinks the wound from the sword is not serious enough?" Qingxuan asked, "I really don't feel the pain when the sword didn't stab me. Your Majesty loves his son so much, but he doesn't know it. Is it His Majesty's blessing to hurt a prince at will, who can even kill a woman?"

The emperor's face suddenly darkened.

Concubine Zheng was a little happy, thinking that the emperor must no longer be able to stand Mr. Qingxuan's presumptuousness and rudeness, and was about to throw a thunderbolt.

Concubine Zheng glanced at Mr. Qingxuan provocatively, and incited beside her: "Your Majesty, you are tolerant, but this Mr. Qingxuan has become more and more ignorant, and has repeatedly been rude to His Majesty. My concubine sees that Your Majesty should punish her well." Let her know that Tianwei must not be offended!"

Qingxuan snorted.

"Come on!" the emperor shouted, his voice heavy.

Concubine Zheng was extremely proud, as if she had foreseen Qingxuan's end.

Lin Siran was also a little worried, and wanted to ask for mercy, but Mr. Qingxuan shook hands secretly, signaling her not to be nervous.

Jin Jiawei came in from the door, knelt down and obeyed.

The emperor's face was heavy, and he said: "Pull King Fu down, the imperial staff is thirty!"

The two chief guards of the Golden Armored Guards were astonished, and they were afraid that they had heard it wrong. After all, this is His Majesty's most beloved His Majesty, His Highness Fu Wang. When has he ever been beaten?

"What? I didn't say it clearly enough? Do I need to repeat it again?" The emperor's face became even more ugly.

Concubine Zheng only came to her senses at this time, and shouted: "Your do you really want to do something to Jue'er?"

"He didn't know what to do. He broke into the courtier's house, committed murder and hurt others. He didn't know how to repent afterwards. He repeatedly argued and shirked. He didn't take any responsibility at all. I'm going to teach him to be a man!" It just hurt him.

Concubine Zheng knelt down on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, if you want to beat King Fu, you might as well send your concubine along with you. The concubine is just such a son who gave birth to him after a narrow escape. If you want to beat him, it is worse than me." Make my heart ache!"

The emperor thought of the scene where the imperial concubine desperately gave birth to King Fu for him, and his heart softened immediately.

The prince was a child born by accident. He didn't look forward to Li Xingxu's birth, and even felt that it was a stain on him.

But King Fu was born in his expectation, and this kind of emotion is naturally different. It can be said that in the emperor's heart, King Fu was the first time he experienced the joy and excitement of being a father.

Qingxuan seemed to understand the emperor's mind, and murmured: "Fu Wang is the heart of the imperial concubine and her only child, but Ranran is also her mother's only child. Even if Fu Wang has both parents, he has His Majesty's favor. What is the care of the noble concubine and empress? Her mother passed away early, and her father gave her to outsiders to be raised when she was still a baby, but it is really embarrassing that the fate of people can be so different?"

The emperor looked shy, showing shame, and said: "Qingxuan, you are right, I am confused. As a king, all children are my subjects."

"Fu Wang, do you know your mistake?" the emperor asked, hoping that Fu Wang would sincerely repent. He had high hopes for Fu Wang, and he did not hope that he would be ignorant, selfish and timid.

King Fu said aggrievedly: "I know I'm wrong, but...Father, do you really want to beat this minister? Ever since you were young, you have never touched a finger of this minister."

King Fu was a child who was doted on and grew up. The emperor was a strict father most of the time in front of other children, but in front of King Fu, most of the time he was amiable and extremely generous.

It wasn't until King Fu grew up that the emperor gradually became stricter with him. This was also because he hoped that King Fu could grow up and take on great responsibilities.

But King Fu didn't understand this strictness. Instead, he thought that the emperor was projecting his feelings on his younger siblings. If there were more princes, he would not care about it.

When he heard that the emperor was going to hit him with thirty court sticks, Fu Wang didn't react for a long time, as if he was hallucinating, until now, all his grievances came out, a big man was about to cry.

The emperor closed his eyes slightly, as if he couldn't bear it, but his voice was still so thick, he said: "Jue'er, a man, dare to act bravely, I hope you will learn from it, and you will not be so reckless in the future."

"Father... My son is not reconciled. I just beat a girl and I promised to make it up to her. Why is she still relentless? What right does she have to ask me to apologize?" King Fu asked, "I never I am too humble, I am the prince, I am the king of Fu, I am the most beloved son of the father, what is she? If I hit, I will hit, and if I scold, I will scold!"

"Bastard!" The emperor was also angry, "What are you talking about? She was also raised by her mother's parents, so why do you beat and scold her? Her father is the Minister of the Household Department, a university scholar, and a pillar of the country. You humiliate and bully him so casually!" Daughter, wouldn’t Lin Shangshu’s heart be chilled?”

The emperor hated iron for being weak, and regretted that he was too indulgent and pampered to King Fu in the past, which made him so ignorant.

"What's the matter with Lin Shangshu? It's his duty to eat the emperor's salary to share the worries of the emperor. If he dares to be dissatisfied with his father and sons, he is disloyal and unfilial. He is not an official. Naturally, someone wants to be an official." To put it bluntly, he is just a dog raised by the emperor and the court, and it is the duty of a dog to be loyal to his master!"

(End of this chapter)

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