Chapter 264
Qingxuan wanted to rush in several times, but she knew it was not the time yet.

Lin Siran is still firmly in the upper hand at the moment, and if he helps out by himself, it may add to the chaos.

"Poor thing, the Lin family is really heartbroken, bullying a little girl like this."

"That's right, what kind of disaster star, the little girl looks like a water spirit, how can she look like a disaster star?"

"I heard that Mr. Lin won the number one prize back then, so he was favored by Mrs. Lin Su, who forced him to divorce his wife and remarry, forcing his original wife to death."

"What? Master Lin still has an original partner?"

"Isn't this Miss Lin born to the original spouse? Poor...mother was forced to death, now it's her turn."

"What a vicious Mrs. Lin."

Everyone started talking again, pointing and pointing at Mrs. Lin, very contemptuous of her despicable viciousness.

Lin Siran wiped away her tears, and seemed to calm down again, looked at Mei Youwei, and asked, "My lord, what evidence does Mrs. Lin have to prove that I am the murderer?"

Mei Youwei seemed to have just realized it, and said, "Yes, Mrs. Lin, do you still have evidence?"

Mrs. Lin gave Mei Youwei a dark look.

"Yes, there is a coachman who can testify!" Mrs. Lin had no choice but to say.

Mei Youwei summoned Ma Liu, the coachman of the Lin family, over.

Ma Liu tremblingly knelt on the ground, as soon as he arrived, he quickly acted like he was reciting a letter, and said: "My lord, I sent the old lady and the second lady to meet the eldest lady that day, because the road in the forest is narrow, the carriage can only be parked outside. I I leaned on the carriage and waited alone, and then the girl next to the eldest lady came to bring me tea and thanked me for my hard work, so I drank the tea."

"I didn't expect that after drinking tea, I would be very sleepy, and then I fell asleep leaning on the carriage. Later, the old lady and the others woke me up when they came back."

"I was not very clear-headed at the time, and I was drowsy while driving the carriage. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't lose control of the reins when the horse suddenly ran away in fright, and the carriage wouldn't fall into the river."

Ma Liu clattered and finished talking, and then lay down there and pretended to be dead.

When Mei Youwei heard this, she thought to herself, finally there is a way to convict Lin Siran, so that she can explain to King Fu.

"Lin Siran, what else do you have to say?" Mei Youwei asked, "Is this considered to be a complete authentication and physical evidence?"

"Master Mei, this Ma Liu is a servant of the Lin family. Can what he said be used as evidence? It is said that my girl brought him tea, but that day my girl was by my side and never left."

"Master Mei, why don't you pass on her girl to the hall, and you can find out after asking." Mrs. Lin said.

Mei Youwei nodded, just as she was about to send the officials to arrest her, Sui'er and Qingying came out from the crowd.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to summon us, we are here." Qing Ying glanced at Mrs. Lin with a cold expression.

She hasn't forgotten the murder of Hongying Sakura.

It just so happens that the old and new grudges are settled together.

"Ma Liu, who brought you the tea?" Mei Youwei asked.

"It's Sui'er." Ma Liu pointed to Sui'er.

Sui'er was brought to the Lin Mansion by Lin Sizan from outside, so Ma Liu had already been instructed, who should be identified would be more convincing.

Mei Youwei asked loudly, "Sui'er, can you plead guilty?"

Sui'er knelt down and said, "I don't know what crime I have committed, and I have never brought tea to Ma Liu."

"Beat her and see if she still recognizes her!" Mrs. Lin winked at Mei Youwei.

Mei Youwei also knew that this matter should not be delayed any longer, it had to be concluded as soon as possible, otherwise it is not known how it will develop in the future.

"Wait!" Lin Siran shouted immediately.

Mei Youwei asked, "Are you willing to plead guilty?"

"I'm not guilty, why do I have to confess? Sui'er was under my nose that day and never left, let alone go out to deliver tea to Ma Liu."

Lin Siran would never agree to other people's punishment to hurt Sui'er.

"Yes, Sui'er and I were together that day, which can prove that she never went out." Qing Ying also hastily explained.

"You are a group, of course you will cover up each other." Mrs. Lin said.

Lin Sizan ignored Mrs. Lin, and instead said to Mei Youwei: "My lord, I can't prove anything based on Ma Liu's one-sided words. I have a few questions to ask Ma Liu, please allow me."

"You are a defendant, how can you still ask questions? Who do you think you are?" Mrs. Lin will not give Lin Siran a chance to stand up.

Lin Siran remained calm and said, "Ma'am, since you believe what Ma Liu said is true, why are you afraid of me asking a few questions? Do you know that Ma Liu is lying?"

"Also, even if I am the defendant, in the courtroom, as long as I have not pleaded guilty, I will have the opportunity to prove my innocence. Mrs. Mei won't want to torture me, will I?"

Mei Youwei didn't dare to say anything at this time, so she waved her hand and said, "Ask!"

"Thank you, Master Mei!" Lin Siran knelt down and thanked Ma Liu.

For the matter of torture and interrogation, Lin Siran may be much more proficient than a confused official like Mei Youwei.

"Ma Liu, did you say that Sui'er brought you tea that day?" Lin Siran asked.

Ma Liu didn't dare to raise his head, he just nodded.

Lin Sizan said loudly: "Please answer directly, and the voice should be louder, so that Mr. Mei and everyone in the hall can hear."

Ma Liu tried his best to amplify his voice, but still said timidly: "Yes, it was Sui'er who brought me the tea."

"You have been waiting outside the bamboo forest, and you have never entered the bamboo forest, have you?" Lin Sianran asked.

Ma Liu raised his head this time, and said with certainty, "Yes, I haven't gone in."

Lin Siran nodded, making sure he was telling the truth.

"Then Sui'er brought you tea that day, what kind of cup did you use? What kind of teapot?" Lin Siran looked at Ma Liu.

Ma Liu's eyes lit up, as if he had expected Lin Sian to ask.

"It's a black teapot, made of pottery, and the teacup is made of bamboo tube. It smells like bamboo!"

Lin Siran knew in her heart that this must have been explained by Mrs. Lin in advance.

Just as Sui'er was about to refute, she was stopped by Lin Sizan shaking her head.

"What did Sui'er tell you when she brought you tea?" Lin Siran asked.

Ma Liu may not have a good memory, so after thinking about it, he stammered and said: "She said that the old lady and the second lady were talking to the young lady inside, and asked me to wait a little longer and have a cup of tea for a rest."

"Is there any more?" Lin Siran asked.

"Well, she also said that the old lady was a little angry, because the eldest lady refused to go home with the old lady, and said that the eldest lady still has grievances."

"You're talking nonsense!" Sui'er finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Sizan glanced at Sui'er, and said, "Sui'er, don't interrupt, I didn't ask you anything."

Sui'er lowered her head aggrievedly.

"Then why do you answer her words?" Lin Siran asked curiously, as if chatting.

Ma Liudao: "I drank tea without saying anything. I was a little thirsty at the time."

"She told you so many things, but you didn't answer a single word?" Lin Siran smiled, "Is this unlikely?"

Ma Liu thought about it, maybe because no one had explained it, he didn't know how to answer this sentence.

"I don't remember." Ma Liu glanced at Mrs. Lin, and decided to muddle through like this.

(End of this chapter)

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