Chapter 265 What Are You Asking?

Madam Lin nodded approvingly.

"Then what clothes Sui'er was wearing at that time?" Lin Siran asked.

"Just wear the same clothes as today!" Ma Liu returned immediately, without thinking about it.

Lin Sizan then asked Ma Liu: "Were you and Sui Er very close?"

"No...not familiar." Ma Liu shook his head. How could he, a driver in charge of driving, be familiar with Lin Sian's girl?
"When Sui'er pours you tea, does he pour the water with his left hand or his right hand?" Lin Siran continued to ask.

Ma Liu looked at Lin Siran in a daze, not knowing why she was throwing a hammer here and there, asking random questions.

"I don't remember, how can I remember clearly?" Ma Liu felt very helpless.

Lin Sizan didn't blame him, but smiled, and then asked: "Is the tea delicious? Is it hot?"

"It's hot. The weather is getting cold. It's quite comfortable to have a sip of hot tea." Ma Liu could answer easily.

The corners of Lin Ruran's mouth curled into a beautiful arc.

Lin Siran smiled, and asked again: "When did you find out that there was something wrong with the carriage?"

"I didn't realize it. If I had found out earlier, wouldn't the old lady get out of the carriage? The horse was suddenly frightened and ran away. I was frightened and jumped out of the carriage. Later, the carriage overturned into the river. I hurriedly called for someone. Afterwards, when the people from the government came, they fished up the carriage and found that there were signs of vandalism on it."

Lin Siran nodded, and said: "You said that you were still in a daze when driving, could it be that you accidentally drove the car into the river, but claimed that the horse was frightened and fell into the river?"

"Impossible, I...even if I'm dizzy, I won't drive the cart into the river. The horse is frightened." Ma Liu immediately retorted.

"That doesn't sound right. You are in a daze. How do you know why you are driving a carriage? When you arrive at the river, seeing that something is wrong, you jump off first, but let the master fall into the river with the carriage. Turn around and say goodbye." People say that the horse was frightened and the carriage had a problem, so it fell into the river, so as to avoid responsibility?"

Lin Siran deliberately placed the crime on Ma Liu.

"Miss, you are trying to kill me. I, Ma Liu, have been driving for so many years. Even if I drink too much wine occasionally, such an accident will never happen." Ma Liu promised, patted his chest.

"Dare to drive after drinking too much alcohol? Did you drink that day?" Lin Siran asked.

"No, there was absolutely no drinking that day," Ma Liu said.

"Have you asked enough?" Mrs. Lin couldn't listen anymore, "Ask a bunch of irrelevant questions just to waste Mrs. Mei's time?"

"Ma'am, why worry? I haven't asked the key question yet. Since I'm here in court today, I can't do other things."

Lin Siran appeared very calm and calm, and was not influenced by Mrs. Lin at all.

"Ma Liu, let me ask you again, what did you have for breakfast that morning?" Lin Siran asked.

"I... I usually eat two buns and drink a glass of cold water." Ma Liu said.

"What I'm asking is what did you eat on the day of the accident, how many buns?" Lin Sian insisted on asking.

Ma Liu's face was full of embarrassment, as if he was getting impatient.

"How can I remember so clearly, why don't I just eat a little for breakfast!" Ma Liu said.

Lin Siran nodded, and then asked: "The second lady was with the old lady that day, and she also fell into the river. I think the golden step rock on her head was also lost? It's a pity, it must have fallen into the river gone."

"How would I know, Miss, what exactly are you going to ask?" Ma Liu finally couldn't help it anymore, feeling very restless.

"Sui'er also wore a gold hairpin that I gave you that day, did you find out?" Lin Siran asked intentionally.

"I don't care what gold or silver she wears like a girl!" Ma Liuqi asked somewhat discomfitingly.

Lin Siran smiled, then turned around, looked at Master Mei, and said, "Your Excellency must have heard clearly, this Ma Liu is full of nonsense, and there is no truth at all."

Mei Youwei looked confused and asked, "How did you find out?"

"While he remembers the teapot and teacups for drinking water clearly, he has no impression of what Sui Er is wearing or what he is wearing. Don't people see more clearly than teapots?"

"He doesn't even remember what he ate in the morning, why does he remember that the tea is still hot?"

"But from the bamboo house to the outside of the bamboo forest, there is at least two miles. After walking there, according to Sui'er's instruction, the tea was cold when she went out, but he said it was hot. Isn't he obviously lying? He didn't go into the bamboo forest , so I don’t know how far the bamboo house is to the outside, so I dare to speak nonsense.”

Qingying nodded, and said: "That's it. Besides, we don't even give a cup of tea to people standing outside the bamboo house, how could we go all the way to deliver tea to a coachman, and he also deserves it?"

Qingying's face was full of disdain.

"Of course I won't send it on purpose. Isn't it just to ask for medicine to dump Ma Liu so that I can tamper with the carriage?" Mrs. Lin hurriedly said.

"It's not surprising what Ma Liu remembers and what he doesn't remember. Everyone pays attention to different things. Is it too much to say that Ma Liu is lying?" Mrs. Lin also retorted eloquently.

Lin Siran nodded, seeming to agree with Mrs. Lin's words.

Then he said: "But we never use bamboo tubes to make cups. My husband uses a set of white porcelain tea sets from Ru Kiln. The sixth princess often uses celadon tea cups. I use purple sand tea sets. Our bamboo house even burns tea. You don’t need any pottery pots to boil water, if you don’t believe me, Master Mei can go to the bamboo house to have a look.”

"I... I remembered. I made a mistake just now. It's not a bamboo cup, it's... a porcelain cup. I don't remember what kind of porcelain it is." Ma Liu said hastily.

As soon as Mrs. Lin heard this, she knew something was wrong.

This Ma Liu is simply confused.

"Is it a bamboo tube or a porcelain cup?" Lin Siran asked.

"The porcelain cup is made of porcelain. At that time, I thought the porcelain was quite thin, and it looked like a high-end product." Ma Liu hurriedly said.

Lin Sizan showed a sneer and asked, "Are there any flowers on it?"

"Yes, it's a beautiful flower." Ma Liu continued to talk nonsense.

"Nonsense!" Lin Sizan scolded loudly, "You can say what I say, in fact, you never drank Sui'er's tea at all, and you never saw Sui'er that day."

"I've seen it, I've really seen it." Ma Liu hastily argued, "She's wearing today's clothes."

"Nonsense, I was wearing a peach pink dress that day, can't you tell the difference between red and green?" Sui Er asked.

Ma Liu was a little flustered.

"Don't scare Ma Liu, don't you mean what you say? Ma Liu has no grievances with you, why would you lie to hurt you?" Mrs. Lin hinted that Ma Liu should calm down.

Ma Liu seemed to have gained courage again, and said, "That's right, it's you who are talking nonsense and disturbing me, but she came to bring me tea, I remember correctly."

"No injustice or enmity? Naturally, Ma Liu has no grievance or enmity with us, but the eldest lady is determined to kill me. Otherwise, how could there be today's court incident?" Lin Siran looked at Mrs. Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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