Chapter 266

Mrs. Lin said: "I just want to expose your true face, so that everyone can take a good look at what it means to lure wolves into a house, and what it means to repay kindness with revenge!"

"Well, Ma'am, what reason do I have to kill my grandmother and Erniang? You know, when I was in the Lin family, I was close to my grandmother, and I got along well with Erniang. The motive for killing someone is necessary." Lin Siran looked at Looking at Mrs. Lin.

"Because you are dissatisfied with the old lady who wants to drive you out of the house in a fit of anger, so you hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to retaliate." Mrs. Lin said.

"This is even more contradictory. My grandmother and Erniang came to persuade me to go home that day. What can I do to get revenge?" Lin Siran asked.

"You don't want to go home, you've climbed a tall branch, and you don't care about the Lin family anymore." Mrs. Lin mocked.

Lin Siran sighed, and said, "I climbed onto Gao Zhi'er? Are you talking about my godmother, Mr. Qingxuan? But if there is a way, who would want to turn against their relatives? It was my father who told me to go away." Those who leave the Lin family still want to sever ties with me, and my grandmother didn't persuade me at the time, so why would I hate my grandmother instead?"

"The Lin family all saw it. When they sent me out that day, my grandmother was worried. She even handed over Qingying's deed of sale to me, saying that Qingying should take good care of me. My grandmother and I did not have any quarrel, and the second mother even shed tears. Send me out, if I want to kill anyone, I can't hurt them!"

Lin Siran wiped away tears sadly.

"It's totally unreasonable for the lady to accuse me of such a crime." Lin Sizan looked at Mei Youwei, "My lord, please make the decision for me!"

Mei Youwei was almost persuaded by Lin Sizan.

"Master Mei, please make the decision for me, for the Lin family, and for my mother-in-law who is still unconscious!" Mrs. Lin also started to shout.

At this time, the master suddenly winked at Mei Youwei.

Mei Youwei seemed to have realized something, and said: "Temporarily suspend the hall, I need to think about it carefully, and interrogate later."

After speaking, Mei Youwei retreated to the back hall.

Lin Siran and Mrs. Lin looked at each other, and there were sparks in each other's eyes.

"Ranran, the Lin family treats you well, and your grandmother loves you very much. How can you be so cruel?" Mrs. Lin asked loudly on purpose.

Lin Siran looked at her and didn't say a word for a long time.

Mrs. Lin was very puzzled and asked, "Are you dumb? You were so eloquent just now, but now you don't say anything?"

Lin Siran lowered his head, still not saying a word.

Seeing this, Mrs. Lin smiled, and asked, "Are you guilty? Or are you speechless?"

"It's not that I'm guilty, and it's not that I'm speechless. It's just that it's useless to say anything to my wife. You don't believe my words and insist on making me confess. What's the difference between whether I say it or not?"

Lin Siran sighed lightly, full of helplessness.

Mrs. Lin said angrily: "You are obviously guilty of being a thief, so you dare not speak up? Today in court, you will definitely explain the truth. The legal net will be restored, and you will not miss it."

"If there is a legal net, I'm afraid I'm not the one I'm most afraid of." Lin Siran's voice was so soft that only a few people in the hall could hear it.

Mrs. Lin naturally heard it too, and she looked at Lin Siran in shock.

"Don't think that you can hide from everyone what you did." Lin Sizan looked at her with dark eyes, but they were quickly covered by her drooping eyelids.

Mei Youwei came out again after a while, with a hint of excitement on her face.

"Okay, stop arguing and listen to me!" Mei Youwei slapped the gavel, and the hall became quiet again.

Mei Youwei glanced at Lin Siran, and said, "Since both sides have provided witnesses, the officer will have to torture him thoroughly, and he will definitely find out the truth."

"Come here, pull Ma Liu and Sui'er down, and give them twenty slaps each!" Mei Youwei was about to be sentenced.

Lin Siran hurriedly said: "Master Mei, using torture is not a good strategy. Sui'er is weak and cannot withstand beatings. Do you want torture to succeed?"

"How can you tell the truth if you don't fight?" Mrs. Lin sneered.

"My lord, what I'm telling is the truth, why do you want to beat me?" Ma Liu couldn't hold it anymore, he was also afraid of pain.

Mrs. Lin coughed, and said, "Ma Liu, you should cooperate well with Mrs. Mei, and the truth of the matter will be revealed. The Lin family will never treat you badly."

Ma Liu's eyes rolled, and he seemed to have a choice between benefits and physical injuries.

"Miss, don't worry, let them beat me, even if they beat me to death, I won't lie!" Sui'er said loudly.

How could Lin Siran have the heart to let Sui'er be beaten?
"Beat me!" Qing Qing shouted, "Sui'er is weak, I can hold on, isn't it twenty boards, forty boards are fine!"

"Qing Ying, don't try to be brave, you're going to get rid of your pants in this courtroom!" Mrs. Lin showed a sinister smile.

Sui Er panicked.

Mei Youwei nodded and said, "So Sui Er, do you want to be punished, or do you want to tell the truth?"

"This servant has always told the truth. This servant did not bring tea to Ma Liu, let alone drug him. Our young lady did not destroy the carriage or harm anyone!" Sui'er said firmly, with tears in her eyes.

"It seems that you are really stubborn, so I will not be polite!" Mei Youwei threw down a token and was about to execute the punishment.


Qingxuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, pushed aside the crowd, and walked to the door.

"Godmother?" Lin Siran looked at Qing Xuan who took off his veiled hat in surprise.

"Who is making noise in the hall?" Mei Youwei didn't know Qingxuan, "Come here, drive her out!"

"I'll see who dares to move!" Qingxuan unhurriedly showed his gold medal.

When Mei Youwei saw it, her face turned pale with fright, she climbed down and kowtowed in salute.

"Long live my emperor!"

The common people also knelt down quickly, and everyone in the hall also knelt down. Only Mrs. Lin knelt down reluctantly, with a bit of disdain on her face.

"Shuntian Mansion, is this how you handle cases?" Qingxuan asked coldly.

Mei Youwei didn't know who won the gold medal, so he said in panic, "I'm an official... I'm just handling the case according to the regulations."

"Did the regulations tell you to call for beatings and kills without asking anything clearly?" Qingxuan asked, "I am Yu Xie Qingxuan. I am the clearest about what happened that day. Why didn't you summon me to the court for questioning?"

"This..." How could Mei Youwei have imagined that Mr. Qingxuan, who had always lived in seclusion and hadn't heard from him for a long time, would come to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion and listen to the trial outside.

"Not yet... I haven't had time to invite you, sir." Mei Youwei was ashamed.

Qingxuan snorted coldly: "Okay, I'm here now, you can ask carefully."

Mei Youwei panicked and said: "No, I dare not, the lower officials dare not."

"If you ask me, just ask, why don't you dare? I'm a woman, can I still eat you?" Qingxuan looked contemptuous.

Then Mei Youwei said tremblingly: "Yes, yes..."

"Get up, how can you ask questions while kneeling?" Qingxuan put away the gold medal, otherwise none of these people would be able to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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