Chapter 274 The Secret of King Fu

Lin Siran didn't expect King Fu to come so quickly, and was a little surprised.

"My lord... came here so soon? Oh... You must have been sitting in the back office all the time, right? No wonder Mei Youwei was so confident later on." Lin Siran had already guessed.

King Fu had someone open the cell door and walked in.

Mrs. Lin actually followed.

"Your Highness, don't talk to her. You have a noble status, and it is not appropriate to condescend to come to this place."

Mrs. Lin tried her best to flatter King Fu.

"Ma'am, you go out first. This king wants to talk to her alone. Stay away and don't let anyone approach you."

King Fu waved his hand and let Mrs. Lin go down.

Mrs. Lin just glared at Lin Siran, and walked away with her head held high and her chest held high in the attitude of a winner.

Lin Siran only thought she was ridiculous.

"You are really not afraid of death, how dare you threaten me at this time?" Fu Wang looked at Lin Siran, the light in the cell was not enough, his face looked gloomy.

Lin Siran said: "I'm not trying to threaten the prince, I'm just telling the prince, don't push me too fast, a rabbit will bite if it's too fast."

"You are not a rabbit, you are a beautiful snake!"

King Fu sneered, "I will never forget the humiliation you gave me."

"My lord has only received thirty court sticks, but he can move freely so quickly. It can be seen that the thirty court sticks are just for fun, but you almost killed me."

"My king sees that you are living well." Fu Wang really regretted not killing Lin Siran with a sword.

"But this time, you're not so lucky."

Fu Wang made no secret of his killing intent.

"The end of offending this king is death."

"My lord really wants to kill me?"

Lin Siran smiled.

"After killing me, His Majesty will know the secret of this letter."

"You are dead, who will know?"

"Whoever gave me this letter, you don't think I'm the only one who knows?"

Lin Siran laughed again.

"My lord is not so naive, is he?"

"You are so bold, are you not afraid of death, or do you think that the king dare not kill you?"

King Fu narrowed his eyes, he really didn't understand, how could a little girl have such courage?

"I bet the prince won't dare to kill me."

Lin Siran no longer shy away from it.

"I am alive, so of course I will not reveal His Highness's secret, because His Highness will be afraid only if he holds this secret."

"If I die, there is no need to keep this secret. My friends will definitely expose you."

"Do you want to try, my lord?"

Lin Siran raised her head, revealing her delicate and beautiful neck, as if she was ready to die at any moment.

King Fu grabbed her neck with such force that he almost broke Lin Siran's neck.

"My lord has to think about it, whether to keep me a secret, or kill me, and completely lose His Majesty's favor."

"Which is more important? I am just a woman who poses no threat to you, why do you have to kill them all?"

Lin Siran looked at Fu Wang fixedly, but refused to bow his head.

Fu Wang also stared at her coldly, his eyes were fierce.

"You don't know what the secret is at all, you just saw the secret seal of the letter in the palace by chance."

King Fu is also betting whether Lin Sizan really knows or not.

"My lord... Isn't this letter a seal of your relationship with someone in the palace?"

Lin Sizan actually didn't know much about this, but it was enough to bluff King Fu, and her guess would definitely not be too bad.

Fu Wang's eyes had already betrayed him.

She was right, it really was a letter between people in the palace.

Fu Wang's face suddenly became as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes almost burst into flames, full of murderous intent.

Lin Siran felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, did he really intend to strangle her to death?
Lin Siran gritted her teeth and said with difficulty: "Your Highness can kill me to silence you, but after you kill me, His Royal Highness may be happy!"

"You..." King Fu suddenly relaxed when he heard this sentence, "What does this mean?"

Lin Siran was able to breathe.

"My lord, it's hard for me to talk when you're like this." Lin Siran pointed at him and pinched her hand.

Only then did King Fu let go of her, looked at her bitterly, and said, "If you dare to speak nonsense, this king will immediately tell you to die here."

"My lord doesn't need to speak so harshly. It's not that I don't know that you want to kill me." Lin Siran said mockingly.

She rubbed her neck, it must have been pinched and swollen, and it hurt badly.

"As soon as the prince kills me, His Royal Highness will receive a private letter from you and the people in the palace. At that time, do you think the prince will seize the opportunity and give the prince a hard blow?"

Lin Siran raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a gloating smile.

"As expected, you and the crown prince are in the same group. This king guessed correctly, so you don't even want to live." King Fu didn't want to strangle Lin Siran this time.

In this cell, Lin Siran can die as he wants her to die.

"My lord really guessed wrong, I have nothing to do with the crown prince, and I only had a meeting with Concubine Hui once, but I dare not make a fool of myself because of this, thinking that I am the crown prince's man."

Lin Siran didn't really feel that he should seek refuge with the prince until now.

She knew how difficult this road was, even for the crown prince and concubine Hui herself, it was extremely difficult.

She is a weak woman, how big a wave can she make?

It's just that King Fu and Concubine Zheng kept pressing each other hard, and he had to be pushed into the prince's camp by them.

Let King Fu gain power, can she have a good life in the future?

"Then how dare you threaten the king with the crown prince?" King Fu asked.

"I was just forced to be helpless by His Highness. I can't die in vain, right? Since I have no way out, I won't let His Highness live too comfortably. Although I may not be able to pull His Highness into a back seat, it will definitely make His Highness very unhappy. yes?"

Lin Siran sneered.

"You really don't know how to live or die, you can shake a tree without knowing what you can do!" Fu Wang said contemptuously, "You only know a sign, and you have no proof, how can you expose me?"

"That's why I said that His Royal Highness needs to be involved in this matter. If I can't find out, it doesn't mean that His Royal Highness can't find out either. Concubine Hui is also in the palace."

Lin Siran said with a smile but not a smile.

"Prince? Do you count on him? He is just a cowardly and incompetent guy. If it weren't for the fact that he is the eldest son, Concubine Hui would please the emperor's grandmother. What qualifications does he have to be the prince?"

King Fu disdained Li Xingxu very much.

"His Royal Highness Fu, is it inappropriate for you to say such a thing? His Royal Highness is the crown prince, and the crown prince is also a king. Even if you are the prince of Qizhu, you are still a subject. The difference between a monarch and a minister is like the difference between cloud and mud. This is a big treason, Your Highness."

Lin Siran deliberately said this to provoke King Fu.

"Shut up!" King Fu yelled, "I don't need you to tell me what is the difference between monarch and minister."

"Of course, Your Highness doesn't need me to tell you, because His Highness knows better than anyone else, but he just thinks that he is more qualified to be a prince, right? You are not willing to be a prince for the rest of your life."

Lin Siran just wanted to delay as long as possible, waiting for Mr. Qingxuan to come back, so that he could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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