The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 273 Don't Take Sister Lin Away

Chapter 273 Don't Take Sister Lin Away

Lin Sizan looked at the chaos and sighed wearily. It seemed that someone was determined to defend Mrs. Lin, or to put it another way, determined to make things difficult for her.

Lin Sizan pulled Sui'er and Qingying up to prevent them from kneeling.

There was no one at the door, only the sixth princess was surrounded by officers and soldiers, for fear that if the sixth princess made a mistake here, Shuntian Mansion would not be able to afford it.

"Princess, you'd better come in, don't stand at the door, beware of assassins." Master begged.

The sixth princess was also frightened, so she hurried in and hid behind Lin Sian.

"Sister Lin, it's so scary." The sixth princess looked at the fourth son Su who was killed on the ground.

Lin Siran covered her eyes and said, "Don't be afraid, my sister is here, no one would dare to hurt you."

The sixth princess kept holding Lin Siran's arm and did not let go.

Mei Youwei waited for the situation to stabilize, then climbed out, adjusted his hat, and said, "This case will be retrialed after adjournment, and Lin Siran will be imprisoned!"

"No!" The Sixth Princess shouted, "Sir, you are not allowed to take Sister Lin away until she comes back."

"Princess, it's been an hour, and Mr. Qingxuan hasn't come back yet, so you don't have to wait any longer." The master smiled and reminded, "Princess, please don't interfere with Master Mei's handling of the case, your Majesty's harem is the most taboo to meddle in politics. "

The sixth princess glanced at Lin Siran timidly.

Lin Siran knew that Qingxuan hadn't come back, and it was impossible for him to stay in this stalemate.

And when she entered the cell, she was very clear about what she had to face.

In front of so many people, Mei Youwei didn't dare to execute the sentence, but when he entered the cell, that's what he said.

And how could King Fu let her go?
The most feared thing is to "suicide in fear of crime".

Is this kind of thing rare?

Lin Siran's heart turned cold.

"Come here, separate the sixth princess from Lin Sizan, so that she can send the sixth princess back to the palace, and put Lin Sizan and her two maidservants in prison separately!" Mei Youwei suddenly became straightforward, without any hesitation.

The sixth princess shouted: "No, you can't put Sister Lin in the cell."

"Princess Six, we are also thinking of Miss Lin. There are assassins outside. If something goes wrong with her, who can afford it?" Mei Youwei's master stepped forward to persuade her, but he had a standard cunning face.

Mei Youwei had someone forcibly drag Lin Siran away.

After all, the sixth princess is alone and weak, and no one can help her at this time.

" dare you be so rampant, I must tell my father!" The sixth princess was furious, "Sixth princess, you can't leave either, stay in the back office and wait for your guards to pick you up."

"Do you dare to detain me?" the sixth princess asked angrily.

"Don't dare. This is not detention. It is to protect the princess. People have died. If the princess goes out and encounters danger, she will be held accountable." Mei Youwei said with a wry smile.

"Get the hell out of here!" The Sixth Princess punched and kicked those who blocked her way, "Okay, I won't go, I'll stay in the cell with Sister Lin!"

"Then how can it be done? Princess Jin Zunyugui, how can she go to such an unlucky place, Your Majesty knows, do you want the head of the lower official?" No matter how bold Mei Youwei was, she did not dare to send the sixth princess to the cell. .

Lin Siran has been dragged away.

"Princess, Miss Lin is gone." Tracy said anxiously.

"Quickly, open all these things that are in the way!" the sixth princess ordered.

Although Tracy has practiced a little boxing and kicking, it is only superficial. How can she deal with so many people? At most, she just protects the sixth princess from being hurt.

"If any of you dare to stop the sixth princess, I will not be polite!" After hitting a few people, Tracy was pushed back.

Lin Siran was quickly locked in a single cell. No matter how hard Qingying and Sui'er struggled, they couldn't break free from the restraints of the officials. They could only yell loudly, but it was of no avail.

Lin Siran calmed down instead.

She knew that this must be Mrs. Lin's idea in the back office, perhaps even Su's death was also planned by Mrs. Lin.

The assassin didn't do it sooner or later, Su Lao Si was killed just as he was about to confess, how could it be such a coincidence?

Mrs. Lin not only wanted to kill Su Laosi, but she might also kill her here.

Lin Siran didn't want to die, but how could she survive?She must survive tonight, as long as Qingxuan comes back, she will be saved.

"Come on, come on!"

Lin Siran slammed on the cell door.

"What are you yelling about? Be honest!" A jailer outside the door scolded, but he didn't come to see Lin Siran.

Just when Lin Siran was at a loss, a note was stuffed into the crack of the door.

Lin Siran quickly picked it up, opened it, and saw Wang Xizhi's crazy grass.

Lin Siran suddenly remembered that in the Taiyuan Academy, the prince taught her to copy Wang Xizhi's post on fast snow and sunshine. Could it be that the prince wrote it?
"Be safe and don't be impatient, bribe the jailer and ask to see King Fu."

Only these few words.

Lin Sizan glanced outside and found that there was no one there, so she crushed the note, not daring to leave any evidence.

Obviously it was King Fu who wanted her to die, how could she ask to see King Fu?
What's more, King Fu should be confined to the mansion. If she asks to see him, will he come?
Lin Siran carefully figured it out, and then suddenly thought of one thing, the imprint on that letter.

Lin Siran didn't bring much valuable things with her, but fortunately, Sui'er had the habit of putting some golden melon seeds in her purse to avoid emergencies.

Was sent in in a hurry, and no one searched the things away, so it just came in handy right now.

Lin Siran threw a golden melon seed outside.

Immediately, footsteps were heard.

This is a women's prison, so the guards are also women.

"Sister, do me a favor, bring me an envelope, and a pen and ink." Lin Sizan said.

The female jailer glanced inside and asked, "What do you want? I dare not help you. There is an explanation from above. Don't make it difficult for me."

"Just this little thing, after I finish writing, you help me hand it over to Mr. Mei, he will definitely not blame you."

When the female jailer heard that it was written for Mr. Mei, she didn't suspect him, took the golden melon seeds and went.

After a while, Lin Siran got what he wanted.

She drew the same mark on the envelope again, and wrote "His Majesty" on the envelope, and then wrote nothing inside the envelope.

She handed the envelope to the female jailer, and said, "You must give it to Mrs. Mei. If Mrs. Mei doesn't receive this letter and troubles you later, don't blame me. The golden melon seeds will be used as your errand fee."

The female jailer took the gold, but seeing that it was just a letter and she couldn't read, she took it out without asking any further questions.

Lin Siran didn't know whether this letter would be handed over to King Fu.

She didn't even know that Prince Fu was in the back yamen. When she was being interrogated, he had already been waiting for news. If King Fu hadn't come in person, why would Mei Youwei have the courage to ignore the sixth princess and force her to Put her in jail?

Naturally, the letter was quickly handed over to King Fu.

When he saw the imprint on the envelope, his face immediately changed, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

"Damn girl, you really don't know how to live or die!" King Fu gritted his teeth.

After speaking, regardless of Mei Youwei and Mrs. Lin's dissuasion, she went directly to the cell.

(End of this chapter)

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