Chapter 280 Inevitably Going Crazy

Wei Rong'er said: "Anyway, the eldest lady has suffered a great loss this time, and the old lady also hates her to the bone. If it wasn't for Lin Qianyu and Lin Zhiyuan, she would definitely have divorced her."

"What about you?" Lin Sizan glanced at Wei Rong'er's stomach, "Did you fall into the water last time, didn't you hurt the baby in your stomach?"

Wei Rong'er shook her head and said: "No, this child is fatal. When I woke up, I was scared to death. Fortunately, the doctor said that the fetal image is very stable."

"Did father know?" Lin Siran asked.

"I haven't told him yet, I plan to live for a while and give him a surprise." Wei Rong'er laughed.

Lin Siran nodded, and said again: "You must protect yourself, this kind of thing can't happen again, this child is your biggest support."

"Well, I know, Ranran... the old lady wants you to go home." Wei Rong'er suddenly had a troubled expression, "I know you are angry, but after all, it is a family, and we can't stay away forever."

"I know, but... my father hasn't spoken yet, how can I go home?" Lin Sizan deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, "Although grandma came to pick me up, but my father drove me out of the house with his own words."

"You want your father to pick you up?" Wei Rong'er asked, "Master, he regrets it too, but he just can't get over his face. It's not like you don't know, he's too good-looking."

"Father is good at face, I understand. As a daughter, can I hold grudges against him? But I also want to step down a step, what do you think?" Lin Siran pulled Wei Rong'er's hand coquettishly.

Wei Rong'er laughed quickly, and said: "I understand, don't worry, I'll tell your father when I turn around, he's also secretly regretting it now, it's a good face."

Lin Siran stopped talking, changed the subject, and asked, "How is grandma? Are you feeling better?"

"Still recuperating, her health is not as good as before. The two falling into the water cost half of her life." Wei Rong'er sighed.

Lin Siran also sighed, and said, "I'm too old to bear such pain, Su Shi is really too vicious."

"Isn't that right, she should be dragged into a pigsty to soak in a pigsty, even her own mother-in-law dared to kill her, damn it!" Wei Rong'er also cursed full of hatred.

Lin Siran said, "For such a big crime, but only being grounded, it's too cheap for her, isn't it?"

"Who made her have a good son? Whenever Lin Zhiyuan cried and made trouble, your father's heart softened." Wei Rong'er was also quite dissatisfied.

"Isn't Erniang also father's son in her stomach?" Lin Siran asked with raised eyebrows.

Wei Rong'er said: "He hasn't been born yet, how can he compare to that good son who can be affectionate and call him father?"

"Erniang, do you still remember the medicine you gave me last time? It's...the medicine that can make people go crazy." Lin Sizan suddenly lowered her voice.

Wei Rong'er also secretly asked: "I remember, what's wrong?"

"Isn't she grounded? She was beaten again and locked up again. People will inevitably go crazy, right?" Lin Siran's eyes suddenly became sharper.

Mrs. Lin hurt herself like this, Lin Siran will not let her off easily.

Wei Rong'er seemed to understand something.

"But everyone around her is still there, so it's not convenient for me to do tricks!" Wei Rong'er couldn't swallow this breath, but there was nothing she could do.

Lin Siran reminded: "The fourth eldest Su has a younger sister. Her younger sister is in Chenjiazhuang, and she is responsible for raising chickens, ducks and poultry for the mansion. All the chickens, ducks and fish eaten in the mansion are brought from there."

"This... I understand!" Wei Rong'er was not stupid, and soon understood what Lin Siran meant.

Lin Siran said: "Fourth Su died miserably. He was so loyal to Madam, and in the end he was betrayed by Madam. Tsk tsk... people who are loyal to her will not end well."

Wei Rong'er also pretended to sigh with emotion: "Isn't it? The life of a servant is also a life. My own brother died just like this. As a younger sister, I can't be ignorant."

Lin Siran and Wei Rong'er smiled at each other and said nothing more.

Less than half a month after Wei Rong'er left, a letter came, saying that Mrs. Lin had gone crazy, and that Lin Qianyu, who was going to visit her, had her face scratched, and she kept cursing Mrs. Lin and Lin Siran, and even The emperor dared to scold, it was scary.

Lin Xiaoqian was furious, and moved her out of the original courtyard and locked her in the cellar, so that she would not disturb others by yelling.

Because Lin Xiaoqian also learned that Wei Rong'er was pregnant.

Lin Sizan burned the letter, her eyes were cold, but a cold smile appeared from the corner of her mouth.

Madam Lin, did she ever think that she would end up like this?

At the same time, another major event that surprised Lin Siran came from the capital.

King Fu was deprived of his title.

Prince Qizhu became an ordinary prince in an instant, and was imprisoned in the mansion. The people in Fu Wang's mansion were exchanged, and there were people guarding the gate every day.

The cause turned out to be the death of a censor.

During the flood season last year, the Yellow River burst its embankment again, causing thousands of people to drown and many villages along the river to suffer heavy losses.

The imperial court also allocated food and relief funds, and also reduced or exempted the tax burden of the affected areas for three years.

Unexpectedly, Fang Jinyuan, the censor, received an anonymous report letter, exposing a huge corruption case. The 30 relief silver and 30 dans of grain released by the imperial court were exploited layer by layer, and in the hands of the people, there was very little left.

So the disaster continued to expand, and the local people were miserable. They planned to sue, but they were slandered as bandits. Tens of thousands of innocent people were killed overnight.

When Yushi Fang Jinyuan received such a report, he secretly collected evidence, but he didn't expect to find King Fu after checking it again and again.

Fu Wang is the biggest beneficiary of this corruption case.

On the night Fang Jinyuan finished writing the notes and was about to appeal to the emperor, he was assassinated in front of the palace gate.

The emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the murderer, but he found the secret letter.

All the evidence points to King Fu.

Although the emperor suppressed Zhezi without making any noise, he seized the title of King Fu at this time and confined him in the mansion.

Fu's over.

Everyone thinks so.

Showing off his power and showing off his might, the King of Fu, who was about to replace the prince and become the next heir, became a prisoner overnight.

However, Concubine Zheng, who was crowned in the harem, did not seem to be involved in any way, but the emperor had not been to Concubine Zheng's palace for half a month.

This kind of calm alienation and indifference has become a weather vane for the hearts of the harem.

The imperial concubine also fell out of favor.

Lin Siran was brought back to the Princess Mansion in the capital by Qingxuan, because Qingxuan wanted to formally recognize Lin Siran as a righteous daughter, and had a big banquet with guests and friends.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Lin Xiaoqian also sent a letter to Lin Sizan at this time, the letter was sincere, and he hoped that Lin Sizan would not mind his angry words during his illness and could go home again.

There wasn't even a word of apology on the paper, but to Lin Xiaoqian, it was considered to have lowered his father's dignity.

Lin Siran read the letter and just sneered.

"Miss, do you want to go back to Lin Mansion?" Sui Er asked.

"Don't worry, aren't you busy with the banquet? You write back for me, saying that I have forgotten what my father said before, but I am too busy recently to go home to visit, and I hope my father will forgive me."

Lin Siran didn't intend to just go home like this.

(End of this chapter)

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