Chapter 303

Concubine Zheng's nose was about to crooked in anger.

"I don't know how to answer? This palace sees that you are a guilty conscience, so I am speechless, right?"

Lin Siran said helplessly: "I don't know what the imperial concubine and empress mean, so I don't know how to answer. What does it have to do with being guilty of a thief? There is nothing to be guilty of if you behave rightly and sit upright."

"Being upright and sitting upright? You colluded with the gang of censors who killed thousands of knives, planted the blame on King Fu, and let him be deprived of the title by His Majesty and grounded. How dare you say that you are not guilty?"

Concubine Zheng's heart ached when she thought that King Fu was still suffering in the mansion.

"The courtier is terrified. I really don't understand the meaning of the imperial concubine. What does His Royal Highness Fu's grounding and confiscation have to do with the courtier?" Lin Siran felt that the imperial concubine probably didn't have any brains, and used all her limited energy. In order to dress up and maintain that face.

Concubine Zheng stretched out her hand and slapped Lin Bianran.

"I have wanted to hit you for a long time, not only want to hit you, but also want to tear your face!" Concubine Zheng bared her teeth and claws, even more than King Fu.

If it is true, like mother, like son.

Lin Siran finally understood why the emperor had such a stupid son as King Fu.

"Princess, what are you doing?"

The emperor didn't know when he came, and he saw the scene of Concubine Zheng slapping Lin Siran from a distance.

When Concubine Zheng heard the emperor's voice, her knees softened in fright, and she knelt directly on the ground.

"Your Majesty!" Concubine Zheng turned her head, tears were already falling down, it was really distressing.

"Your Majesty, this Lin Siran doesn't know good and bad, she actually offends my concubine, mocking her for falling out of favor, mocking Jue'er for being rejected by you, this concubine was so angry that she hit her!"

Concubine Zheng really knows how to turn black and white.

But she forgot that there was a sixth princess next to her.

The sixth princess hurried to the emperor and said, "Father, the imperial concubine lied, and Sister Lin didn't say anything. It was she who wronged Sister Lin for framing the second emperor brother, which caused the second emperor brother to be punished by the father, so the imperial concubine beat him." Sister Lin vented her anger and said that she wanted to tear her face off a long time ago."

Lin Siran rubbed her slapped hot face, if she hadn't seen the emperor's figure just now, she would definitely have avoided the slap, being slapped in the face is always ugly.

But if it can make the imperial concubine suffer a little because of this, and let her know not to hit people casually, it will be worth it.

Lin Siran knelt down, neither crying nor complaining, but calmly said: "My daughter Lin Siran, I pay my respects to Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty."

The emperor looked at the imperial concubine coldly.

The noble concubine cried and said: "Your Majesty, the concubine did not wrong her, you have to trust the concubine, this Lin Siran has two faces in front of your majesty, and in front of the concubine, she is a villain!"

"Shut up!" The emperor finally couldn't stand the noble concubine, "Didn't I tell you not to come to Zichen Palace without my summons? Why didn't you stay in your own palace? I asked you to reflect on yourself. This is how you reflect on yourself. ?”

The emperor's face was frightening.

The imperial concubine was so frightened that she dared not shed tears.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty... My Majesty, I have reflected on myself. I just miss His Majesty. If I want to come here to take a look, I will just take a look from a distance. As long as I can see Your Majesty, I will go back."

If it wasn't for the arrogant look just now, Lin Siran would really think that the imperial concubine has changed her sex.

It's a pity, this is just her way to win His Majesty's sympathy.

The emperor also saw the strangeness, and was unmoved, and said bitterly: "If you really reflect on yourself, will you beat someone at the gate of Zichen Palace? Lin Siran is the head of Wencheng County that I have just appointed, you beat me like this What's the difference between her face and the one that slapped me?"

The emperor escalated the problem at once.

"Your Majesty...the concubine...the concubine made a mistake, and the concubine was impulsive, please forgive me." The imperial concubine quickly admitted her mistake, "Your majesty, the missing your majesty and becoming sick, and she is a little in a trance, maybe The county magistrate Wencheng didn't say those words to provoke the concubine, but it is also true that she was defiant, and the concubine beat her when she got agitated."

"I see that you don't know how to repent. Don't you like beating people? Don't forget why you were taken in by me in the first place. You were also a poor person who was beaten back then. I pity you and give you Everything after that, I didn’t expect you to forget your origins as soon as you turned around, but now it’s getting worse, more arrogant and domineering, without any sympathy.”

The emperor was so angry that he kicked the imperial concubine in the heart and kicked her to the ground.

"Since you like to slap people so much, then I will let you taste the feeling of being slapped in the face. You just kneel here and palm your face a hundred times. Don't stop until you finish beating. Eunuch Zhao, just stare at her." !"

After finishing speaking, regardless of the voice of the imperial concubine crying and howling, she walked inside.

He stopped halfway, and said to Lin Sizan, "Lin girl, Liu'er, come in with me!"

The noble concubine was stunned in place, she never thought that one day, the emperor would be so heartless and cruel to her.

Obviously in the past, no matter what she did, the emperor would not be angry with her, and it wasn't a day or two since she was arrogant and domineering, and he turned a blind eye to it.

Why now, she has to accept such a heavy punishment just for slapping Lin Sizan?

Lin Siran glanced at the noble concubine, stood up, and thought, the noble concubine will never understand that when a man likes you, everything you do is cute and straightforward, and when a man doesn't like you, no matter how good you are, it's all wrong .

What's more, the imperial concubine is not good enough.

The emperor was furious and hadn't forgotten King Fu's fault. She was careless, kept her head down, and even dared to beat Lin Sizan. Isn't this courting death?

The emperor did not take away the title of imperial concubine from her, so he already loved her very much.

Eunuch Zhao reminded: "Imperial Concubine, Your Majesty has an order, and the sacred order is hard to disobey, you should...obey the order!"

Eunuch Zhao was only doing business, but the imperial concubine seemed to be bullied by him, and said: "Eunuch Zhao, I treated you well in the past, can you be so ungrateful?"

"Your Majesty, this servant is just a servant. How can a servant not listen to what His Majesty says? Your concubine, please don't make things difficult for this servant. You... Even for the sake of the Second Prince, you should restrain your temper."

Eunuch Zhao's words are really for the sake of the imperial concubine, mother and son.

But the imperial concubine only hated him for staring at her face.

"These days, my palace sent people to give you things, but you didn't accept them anymore. I asked you to say something nice for me and invite His Majesty to my palace, but you didn't help, and you said you were not ungrateful? "

Eunuch Zhao had a good temper, and he was inevitably a little angry when he heard these words.

"Your Majesty, you have to understand that this is all His Majesty's intention, and it is not something that the old slave can control. If His Majesty does not go to see you, can the slave force him to go? The imperial concubine should also reflect on herself, Your Majesty is enough." Treat your empress graciously, or if the faults committed by the second prince, your empress will not be implicated?"

What Eunuch Zhao said made Zheng Guifei dumbfounded.

"Let's get started, ma'am, don't make things difficult for this old slave. Even if you stay here until tomorrow morning, you will still need a hundred ear scratches." Eunuch Zhao urged impatiently.

Zheng Guifei cried and said: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty was not like this before, it was not like this..."

"Your Majesty was not like this before. When Your Majesty first met Your Majesty, she was just a poor concubine who was bullied by her sister-in-law. It was Your Majesty who rescued you. At that time, Your Majesty was a gentle and pleasant woman." Eunuch Zhao kindly reminded .

Concubine Zheng seemed to understand something.

She suddenly stretched out her hand and began to slap herself hard on the face.

One, two, three...

Eunuch Zhao closed his eyes slightly, seeing the beautiful imperial concubine beating his face so red and swollen, he couldn't help feeling a little pity.

After Lin Sizan thanked His Majesty solemnly, the emperor asked, "I heard that the princess' mansion was full of guests and guests yesterday, was it very lively?"

"Yes, thanks to His Majesty, many distinguished guests have come." Lin Siran replied with a smile.

The emperor nodded and said: "Then Mr. Qingxuan is happy?"

"Well, the godmother told me that I must thank His Majesty for your kindness." Lin Sizan replied.

The emperor shook his head and said: "It doesn't sound like what she said, she must think that what I do is right."

Lin Siran thought to himself, the emperor really knew Qingxuan, if it wasn't for the sake of saving face, Qingxuan probably felt that she didn't come to the palace specially to thank her.

Because the title of the county lord was compensated by His Majesty's apology for King Fu, there is no need to thank him.

(End of this chapter)

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