Chapter 307

Lin Siran's heart also picked up, but Mr. Nian Xie must have said something very hurtful, right?

Otherwise, why would the mother hate him so much?
"I... I couldn't pull away at that moment, it wasn't..." Mrs. Xie was vague, not daring to look directly into Qingxuan's eyes.

Qingxuan laughed, and said: "Can't get away? Even if you reconcile with my mother, you were once married and lived together for six years. She is going to die. What are you busy with?" What is more important than seeing her for the last time?"

"You answered her words, you said... Now that you have divorced, you have nothing to do with it. You have agreed to return to the bridge and the road to the road, so don't disturb your life anymore. You have to take your wife's feelings into consideration. You still Said, since I, Qingxuan, was left and raised by the princess and severed the father-daughter relationship with you, you can't break the contract and recognize this daughter again."

"The so-called unfeeling, you thank the old man for claiming to be the second, who dares to be the first?"

"Now what face do you have to ask me to call you father, and what right do you have to call me unfilial?"

Qingxuan's eyes are full of cold hatred.

She couldn't forget the dim and sad eyes of her mother before she died, she remembered her deep, helpless sigh.

She said to her: Xuan'er, it was the mother who was blind and found such a cruel and ruthless person as her father. She told Qingxuan that there is no need to resent, and it will be fine as long as there is no father in the future.

Mrs. Xie said nothing.

The two young ladies of the Xie family were stunned, they didn't know that such a thing happened back then.

Lin Siran only felt sadness coming from it, and could hardly hold back the tears.

"Mother..." Lin Siran held her hand.

No wonder she always felt that she and Qingxuan were so similar because they both had the same experience.

Qingxuan looked back at the tears in Lin Bianran's eyes, but shook her head slightly. She didn't feel sad anymore, because many years had passed.

She has experienced too many things in her life, and also experienced too many sorrows. Such things have long been ignored.

If Mrs. Xie didn't come to scare her, she wouldn't even mention it to anyone.

Old Mrs. Xie seemed to feel ashamed, and couldn't help retorting: "That's because your mother forced her. She relied on herself as a princess, so she didn't pay attention to my husband at all, and often bossed her around. I am also the Xie family My son is not inferior to her princess, why would she treat me like that?"

"You have a noble status, why should you be a princess?" Qingxuan asked back, "You can marry your cousin from the beginning, why should you break your relationship with your cousin after becoming a son-in-law, and keep secrets? It's shameless to do it yourself You have to blame others for not giving you face, you are really shameless!"

Qingxuan's words completely angered Mrs. Xie.

He raised his crutches and was about to hit Qingxuan.

Fortunately, Lin Ruran had quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed his crutches, and said, "Thank you, old lady, this is the princess mansion, so you can't beat people with violence. If you do, we can only ask you to go out!"

"Bastard, what are you, dare to talk to me like that?" Old Mrs. Xie scolded.

"I'm not a thing, I'm a human being, if Mrs. Xie thinks it's a thing that deserves to talk to you, it's really embarrassing for me!" Lin Siran also learned the ability of a poisonous tongue from Qingxuan, and her words are not forgiving.

After all, there is no need to give him a good face for such an old man who is not self-respecting.

One sentence choked the old man.

"You... are extremely rude, you are from a small family, you really can't get on the stage!" Old Mrs. Xie started to attack Lin Siran with his background again.

"It's true that I'm a small family. As for whether I can be on the stage, it doesn't seem to be up to you to decide, old man. Anyway, I am also the head of Wencheng County personally appointed by His Majesty. In terms of status, my status is still higher than yours."

Although Mrs. Xie is the eldest son of the Xie family, he is the fifth in line and has not inherited the title of knighthood. To save face and call him Mrs. Xie, in fact, it is just because of the honor of the surname "Xie".

"You, the county lord, have been honored by my daughter. What's there to show off?" Mrs. Xie said contemptuously.

Qingxuan argued coldly: "You made a mistake again, I am not your daughter, I am the daughter of Princess Yuhe."

"You..." Mrs. Xie was furious, "Okay, okay... let's go, you treat me as Xie's family and I need to be in your favor!"

Leaning on crutches, he rushed out the door angrily.

The two young ladies of the Xie family were ashamed to say anything else, and they also left in despair.

Lin Siran supported Qingxuan to sit down, and said: "Godmother, don't be angry, it's all my fault, you should find a way to get them out early in the morning."

"Why do you blame you? If you want to blame him, blame him for being too thick-skinned. Even at his age, he still hasn't made any progress." Qingxuan shook his head, feeling ashamed that he had such a biological father.

Lin Siran didn't know how to comfort her.

She knows very well that this kind of injury from a loved one is a pain that cannot be healed in a lifetime.

"Godmother, with me here in the future, you won't be alone anymore." Lin Siran said in a low voice, as if she was comforting Qingxuan, so why not comfort herself?
Qingxuan looked back at Lin Siran, his eyes turned slightly red, and he patted Lin Siran's hand without saying anything.

They both understand each other. Although there is no blood relationship to maintain this mother-daughter relationship, they are tied to each other because of a common destiny, which is more precious than anything else.

At noon, Lin Sian ran the kitchen and cooked some delicious dishes, and the whole family ate them together.

Qingxuan was very happy, and even took out a jug of wine, insisting on drinking two glasses to celebrate the move.

"Ranran, your cooking skills are good." Qingxuan took a sip of the food and took another sip of the wine, feeling very satisfied.

Lin Sizan smiled and said, "It's just ordinary craftsmanship, barely edible."

"Humble, this skill is much better than Asi, you think so?" Qingxuan asked with a smile.

Asi also laughed, and said, "Sir, you dislike my cooking skills, so you can't blame me. I haven't studied it seriously before, and I can barely cook a few dishes these years."

A few people talked and laughed, and had a good meal.

In the afternoon, they were busy cleaning up the house again. For several days in a row, several people had no time to go out.

It wasn't until the inside and outside were tidied up that I was finally free.

Lin Siran remembered that she wanted to make snacks for Li Xingxu, although she might have forgotten about it, she still couldn't break her promise.

Lin Siran made a few snacks, wrapped one and sent it to the prince, and put the other in a box, she planned to visit Yan Shichu.

The exam is coming soon, Lin Sizan is worried that he will study late at night, these snacks are just enough to satisfy his hunger.

Lin Siran changed her outfit, went to explain to Qing Xuan, and went out.

This time I only brought Sui'er, and Qing Ying went to the East Palace to help her deliver snacks to Li Xingxu.

The three of them went out together, but they walked in two directions respectively.

Yan Shichu lived in a small quiet courtyard on Xiguan Street, which was rented by Lin Siran, because he valued the quietness here, which is suitable for reading.

Lin Siran knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"What's going on? Why isn't my brother at home?" Lin Siran asked suspiciously.

"No hurry, I have the key." Sui'er opened the door, "Let's go in and wait, maybe the young master has something to go out."

"Alright." Lin Siran entered the door.

Not long after the two entered, they heard the door open again.

(End of this chapter)

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