Chapter 309

"Don't talk nonsense, this woman is not simple, I think she has ulterior motives." Yan Shichu frowned, although he didn't know Lin Qianyu's identity, he could feel that the other party's intentions were not pure.

"Isn't she just wanting to pursue the young master? I think she fell in love with the young master at first sight. After all, young master, you are both talented and beautiful. You won the Juren at a young age. This time, you must go to high school in the scientific examination. When the time comes, people who like you That's more." The inscription said quite proudly.

Yan Shichu rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, in the capital, what is a candidate for an exam? This street is full of high-ranking officials, rich men, how can I get my turn? You didn't see that lady's attire, it's also very How can a woman from such a rich family be so frivolous? She is courteous for nothing, rapes or steals."

"What brother said makes sense!"

Lin Siran finally walked out of the door, of course after making sure that Lin Qianyu had left.

"Sister, why are you here?" Yan Shichu asked in surprise, "No wonder... no wonder the courtyard door was unlocked just now, I felt strange, and thought it was because Inscription forgot to lock the door when he went out."

"I'm here to bring you snacks. You're about to take an exam. As a younger sister, I always come to care for you." Lin Sizan said, "I never thought that someone would be more considerate than my younger sister."

"Do you recognize that Miss Qian?" Yan Shichu had already seen it.

Lin Siran snorted coldly and asked, "Do you know who she is?"

"Who?" Yan Shichu asked, "Could it be your sister?"

"My brother is not stupid, but why did he provoke her? And...why did you hurt your head?" Lin Sizan looked at his bandaged head, the gauze was still bleeding.

Yan Shichu suddenly said: "No wonder, she looks like she has been eyeing me for a long time, and she seems to know my relationship with you."

"It should be, how did you know each other?" Lin Siran asked.

Yan Shichu said: "The first time was at the bookstore. The bookstore published the test questions of the last few tribute exams and the answer sheets of the top three. I planned to buy them to have a look and refer to them. I didn't expect to meet this guy who bought books at the bookstore. Miss, should be Ms. Lin, she bumped into me and knocked over the test papers and pens I just bought in my hand.

"What about today?" Lin Siran asked again.

"Today, when I was going out, I happened to meet her being blocked by the street popi at the entrance of the alley. I didn't want to cause trouble, but she saw me first and ran towards me. The street poppy thought I had something to do with her, Then he started fighting. During the fight, he was slapped by someone and smashed his head."

Yan Shichu had no choice but to smile wryly, what a disaster.

Lin Siran was very angry, and said: "This damn girl must have been deliberately designed by her, or how can such a coincidence happen?"

"That's right, if I had known she was your sister, I would have avoided her no matter what." Yan Shichu smiled wryly, "It wouldn't hurt me."

"No, brother, you have to move quickly, you can't live here."

Lin Siran made a quick decision and decided to change places for Yan Shichu to prevent Lin Qianyu from coming to her again.

If she remembers correctly, it was the same in her previous life. In order to prevent Yan Shichu from getting the first place in the examination, Lin Qianyu framed Yan Shichu before the examination, so that he could not refer to it. .

Yan Shichu and the Yan family disappeared, so they must have something to do with Lin Qianyu.

Thinking of this, Lin Siran felt chills down his spine, absolutely wanting to prevent this irreparable consequence.

"Why do you want to move? Could she still do something to me?" Yan Shichu asked puzzled, "Ranran, are you too nervous?"

"Brother, you will never imagine what kind of despicable means the mother and daughter will use to deal with us. Of course we have plenty of time to deal with her slowly, but you are about to take the exam, and you must not let her delay brother's time." future."

Lin Siran was not overly nervous, but she knew Lin Qianyu and Su Yan too well, they did not hesitate to deal with her and the people she cherished in the most vicious way.

"Did my brother forget about arson? They even dared to burn the ancestral hall of their ancestors, so why not? What to do?" Lin Siran looked at Yan Shichu.

Yan Shichu nodded, and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you, if this can make you feel at ease."

"Inscription, Sui'er, help the young master pack up immediately." Lin Siran ordered.

"It's just in such a hurry, where do I want to move?" Yan Shichu asked, "Do you want to stay in a hotel?"

"Of course the inns are not good. The better inns are already full. I can't let my brother live in those messy places, but I should be able to find a new place soon."

Lin Siran knew that she had to entrust others to help with this matter.

Yan Shichu didn't have many things, and he packed them up in a while. Because Yan Shichu was injured, Lin Sizan asked Inscription to stay and take care of him, and took Sui'er out by himself.

Sui Er asked: "Miss, it's hard to find a house in such a hurry."

"Well, I know, so go back and find the godmother first, she must have a way." Lin Siran knew that Qingxuan would definitely be able to help with this busyness.

Sui'er felt relieved when he heard that, with how capable Mr. Qingxuan is, finding a house would definitely not be difficult.

Just as Lin Siran and Sui'er were about to return home, they met Huo Min at the intersection.

"Ranran, what a coincidence, I just went to the princess mansion to find you." Huo Min asked for a lot of fresh fruits.

"What is this for?" Lin Siran asked with a smile.

"My family just got some fresh fruits, I want to send some to you and your husband." Huo Min said.

Lin Siran smiled and said, "You have a large family, and there may not be enough food for you, so why give it to us?"

"It's enough to eat, didn't you give me a lot of snacks last time?" Huo Min smiled and said, "Reciprocity is reciprocal, besides, I am also looking for an excuse to come out to see you."

Huo Min looked at Lin Siran's outfit again, and asked, "Why are you dressed like this?"

"I went to see my brother. It's inconvenient to wear women's clothes, so I went out in men's clothes." Lin Sizan led Huo Min into the princess mansion, saying as he walked.

Huo Min asked: "Go and see Mr. Yan? He is about to take the exam, right? Mr. Yan has learned a lot, so he will definitely pass."

"Hey... I'm not worried about his exam questions, I'm worried about something else." Lin Sizan looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Huo Min asked nervously.

Lin Sizan looked around and said, "I'll come into the room and tell you later."

Huo Min also understood, and went into the room with Lin Ruran alone.

"Tell me, what's the trouble? Can I help?" Huo Min asked hurriedly.

Lin Siran said: "Lin Qianyu, she has found my brother."

"What?" Huo Min cried out in shock, and quickly covered her mouth again, "Why did she find your brother? She and Mr. Yan don't know each other, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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