Chapter 323
"" Mrs. Lin was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

Wei Rong'er hurriedly supported Mrs. Lin, and persuaded: "Old lady, don't be as knowledgeable as her, she is just trying to make you angry, you can't be fooled!"

Lin Qianyu looked at Lin Siran coldly: "You want to plot against me? I'm not that stupid, Lin Siran, you should just clamp your tail and be a good person. You are just a county lord, and my uncle is the Marquis of Huaiyin!"

"Your uncle is the Marquis of Huaiyin. What does it have to do with you? Your surname is Lin, not Su. The Su family is your home. It is unfilial for you to contradict your grandmother and make her angry." Lin Siran She was not intimidated by Lin Qianyu's words at all.

"Come on, come on... Pull this stinky girl back and lock me up. You are really going to piss me off. Does this family have no family law?" Mrs. Lin shouted angrily.

Lin Qianyu sneered: "Grandmother, stop shouting, so what if you lock it up? Most of the Lin family are from the Su family, and they all have to listen to me and my mother. It was just because my mother was murdered." No, I was not clear-headed, which made you feel proud for a while, but now that my mother has recovered, do you think the Lin family can still let you make decisions?"

Lin Siran smiled secretly, Lin Qianyu was probably carried away, thinking that once the Su family turned over, she would have nothing to fear, so she dared to speak to Mrs. Lin like that?

"Bastard!" Mrs. Lin yelled, "I think you are lawless, disrespectful, and rebellious!"

Lin Qianyu raised her chin triumphantly: "So what? The reason why the Lin family is today is because my mother is the young lady of the Su family. Otherwise, could grandma live in such a nice house and command so many servants? Would you still Don't know how to be grateful, oppose my mother, and want to harm me and my mother, you are the white-eyed wolves!"

"Sister's words are a bit too much. The reason why the Lin family is today is because his father is the minister of the household department. The Lin family has been supporting your two uncles, right?"

Lin Siran saw a black figure standing at the gate of the courtyard. If she guessed correctly, Lin Xiaoqian had already been invited by Sui'er, and it was a good time for him to listen to what Lin Qianyu thought of him as a father. of.

Lin Qianyu sneered a few times, full of disdain: "If my grandfather was not the Marquis of Huaiyin back then, and my father was a poor student, how could he have stayed in the capital as an official? The other high-ranking officials he made friends with later on were all attached to him. My grandfather's glory, even if the Su family lost later, but the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse, didn't the Luo family give my father a chance because of my grandfather's face?"

Lin Qianyu erased all of Lin Xiaoqian's contributions and hard work, as if everything about the Lin family was given by the Su family back then.

"The Lin family is impoverished. When my father married my mother, he couldn't get any dowry. All he ate and drank was my mother's dowry. Over the years, my mother has also worked hard to take care of the Lin family. Thanks to her, she still made things difficult for my mother, trying to snatch the power to manage affairs, and urged my father to take a concubine to marry a child, and even married my niece to my father as a flat wife, which broke my mother's heart. My father was reprimanded by His Majesty, It is said that more than half of the responsibility for the poor management of the family belongs to the grandmother, if you are old and do not make troubles, how can the family be restless?"

"The other half is caused by you, Lin Ruran. When you didn't come, the Lin family was fine. As soon as you showed up, accidents happened one after another in the family, and you were the one who hindered it!"

"And you, Wei Rong'er, relying on your youth, you saw my mother's face being damaged, so you took the opportunity to flirt with my father and seduce my father's soul away. You are so shameless! You have the right to say that I am, I think you are The most shameless!"

Lin Qianyu pinched her waist, pointed at everyone, and counted them from beginning to end.

Mrs. Lin's face was full of anger when she heard that, Wei Rong'er blushed, and wanted to refute, but was stopped by Lin Siran.

"So, you and the eldest lady are the most innocent, but are the benefactors of the Lin family?" Lin Siran asked.

"Of course, without my mother, there would be no Lin family. Even if my mother made a small mistake, it's not up to you to blame me. Now my father heard that my second uncle is going to accept the title of Marquis of Huaiyin again, isn't it? Go obediently and run to apologize to my mother, but my mother still refuses to forgive him, she just wants to stay in the cellar and wait for my second uncle to come, so that the second uncle can see how the Lin family avenged their kindness!"

Lin Qianyu's flamboyant appearance caught everyone's eyes, but they didn't know that by doing so, she would cut herself off from the whole family.

Probably because he held it in for too long, that's why he spoke out all the thoughts in his heart, and because he was confident, he didn't take Mrs. Lin and Wei Rong'er seriously.

Lin Xiaoqian walked over from behind, his face livid.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lin Qianyu turned around, also stunned.

"Father...Father..." Lin Qianyu didn't take Mrs. Lin seriously at all, but she still had scruples about Lin Xiaoqian.

After all, Lin Xiaoqian is the biggest pillar of the Lin family.

You can offend other people, but you can't offend the pillars.

"Don't call me daddy, I can't afford it!" Lin Xiaoqian's self-esteem was completely trampled under his feet by his daughter, and he couldn't even pick it up.

Lin Qianyu had a mournful face, and when she saw Lin Siran's smiling eyes, she immediately realized that she had fallen into Lin Siran's trick again.

No wonder she came back with great fanfare, no wonder she wanted to say these things in front of Mrs. Lin, to provoke her deliberately, right?
"'s all you, you want to kill me!" Lin Qianyu pointed at Lin Siran, "You have such a vicious heart, you deliberately want to sow discord, and let me say this in front of my father!"

"Sister, I really don't understand. You said these words yourself. No one can force you to say them, right? Grandmother and Erniang are both present. I really want to die unjustly." Lin Si Dyed an innocent face.

Wei Rong'er was also very angry.

"Just scolded me and the old lady for being worthless. How could there be elders in my eyes? Even dare to humiliate my grandmother and father, but it is really eye-opening."

Wei Rong'er walked up to Lin Xiaoqian, took his arm, and said, "Husband, your daughter probably doesn't want to be named Lin, but wants to change her surname to Su, so when the Su family turns over, she is more proud than anyone else. I don't know, I thought Su The family does not want to be a marquis, but to be an emperor!"

Lin Xiaoqian had a gloomy face, his chest heaving and falling.

Originally, he really wanted to invite Su Shi out of the cellar, make up for her and the two children, and make up for the rift between the two.

But what Lin Qianyu said made him completely sober. Madam Lin ignored him and insisted on staying in the cellar just to let the Su family support her so that she could hold him.

After many years of husband and wife, she committed such a serious crime, and she was not really willing to deal with it ruthlessly. She just wanted to ground her, and she was locked in the cellar because she went crazy.

But as for her, once she had the chance, she wanted to step on her feet severely, and even instigated her daughter to humiliate herself and his mother.

Lin Xiaoqian felt chilled for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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