Chapter 376 Don't Hurt My Mother
No one would doubt this, but the white-haired, white-faced woman dressed in blood is no different from a ghost.

"It's... so scary, madam is a ghost, it's a ghost!" Wei Rong'er shouted, as if frightened, she fainted directly in Lin Xiaoqian's arms.

Lin Xiaoqian was also frightened and at a loss.

"Hurry up and go back with Rong'er, if you get pregnant, you'll be in trouble, Qian'er, hurry up!" Mrs. Lin shouted.

Lin Xiaoqian was at a loss, at this moment he only listened to the old lady's orders and didn't care about thinking, so he ran away with Wei Rong'er in his arms.

Cuckoo also chased them.

Lin Qianyu was held by Qingying, but kept struggling, and shouted: "No, my mother is not a ghost, my mother is not, someone hurt my mother... yes... it is you, a Taoist priest, it is you, it must be you. It's you!"

Lin Qianyu throws off Qingying to catch Daoist Taixu.

But Daoist Taixu took a step ahead, stepped back a foot away, and his robe flew flying.

"Second Miss, please calm down, the ghost has been possessing your mother for a long time, don't be obsessed with regrets, instead you will harm others and yourself." Taixu said.

Qingying went over to catch Lin Qianyu in time, and said, "Second miss, calm down, the eldest lady really doesn't look like a normal person, you can see that she...she suddenly became like this, it's too Scary, right?"

"How could it be? How could it be like this? could my mother be a ghost?" Lin Qianyu cried and asked.

"Second Miss, do you still remember the time when we went back to Lin Family Village? At that time, Madam seemed to have encountered a ghost, and then fell ill for a while. Since then, it seems... It seems that Madam is not normal." Qing Ying suddenly asked, "Could it be that you will be haunted by ghosts at that time?"

"That's seems so." Ci Xin nodded her head in agreement, but Lin Qianyu gave her a vicious gouged out look.

Ci Xin didn't dare to speak immediately.

"It's a lie, it's not true... It was the Taoist priest who made the trouble. He must have been bought by Lin Siran, Taoist priest, tell the truth, are you in collusion with Lin Siran?" Lin Qianyu began to suspect Lin Siran play tricks.

Lin Siran sighed helplessly, and asked: "Sister, you will not forget that this Daoist Taixu was invited by the Da Furen. I have never met him before. How can I bribe him? He claims to be from the middle of Shu, as the official saying goes. It's not authentic, and it's obvious that it looks like a dialect in the middle of Shu, so I can't know him because I've been to the middle of Shu before, right?"

Mother Chun said: "That's definitely not the case. Missy grew up in Yan's family. The old lady has already sent someone to find out about Missy's affairs in Yan's family. Missy has never left Yan's family. It is impossible for her to have a relationship with Shu. The Taixu real person in the book is acquainted."

"Sure really is her, she is the real ghost!" Mrs. Lin said tremblingly, "No wonder she is so vicious and tried to harm me several times. In the past, although our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were not affectionate enough, we could still respect each other. He actually committed a crime and murdered me, so it turned out to be possessed by a ghost!"

"The eldest lady seems to have ordered the second lady to harm the eldest lady, right?" Qingying suddenly asked Lin Qianyu, "The reason why the second lady fell to this point seems to be because she listened to the wife, otherwise she wouldn't have..."

Lin Qianyu gritted her teeth, and said, "Shut up, Qingying... what are you talking about? Why did my mother hurt me?"

"No? Second miss, you still have the imprint of being bitten by the madam, and... Didn't you tell me last time that the reason why you were caught with Prince Lian was because the madam wanted you to frame her?" Miss, in the end you don’t know what happened, you were knocked out, and you lay down with King Lian, this is very strange, ordinary people can’t do it, only ghosts can do it.”

Qing Ying added a few more words.

Madam Lin stared wide-eyed, looked at Lin Qianyu, and asked, "Is what Qingying said true?"

"No..." Lin Qianyu wanted to deny it, but her mind started to get confused. She thought about her experience over the past year, and Mrs. Lin was always behind her. She fell step by step. Could it be because Mrs. Lin is possessed by a ghost, is it because she wants to harm her?
"Ci Xin, tell me!" Mrs. Lin turned to ask Ci Xin.

Ci Xin knelt down with a thud, and said: "Servant... I don't know, but Second Miss orders me to do things every time. I just obey Second Miss. Da Furen and Second Miss never let me listen when they talk."

"Those words were told to me by the second young lady herself." Qing Ying said, "Old lady, I don't need to lie, you know me best."

"That's right, that's right... She really is possessed by a fierce ghost, and she wants to harm everyone in our Lin family!" Mrs. Lin is convinced now, after all, Mrs. Lin herself will definitely not harm her own daughter.

"Realist Taixu, please think of a way to get rid of this ghost!" Mrs. Lin suddenly paid special attention to Master Taixu, "Your mana is boundless, there must be a way, right?"

"This... this ghost has merged with Da Furen, if you forcefully get rid of the ghost, I'm afraid it will hurt Da Furen's life!" Daoist Taixu wondered, "You...are you willing?"

"No... no, don't hurt my mother, don't!" Lin Qianyu cried, "My mother is innocent, even if there are ghosts, it's not my mother's fault!"

"But if the evil ghost is not eradicated, she will continue to harm the world." Daoist Taixu sighed, "As a member of the Taoist sect, I really can't just sit back and watch such evildoers run rampant."

"We must get rid of her!" Mrs. Lin said firmly, "She has caused such misery to our family, how can we spare her?"

Lin Qianyu hugged Mrs. Lin who seemed to have passed out, and said, "This is not true..."

Daoist Tai Xu pulled her away and said: "Second Miss, you have to be careful, this ghost is only temporarily suppressed by me, it doesn't mean she can't hurt people!"

Lin Qianyu cried and said, "Grandmother, are you going to kill my mother? Don't..."

"At this point, there is nothing you can do. Xiao Yu, your mother has become a ghost and is no longer your mother." Mrs. Lin also looked melancholy, "I can understand your feelings, but the Lin family can't let this evildoer harm you." .”

"No, you can't hurt my mother!" Lin Qianyu still disagreed, "If you dare to hurt my mother, I'll go find my uncle!"

Mrs. Lin frowned, slightly hesitant, the Su family is a Hou family, if she committed suicide without authorization, it seemed that she would not be able to explain to the Su family.

Seeing that Madam Lin's expression changed, Lin Qianyu immediately shouted again: "Grandmother, even if you want to dispose of my mother, you should discuss it with my uncle, right?"

"Then what should we do now?" Sister Chun asked, "Madam's appearance... is too terrifying, this matter cannot be spread, otherwise the fact that our wife is a ghost will cause disturbances all over the city!"

At this time, Daoist Taixu stepped forward again and said: "Old lady, you don't need to worry, although it may hurt your wife's life, as long as you are careful, there shouldn't be any major problems, at most it's just a sickness field!"

(End of this chapter)

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