Chapter 387 Why Kill Her

"Stop arguing with me. In the face of dangerous situations, I am better than the two of you. Hurry up and hide. If you are safe, I will rest assured." After all, Lin Siran had learned boxing skills from Lan Jiu, and some The ability to protect themselves, but Qingying and Sui'er do not have such ability, and in this dangerous situation, they will not be calmer and more rational than themselves.

"But..." Qing Ying felt that it was really unreasonable for her to run away as a servant and leave her master behind.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll be fine." Lin Siran pushed her and Sui'er out.

"Liu Qi, you hide the two of them first, and then come back to save me and my wife, don't do it, make sure that Sui'er and Qingying are safe and sound." Lin Siran earnestly instructed.

Even in the dark, Lin Siran's firm eyes still made Qingying and Sui'er burst into tears.


"Come on, Sui'er, if you don't obey me, I will be angry." Lin Siran said seriously.

After speaking, she went in the other direction by herself.

The main house where Mrs. Luohua lived was still some distance away from her guest room, she had to hurry there, otherwise it would be troublesome.

She didn't know whether Liu Qi could bring Sui'er and Qing Ying out of danger safely, but she had to do it to bring Mrs. Luo Hua out of danger safely.

But I didn't expect to hear screams before I got close, and the strong smell of blood came, which made people's hair stand on end.

As soon as Lin Siran's heart fell to the bottom, could it be that his wife has already encountered an accident?If so, what should be done?

Lin Siran was trembling, but she still forced herself not to be excited. No matter what happened to Mrs. Luo Hua, she had to check it out herself, so she quietly touched the back.

The rain had already started to fall, getting heavier and heavier, and her clothes were soon soaked. If a thief found out at this time, she would definitely die.

She hid behind a water tank at the door, and watched with her own eyes a few men in black walking by, holding bright knives in their hands, blood still dripping from the knives.

This scene almost became Lin Siran's nightmare for many years to come.

She didn't know who this group of people were and why they came to Mrs. Luohua's villa to kill people.

But soon she understood.

Because those people braved the heavy rain and were looking for someone everywhere.

"Have you found it?"

"No, I searched again, but I still didn't see that girl Lin Siran."

"We must find her and kill her!"

The rain kept patting on her head and body, but Lin Ruran didn't feel anything, not even cold.

Someone is going to kill her.

Who wants to kill her?
do not know.

Besides Mrs. Lin, did she provoke such a terrible enemy?After chasing here, at the expense of breaking into Mrs. Luohua's other courtyard?

You know, Mrs. Luohua is the younger sister of the first empress dowager. She is deeply respected by the emperor, has a prominent reputation and a detached status.
These people are also too courageous, definitely not ordinary hatred would do this, even Mrs. Lin did not have the courage to send someone to kill her blatantly.

But who did she offend?
Lin Siran couldn't figure it out.

Lin Siran crawled into Mrs. Luohua's yard and saw Yingying lying at the door, covered in blood.

She was about to go in, but Yingying grabbed her feet.


Lin Sizan quickly squatted down and asked, "Where is Master?"

Yingying pointed in the direction of the big water tank in the yard.

Yingying let go of Lin Siran's ankle, and fell to the ground slumped.

Lin Siran didn't care about being sad, and threw herself on the water tank, which was covered with lotus leaves. Lin Siran put her hand into the water tank and called out in a low voice, "Master, it's me, I'm here to find you!"

A pair of thin hands stretched out and grabbed Lin Siran's.

Lin Siran pulled hard and pulled Mrs. Luo Hua out of the water.

A clatter.

Lin Siran was terrified, because she soon heard someone outside asking: "There is movement inside... Could it be that someone slipped through the net?"

Lin Siran was shocked, and hurriedly pushed Mrs. Luohua into the water, saying: "Master, you hide for a while, I will lure them away, and you come out again!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sizan rushed into the room, turned out through the back window, and intentionally made a big noise.

Sure enough, those people were fooled, and they soon came chasing after Lin Siran.

"It must be her, chase after!"

Lin Siran was glad that she learned the skills from Lan Jiu, otherwise she would not be able to escape under such circumstances.

There was a hole in the backyard, Lin Sizan didn't even think about it, so he got out of the hole.

Outside was the barren grassy beach, she didn't care where it led, but ran forward desperately, determined to escape.

"Grab her... it's just ahead!"

She heard indistinct shouts behind her. She was glad that there was a thunderstorm at this time. Although the road was slippery and difficult to walk, the heavy rain formed a natural barrier to help her block the enemy's sight.

Lin Siran ran desperately, as long as he got into the word Lin in front, he might be saved.

Into the woods, with such a small body, she must be easy to hide, but it is difficult for the enemy to find her.


It became difficult for her to breathe, and the rain made her vision unclear, and she couldn't wipe it off even if she kept wiping it, so she could only make do with it and run forward, and if she was not careful, a piece of her body would be scratched by weeds.

Pain has been ignored, and life is more important than anything else.

The voice behind him could not be heard either, maybe the thunderstorm was too loud.

But she dared not give up and run away unless she found a safe hiding place.

I hope that by distracting the enemy, I can save Mrs. Luohua's life, otherwise she will really become a sinner.

When he was thinking wildly, he accidentally fell down, Lin Siran ignored the pain, got up quickly and ran forward.

Finally entered the woods, the thick fallen leaves accumulated in winter can cover her footprints, she has to find a hidden place to hide.

After dawn, you will surely be saved.

Just thinking about it, Lin Siran's feet were suddenly empty.


A thought sounded in her mind, and she just rolled down.

" Well……"

The pain knocked her unconscious almost instantly.

Although before losing consciousness, she desperately told herself not to pass out, otherwise she might be drowned by the rainwater pouring into the trap.

But the reality couldn't help her.

When Lin Siran woke up again, her body was almost submerged in the water. Fortunately, she was blocked by a fast rock and did not continue to sink, but also because of this big rock, she was severely injured and her arms could not move at all. I'm sick, and my leg is injured, and now I just need to move a little, and my whole body hurts like hell.

"What should I do? Are you going to die here?" Lin Bian asked herself.

Just then, she heard footsteps above.

Lin Siran even had to control her breathing, what if it was the gang of people chasing and killing her?
Let's hope they don't find themselves here, or she's dead.

But she was bleeding all the time. If no one found her in this place and she couldn't get out, she would die sooner or later.

Lin Siran knew that she was facing an unprecedented desperate situation, and no one knew she was here, except those gangsters.

Who can save her?
(End of this chapter)

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