Chapter 388 I want to go up
The footsteps came back and forth several times above her, and finally no one came over.

Lin Siran thought, maybe she couldn't find it, so she gave up?
This is not a straight up and down trap, but a landslide. If it wasn't for the landslide, she fell straight down, and she might have been killed by hitting a rock.

Also because it is not straight up and down, those people can't see her when they look at the entrance of the cave.

But it was also because of this that Lin Sizan was worried that when Liu Qi brought someone back to look for her, he would not be able to find her.

She had to stay awake all the time, and once she found herself coming, she had to call for help.

However, his body was soaked in water, he was bleeding all the time, he was cold and in pain, this kind of feeling was really better than passing out.

The will to live made her do everything in her power to stay awake.

She even tried to move her body to see if she could climb out by her own ability.

Passively waiting for rescue may miss the best chance of self-rescue. If there is too much blood flow, people will die.

But unfortunately, the ramp was rough and slippery. She climbed a few times and then slid back. She didn't have enough strength to climb out by herself.

At this time, it was really hungry and cold, and it was extremely miserable.

After an unknown amount of time, there was no more water flowing downwards, but Lin Siran also felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring.

She kept pinching her legs, supporting herself with pain.

But it seems that this method is about to fail, because every time it is pinched, the time it can hold is getting shorter and shorter.

She finally couldn't stand it anymore and passed out.

When she woke up again, her mouth was parched and her whole body was hot like a fire.

She knew she must have a fever.

The clothes were still wet and stuck to her body, she licked her lips, her lips were all up, she needed to drink water.

But where is the water here?

The rainwater had seeped into the ground, so she had no choice but to wrap her sleeves in her arms to absorb a little water. Although she knew it was dirty, she couldn't care about it at this moment. Living was the most important thing.

There is hope only if it persists, Sui'er and Qingying will definitely come to her, she believes that they will not give up on themselves.

Must try to survive.

It was hard for her life to come to a turning point. The future is still so long. In her whole life, she must live until she is too old to go anywhere, with gray hair and wrinkled face, and then die in her warm bed.

She doesn't want to die here, no one will know, she doesn't want to die so miserable!
God gave her a second life, not to stop her in this dark and dirty trap.

"Go up...I want to go up!"

Lin Siran heard her voice hoarse, as if sandpaper was scraping on the wall.

But it still filled her with fighting spirit and courage.

She tried again and again, and every time she was pushed back to the original place by the slippery cave wall, and every time she hit the big rock hard, the painful viscera seemed to be displaced.

But each time, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to try again.

"I never believe that I will be caught in this little trap. No one wants me to admit defeat except myself!"

Lin Siran gritted her teeth, her thin body seemed to be injected with infinite power.

Using both hands and feet, each time he inserted his fingers into the soil hard to prevent himself from slipping.

It's almost... it's almost approaching the entrance of the cave...

Lin Siran felt the light, and she knew that as long as she held on, she would definitely be able to climb out.

"Lin Siran..."

"Lin Siran..."

She heard someone calling her name.

"Where are you……"

She couldn't make out who was calling, but the voice was anxious.

She wanted to answer, but found that her voice seemed to be blocked by cotton in her throat, and she couldn't speak at all.

Also because of agitation, the body fell again.


This time it was a solid fall, and when her back hit the stone heavily, she could even hear the vibration in her chest.

A mouthful of blood spit out.

Lin Siran was really regretful, she shouldn't have been distracted just now, even if she knew that someone was looking for her, it would be better to crawl out to be saved by herself.

"Lin Siran..."

The sound has gradually faded away.

Lin Siran felt endless despair, tears could not help falling down.

The fall almost killed her, and it made her unable to move.

"Is God going to kill me?"

Lin Siran had such thoughts in his heart.

Is it because she cruelly attacked Mrs. Lin and Lin Qianyu, so the heavens wanted to punish her?
Lin Siran gritted her teeth and thought viciously, even so, she would not regret it, if given another chance, she would still do that.

Is the bad guy only allowed to do evil, and she is not allowed to fight back?

Did she deserve to be beaten passively, to serve as a stepping stone for the cruel mother and daughter, to be used by them for schemes, and then to be abandoned like a shoe?

"I was not born as a tool to be used by others!"

"I have my own thoughts and feelings!"

"Even if you want me to stop, I won't listen. If I can't die, I will still step on them with all my might!"

Lin Siran let out a roar with all the strength in his body.

Throat was almost torn.

She didn't know if the person who came to her could hear her cry for help.

It was the only way she could think of.

But that person didn't seem to hear, Lin Siran's heart fell to the bottom again.

Almost at this moment, her willpower also collapsed, and she even thought, just die, there are not so many things worth cherishing in this world.

But at the moment when she was about to faint, she seemed to hear someone asking her in her ear: Lin Siran, are you just at this level?Are you going to give up?Your enemy is still alive!
She woke up with a start.

Yeah, the enemy she swore to send to hell is still alive.

Lin Siran got the strength from nowhere, and shouted hoarsely: "Help... I'm trapped in a trap!"

She didn't know how far the sound could travel in the cave, and whether it could be heard by those who were looking for her.

She just repeated it over and over again, even if her voice was hoarse and her throat was bleeding, she kept shouting.

Unless she is completely dumb, she will never give up hope for help.

"Lin Siran!"

She heard someone shouting from above.

"It's me..." Lin Siran replied forcefully with a hoarse voice.

"Don't be afraid... I'm coming!"

When his voice came in, Lin Ruran burst into tears like rain.

After a while, a person slipped down from the top, and the cave was pitch-black, and she could only see the shadow of the other person.

He didn't hit Lin Siran, but landed not far from Lin Siran.

"Lin Siran, where are you?" Because he couldn't see clearly, he groped around with his hands.

At this time, Lin Siran realized that the person who found her was actually Li Xingxu.

In fact, when she was asking for help, she thought of countless possibilities, but there was never a possibility that Li Xingxu would come to save her.

Why is he here?How could he come to rescue her?

Lin Siran choked up and said, "I'm here, I'm injured, I can't move!"

Li Xingxu sighed slightly, and said, "Finally found you, are still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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