The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 389 It's Okay, You Can Cry

Chapter 389 It's Okay, You Can Cry

He stretched out his hand, touched Lin Siran, and tried to grab Lin Siran's hand.

"I can't move my arm, and my bones seem to be broken." Lin Sizan reminded, "Do you have a rope?"

"There is no rope, but I will definitely take you up!" After he stabilized his body, he lifted Lin Sizan from the stone with all his strength, "I will carry you up!"

"I only have one arm to use my strength." Lin Sizan said, "The entrance to the cave is narrow, how can the two of us get up?"

"give it to me!"

Suddenly he began to undo his belt.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Siran asked.

"Tie you up and take you out!" Li Xingxu said and started to move Lin Siran to his back, then tied her to his back, and asked, "Is that okay?"

"Hmm..." Lin Siran responded in a low voice, not knowing what to say to express his mood at this time.

Even though she hadn't walked out of here yet, he was here, as if she was already safe.

"Crying?" he asked.

"No..." Lin Siran's voice was clearly trembling.

Li Xingxu patted her head with his backhand and said, "It's okay, you can cry."

Suddenly, Lin Siran couldn't hold back any longer, sobbing and laying on his shoulder, with one hand around his neck, letting the tears fall on him.

Li Xingxu has already started to try to crawl online.

The hole was so narrow that it was impossible for him to stand up, he could only crawl upward.

Lin Siran was on his back, even if she was a girl, she was not light, his already thin body, and he didn't know where the strength came from, but he led her up bit by bit.

Every time Lin Siran thought that he would not be able to hold on and slipped down like her, but he could always stop steadily and continue to climb up.

This process lasted for a long time, he obviously worked very hard, but he didn't complain at all, he gritted his teeth, panting, and led her constantly approaching the entrance of the cave.

"If you can't climb, you can put me down, and you can find someone to help, and I can wait!" Lin Sian thoughtfully said.

But Li Xingxu said: "I won't leave you alone in this damn hole. If you're so scared, stop talking about being brave. It's not shameful to be vulnerable. You're just a 16-year-old girl!"

Lin Siran bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying.

She restrained the shaking of her body as much as possible, for fear of affecting him.

"Why do you treat me so well?" Lin Siran asked with a sob.

Li Xingxu didn't know whether it was from the heart or a joke: "You are too stupid, and you like to be brave. If you don't help me, I won't bear it."

Lin Siran cried and said, "How stupid am I? You are so annoying!"

Li Xingxu laughed lightly, and suddenly kicked his foot, Lin Siran almost thought he was going to fall, but unexpectedly, he flew out of the cave with himself.

It wasn't until he stood firm that Lin Siran realized that he was saved.

"We... came out?" Lin Bianran almost couldn't believe it. The sun shone in through the leaves, and she realized that the sky had cleared up after the heavy rain.

Li Xingxu said: "Let's go, I'll take you out."

"Why did you come to me?" Lin Siran only asked the doubts in his heart at this time.

"I said I happened to be passing by, believe it or not?" Li Xingxu asked back.

Lin Siran frowned and said, "Passing by this deserted place? I don't believe it."

Li Xingxu laughed out loud: "If you don't believe it, it's right. The heavy rain in the south of the Yangtze River broke the embankment. In the past, King Fu was sent to relieve the disaster. This year, I was ordered to go there. I wanted to travel overnight. After leaving the city, I met your guards and Girl, please help."

"Wouldn't that delay your Highness's schedule?" Lin Siran panicked, "If it delays your business, it would be my fault, Your let me down, I'll go by myself, you... "

"I've been delayed for two days, do you care about this time?" Li Xingxu asked helplessly, "Don't worry, I went out of the city overnight. Take a break and hurry up."

Lin Siran was very moved, knowing that he could have ignored his own business, and at most sent someone back to find other people to help.

But he chose to save her himself. Lin Sizan felt that he might not be able to bear the weight of this kindness.

She wanted to say something, but her throat hurt badly, and her tears kept streaming.

"Stop talking, have a good rest, you have run too far, if you want to go back, there is still a while!" Li Xingxu's voice was much gentler than before, with a warm and firm strength.

Lin Siran seemed to be comforted, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

She has indeed held on for too long, and there is no way to wake up anymore.

She didn't even have time to say thank you to him.

Lin Siran has no memory of what happened next, and she doesn't know how she got back to Mrs. Luohua's villa.

Not knowing how to deal with her injuries, she also changed her clothes, and she lay on the soft and warm bed, as if she was in the clouds.

"Miss, are you awake?" Sui'er rushed over excitedly, "You've woken up, gods bless you, you're finally awake!"

Hearing Sui'er's voice, people from outside came in one after another.

Mrs. Luohua, Qingxuan, the Sixth Princess, and even Yan Shichu were all there, not to mention that Lu Qianxue was also here.

"You..." Lin Siran opened his mouth, only to realize that his throat was not healed, and the pain was unbearable.

"Shut up, the doctor told you, your throat is hurt, don't make a sound for now." Qingying came over to stop her.

Mrs. Luo Hua's eyes were red, and she said: "It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up... Otherwise, I won't be safe in my heart for the rest of my life, you girl..."

Qingxuan took Mrs. Luohua's hand and comforted him: "Okay, okay, you don't have to blame yourself, this child is blessed and destined, I said she will survive!"

But as he talked, Qingxuan's tears also came down.

It can be seen that she has been worried for so long.

Lin Biran looked at them, wanting to speak, but didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Luo Hua probably thought she was met by a thief that night, but she didn't know that the thief came here because she spoiled Lin Ruran, so she lured the thief away and saved her. That's why Mrs. Luo Hua blamed herself like this, right?

Yan Shichu glanced at Lin Siran, showed a gentle smile, and only nodded to her without saying anything.

"Sister Lin..." Lu Qianxue came over and leaned into her ear, "My brother is here too, it's inconvenient for him to come in, let me tell you, no matter what happens, he will be here!"

Lu Qianxue raised her head and winked at her.

Lin Siran nodded slightly.

"Okay, okay... Let's all go out, let Ranran take a rest, she will be fine when she wakes up, and then she will take care of it slowly." Qingxuan took the initiative to call everyone out.

"Miss, do you know? You've been in a coma for four days, you've been running a fever, you've got injuries everywhere, you almost..." Sui'er choked up, and Lin Siran almost died.

Qingying also wiped her tears, and said: "We really shouldn't have listened to you at the time, let you face the gangsters alone, and don't do this again in the future. We are slaves, how can we bear such a thing? If You have three ups and downs, how can Sui Er and I survive?"

Lin Siran knew that although Qingying was complaining, it was only because she was too worried about her.

Lin Siran mouthed: It's over, it's all over!

(End of this chapter)

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