The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 405 The price of standing on the wrong team

Chapter 405 The price of standing on the wrong team
"I don't care if you understand it or not. Behind those uproarious remarks, you must be contributing to the flames. I admit that the second prince did do something to hurt you before, but he also paid the price for it. If you are smarter, you should Know how to stop in time, he is a prince, even if he is not a knight, he is not the one you should offend, not to mention... the second prince still has kindness to our Lin family, I don't blame you if you don't know how to repay your kindness, After all, you hadn't returned to the Lin family at that time, and now that my father has spoken, if you still pretend to be confused, then it's your fault."

Lin Xiaoqian's tone was stern, and he didn't play charades with Lin Siran, in order to prevent Lin Siran from having a chance to dodge.

"Father, is this your attitude?" Lin Siran asked calmly.

"Have you decided to continue to stand on the second prince's team?"

Lin Siran simply asked the question clearly.

Lin Xiaoqian's eyes were slightly flustered, and he reprimanded unhappily: "Such words are not allowed to be nonsense, spread them out, do you want your father's head to move?"

"Since father is afraid, why does he still want to get involved in party disputes?" Lin Siran smiled, "Even if this kind of thing is not spread, it will be difficult to hide it from people's eyes and ears, right?"

Lin Xiaoqian's tone was stern: "Ranran, you are a daughter, don't speak without scruples, ignorance is not scary, if ignorance speaks indiscriminately, you will cause trouble!"

"I remember my father's teachings, but there is a saying, as a daughter, I also want to persuade my father, maybe you want to take the team to a higher level, but if you can't afford the price of being in the wrong team, what should you do? Is father willing to use the Lin family and years of hard work to participate in this gamble?"

Lin Biran looked at Lin Xiaoqian, she really wanted to stop Lin Xiaoqian from doing such absurd things, she really hated Lin Xiaoqian, hated Mrs Lin, but she never thought about making the Lin family suffer.

At least Mrs. Lin had a little sincerity towards her. Although Wei Rong'er had selfish intentions, she had a sympathy with her. The Lin family was more innocent servants brought in. She didn't want to see the tragic ending of her previous life.

Lin Xiaoqian frowned, looking at Lin Siran.

"Life is a game of gambles. Wealth and wealth come from risks. I am the head of the family. I have the responsibility and obligation to lead the Lin family to a more brilliant future!"

Lin Xiaoqian was not angry anymore, but seriously answered Lin Siran's question.

Lin Siran sighed, feeling that some things cannot be changed by himself.

"Father, what if we lose? Can you afford the consequences?"

"So don't make trouble anymore, make enemies with the second prince, don't let him lose, don't let the Lin family lose!" Lin Xiaoqian looked at Lin Siran, "Ranran, on the contrary, you should turn the fight with the second prince into friendship and become our help , rather than resistance. Don’t worry about small grievances. Those who do big things don’t care about small things. Dad thinks you are a smart girl and knows how to choose!”

Lin Siran smiled.

"Father, I don't know whether to say that you underestimate me or overestimate me."

"As long as you are willing to be with the father and promise for the father, your life will be better, not only you, but also the elder brother you care about. Isn't he about to take the palace test soon? No matter what the result of the palace test is, as long as he is willing It is not a dream to work for the second prince and achieve success in the future. We will try our best to ensure that he enters the Imperial Academy, this is the promise made by the second prince himself, you can rest assured!"

Lin Xiaoqian offered a condition that would make anyone's heart flutter.

"Imperial Academy? That's really a step up to the sky. Only the children of aristocratic families are eligible to stay, but the door is actually open to the children of poor families?" Lin Sizan asked with a smile.

"What's so difficult about this? My father has also learned about Yan Shichu recently, and he thinks that he is a talented person. As long as someone supports him, his achievements in the future will not be inferior to his father's. The second prince is also like this kind of person. Necessary. As long as he is loyal to the second prince, how can the second prince not support him? Ranran... This is a golden opportunity!"

Lin Xiaoqian couldn't help sighing with emotion.

"Even if I was the leader of my high school back then, I didn't have such an opportunity. Wasn't it because I was released for three years and earned a merit to be promoted to the Imperial Academy?"

Lin Siran admitted that this is indeed a very rare opportunity.

But she is not rare, and Yan Shichu is definitely not rare.

People like the second prince are not worthy of their brothers and sisters' allegiance.

She does have selfish intentions, she wants to have a better life, and she wants her brother Qingyun to go straight up and become famous.

But she also cares about whether the world will be better. What her brother wants to be successful is definitely not to be an obedient dog and work hard in exchange for a few bones thrown down by his master, but to truly serve the court with his own ability. , Do something good for the country and the people, something worthy of pride for yourself and future generations.

Regardless of whether it is famous in history or not, but you must be worthy of your heart!

This is the truth and principle that they, as children of the Yan family, have been instilled since childhood, and then recognized from the bottom of their hearts.

Regardless of past and present lives, Lin Siran has never changed this concept.

"Father, do you really think in your heart that the second prince will be the master?" Lin Siran asked seriously.

Lin Xiaoqian frowned, feeling a little overwhelmed by this question.

"He will be, we people will let him be!" Lin Xiaoqian had no choice but to answer like this, as if he could convince himself that there was nothing wrong with the object of his allegiance.

Lin Siran shook his head slightly, and asked again: "It's not that you made him a wise master, but he is a wise master himself, so he deserves allegiance, isn't he? If he doesn't meet your expectations in essence, you should be loyal to him." What is the reason? Is it because he has a better chance of being in power, or is it because he is more willing to promise you a high position, high salary, glory and wealth?"

Lin Xiaoqian sneered, and said, "What on earth are you trying to say? Are you happy to force me to admit that I am such a superficial, selfish, unscrupulous villain who wants to fight for power and profit?"

"Why can't the second prince be the master? Among the current princes, isn't he the best choice? If you have to participate in a gamble, shouldn't you bet on the side that is most likely to win?"

Lin Xiaoqian is confident and confident, and doesn't think there is anything wrong with him.

"Father, shouldn't an official put the country and the people first?" Lin Sizan asked, "I only look at the interests, and only see who can promise you greater benefits, so that you can get more benefits." A greater chance of winning, wouldn’t you be afraid of not being able to see the path under your feet, wouldn’t you be afraid of going wrong? Aren’t you afraid of being tripped?”

Lin Siran really couldn't figure out why a person who had read sage books became so narrow-minded and selfish.

Shouldn't reading make a person more patriotic, have a higher and far-sighted vision, and be more compassionate?

"I thought that if a person stands tall enough, he should also look down, look at those who are still suffering, and listen to the cries from afar. This time, as the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, my father insisted that There is no way to allocate more money for disaster relief, and the 30 taels were reduced to only 10 taels. Is it true that there is no money, or is it because my father thinks it is more important to prevent the prince from making meritorious deeds?"

(End of this chapter)

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