The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 418 I Didn't Choose Me After All

Chapter 418 I Didn't Choose Me After All
At this moment, she was relieved, without any regrets or sorrows, she understood Yan Shichu, because she and him were brothers and sisters, and they had the same heart of a child.

It is also because they are still young, full of passion and hope.

But it is precisely because of his youth that he has the courage to confront the world.

What's wrong with being young?
What if I fell down?
I still have time and opportunity to get back up, and I can start over.

Qingxuan looked at Yan Shichu, as if he saw another dazzling soul through this young man, they were so similar, both fearless, righteous, proud, and so dazzling.

But Qingxuan still doesn't believe it. Can people who came up from the bottom really not care about fame and fortune?
"Have you ever thought that if you hide your truth, today's No. [-] scholar will be in your pocket? What a long and lonely road it is to walk out from the battle of tens of thousands of people and walk to the top of the hall. Lu, isn't every day of studying hard in the cold window a moment for the title of the gold list? Why are you willing to give up?"

Qing Xuan was deeply puzzled.

Yan Shichu smiled wryly, and said: "Just like what Mr. said, at the moment when the imperial decree was not read out, I was still full of expectations, thinking that His Majesty would choose me as the number one scholar, but unfortunately... His Majesty still did not choose me after all."

It would be a lie to say not disappointed.

But he was just taking a big gamble, betting that His Majesty didn't just want to be a mediocre king, but betting that he also wanted to make some achievements, be famous in history, and be famous forever.

When he learned that he had failed, he wasn't just sorry for himself.

After all, there was no such sentence, which exhausted his unwillingness and disappointment.

Qingxuan couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, and said with relief: "You are more honest than I thought, and you are also stronger than I thought."

Lin Siran felt a little sour in his heart.

"But don't feel disappointed. Good things take time. Young people need to settle down. The sky is about to send a great responsibility to everyone. You should make the best preparations for this day." Qingxuan's words were quite mysterious. She didn't tell Yan Shichu that the emperor Because of those things, it is not suitable to tell Yan Shichu now.

Yan Shichu looked at Qingxuan, still holding a faint smile, and said: "Thank you sir for your encouragement, if I feel disappointed and discouraged because of such setbacks, it would be too vulnerable, and it shows that Your Majesty's choice today is not wrong. "

Qingxuan nodded: "Very well, I am looking forward to how far you will go in the future."

Those ambitions and aspirations that Yu Bai did not realize may already have successors.

"Ranran, you should have something to talk to your brother alone, right? I won't disturb your brother and sister's heart-to-heart talk." Qingxuan got up and left.

Lin Siran and Yan Shichu became relatively silent.

"I'm sorry, Ranran, I failed your expectations." Yan Shichu opened his mouth first, although he had done what he wanted to do and had no regrets, but he still felt sorry for Lin Siran.

Lin Siran was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a mournful face: "You actually said sorry to me, brother... what are you thinking? How could you be sorry to me, I was worried that you would feel sad because of failure!"

Yan Shichu showed a shameful expression: "You have done so much for me, you only hoped that I could go to high school, but I messed up."

"You didn't screw up,'s good,'s good, because you haven't forgotten your original intention, and you haven't forgotten what your father taught us. It's an honor to be the champion, but you can say out loud that you want to change The words of a person in the world are very precious to me. In my eyes, my brother is still a shining brother!"

Lin Siran showed a proud expression.

Yan Shichu smiled, his eyes were slightly red, and asked: "Really? But there is nothing I can do for a while, let my sister be proud of my glory!"

"No... my brother will always be my pride. Sometimes I sink to fly higher. I think what my mother said is right. God must have more important responsibilities for you, so before that , it is necessary to sharpen you, let you lie down, make the best preparations, and meet the most difficult challenges."

Lin Siran suddenly had greater confidence in this.

Yan Shichu felt that his heart was filled with an emotion, and he wanted to shed tears, but the corners of his mouth could not be restrained. He walked over gently and put his hands on Lin Siran's head.

Lin Siran took advantage of the situation and hugged Yan Shichu.

"Brother, no matter what happens, we have to face it together. Your glory is also my glory, and your dream is also my dream." It is rare for Lin Siran to act like a baby.

Yan Shichu patted her on the head and said, "Fool, are you afraid that I won't be able to think about it?"

"No, my brother won't be overwhelmed. A person who wants to do something big, how can he give up because of a little setback?" Lin Siran raised her head, and her initial worries turned into full of trust.

Yan Shichu was amused, and said, " are really like a child, you haven't changed at all."

"I haven't changed. I'm not a child anymore. I've grown up a long time ago." Lin Siran also laughed. In fact, it was only at this time that she showed her childish appearance.

"A lot of times I think you've grown up, no... To be precise, it's a bit vicissitudes. Sometimes I even feel that you are more mature than me, which makes people feel distressed." Yan Shichu brushed away the messy hair on Lin Ruran's forehead, " If only you could never grow up."

Lin Siran pushed him away, pretending to be unhappy and said: "You speak as if I am very old!"

"Well... Speaking of which, you seem to have wrinkles at the corners of your eyes!" Yan Shichu pointed at Lin Siran's eyes in surprise.

Lin Siran hurriedly looked for mirrors everywhere, and said in a panic, "Really? Are there any wrinkles? No way...I...I'm only 16 years old!"

Yan Shichu laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

Only then did Lin Siran realize that he had been fooled.

"Brother, you are so annoying!" Lin Siran yelled angrily.

Yan Shichu laughed and said, "You are so cute!"

When I thought it was sad, it seemed to become less sad. It is really a happy thing to have important people around me who understand and support me.

Yan Shichu's heart also became clear. Although the road ahead is long and even a little dark, it doesn't matter, he is not alone on this road.

Qingxuan ordered the kitchen to prepare a table of good dishes, and did not treat Yan Shichu as an outsider, so they sat down and ate together.

The sixth princess didn't know the mystery, looked left and right, and felt that everyone seemed not too sad.

"Liu'er, what are you doing looking around when you don't eat?" Qingxuan asked.

The sixth princess laughed twice, took a few mouthfuls of food, and peeked at Lin Sizan and Yan Shichu.

"Brother Yan, aren't you sad that you failed the ranking?" The sixth princess was a child after all, and couldn't hold back her words.

Yan Shichu smiled and said, "I'm not sad."

"That's really great. I was worried that you would cry. I'm most worried about Sister Lin. She is very sad." The sixth princess said.

Yan Shichu smiled and said: "It's a bit sad, but seeing so many delicious food, and being able to eat at the same table with the little princess, I don't feel sad. After all, the number one scholar doesn't have such an honor, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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