Chapter 423 That Article
Mrs. Lin is already half useless, Lin Qianyu doesn't have that ability, and Yan Shichu is not a feeble scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken. His skills are not a problem against ordinary Lianjiazi, unless the opponent is a top expert.

Could it be that the Su family took revenge for Mrs. Lin?

If it's revenge, there's no need to kidnap people, you should do harm on the spot, why kidnap people?Threatening Lin Siran?

"Mr. Huo...maybe...maybe it's not the Second Prince, it might have something to do with the Marquis of Huaiyin." Lin Siran said again, "You may have heard Minmin talk about my grievances with Mrs. Lin."

Huo Sizheng nodded slightly, and said, "You don't need to listen to Minmin, it doesn't seem like a secret."

This matter is also causing trouble in the city, Huo Sizheng thought, before seeing Lin Siran, he thought she was such a "tough" woman, at least much stronger than his sister Huo Min, otherwise how dare she go around start a feud?It is not ordinary courage to make such a publicity of grievances and even dare to confront the King Fu who was in full swing at that time.

But when I saw her, I realized that such a delicate and beautiful girl did not look fierce at all, but seemed to be thinner than ordinary women.

Under such a delicate appearance, how can there be a fearless heart?Where did her courage come from?

Huo Sizheng could see that Lin Siran was panicked and helpless at this time, but she didn't even cry, instead she tried her best to keep calm and rational, and when Huo Min lost her temper, she could in turn comfort her.

Lin Siran forced a wry smile, and said: "I seem to have caused a lot of trouble, maybe it's because I don't know how to restrain myself, and caused so many troubles, so I hurt my brother!"

If I had known that it would hurt the important people around me, I shouldn't have done things so badly.

Lin Siran's heart seemed to be tormented by hot oil.

She didn't care at all whether she would be hurt or retaliated against, and she didn't regret it even when she was threatened with death again and again. She just wanted to fight those people to the end, but she didn't want to give in to them.

But once it comes to the relatives and lovers you want to protect, you can't be confident.

Just when Huo Si heard a choke in Lin Siran's voice, he realized that she was really not fearless.

"Don't worry, I will do my best. I hope Mr. Yan will come back safely." Huo Sizheng said solemnly, "Please rest assured and leave it to me. Go back and wait for news."

Lin Siran looked at Huo Sizheng, confirmed his sincerity, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Huo..."

Huo Sizheng nodded, asked someone to send Lin Siran off, and then led the person away.

Lin Siran was not at ease, she knew that following Huo Sizheng would cause unnecessary trouble.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Siran felt that her strength was so weak that if something happened to someone around her, she would be unable to do anything if she couldn't find someone to help her.

How can she still be so weak?

If she doesn't have her own power in her hand, how can she go further?How can I protect myself and those around me?
She must become stronger, she must have the power that belongs to her, and when she needs someone who can be used by herself, she is too slack, thinking that she already has enough status and contacts, so she slackens .

She was sent to the gate of the princess mansion to let Huo Sizheng's people go, but she sat at the gate, thinking about how to have the power that truly belonged to her.

Qingxuan opened the door, walked out, did not speak, but sat there with Lin Siran.

Lin Siran apologized, "Mom, why did you come out? Did I worry you?"

"You came back but didn't go in, isn't it because you are afraid that I will worry about you?" Qingxuan patted Lin Siran's head, "I believe Shichu will be fine, he is a lucky man."

"But..." Lin Siran didn't know how to tell Qingxuan that in her previous life, Yan Shichu suddenly disappeared in the capital, and she didn't find him until she died. Even Yan's parents also disappeared.

She was worried that after working so hard for so long, there was still no way to change Yan Shichu's fate.

Perhaps it was because she wanted to change the future too much, but instead brought even greater misfortune to Yan Shichu.

This sense of fear enveloped Lin Siran, and his heart was cut like a knife.

"If something happens, it's not your fault. Don't take the responsibility on yourself. I didn't intend to tell you. Maybe what happened tonight is not because of you, but because of Shichu's article. "

After all, Qingxuan couldn't bear to see Lin Bianran in such a devastated state, she had never been so vulnerable and helpless as she is now.

At least Qingxuan hadn't seen it before, even if she suffered such a serious injury and the pain was so painful that she couldn't sleep all night, she still endured it firmly and didn't let anyone worry about her.

But now, she is sitting here, like a lost child who doesn't know where her home is.

"Article? Why did the article cause him to be kidnapped?" Lin Siran was puzzled, "Even if the speech is too radical, it won't invite such revenge, right?"

"Because he is not just talking too much, but his words are like a sword hanging over some people's heads, which may kill them at any time." Qingxuan sighed, "He is really a genius, so In my life, I have only met two people, one is him, and the other... is my husband."

Qingxuan took a deep breath, as if something was blocked in his throat, unable to spit out or swallow.

She has no way to forget how her husband died, because in this world, some people do not allow geniuses like them to live. They are in constant panic, wanting to extend the darkness infinitely, and let the world run according to their wishes , to maintain their precarious position of power.

But there are always some people who are not afraid of power, and want to open a way out in the dark, and find some hope for the people who are still suffering.

But people in the dark can't see a little light, but if someone wants to shine a little light, they can't wait to snuff it out.

Let's all sink into the darkness forever, and don't have anyone looking for the light.

Listening to these words, Lin Siran opened and closed her lips, wanting to say something, but felt as if something was blocking her throat.

"Ranran, if this is the case, you..." Qingxuan couldn't bear to finish speaking, she couldn't see the fragmented sadness and pain in Lin Ruran's eyes.

"I will never allow anyone to take away my brother for any reason!" Lin Siran stood up suddenly, "If someone does that, no matter how much the price is, I will let them be smashed to pieces and their families destroyed!"

Lin Siran's body tensed up, her voice was suppressed in her throat, and she said it with bitter hatred.

Qingxuan was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Siran didn't notice it, she was just preoccupied with the danger Yan Shichu might encounter.

The most frightening thing is that she doesn't know who the enemy is.

(End of this chapter)

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