Chapter 428 Unique and Domineering

"But your family won't agree, at least your mother has already disagreed." Lin Siran couldn't help but hit her, "The daughter of the Duke's mansion, the daughter of the Huo family, even if she is a concubine, my brother can't do it. Gao Pan."

"He can't climb me up, so I'll climb him. What's the point?" Huo Min asked, "My mother is here, my brother is here, and I don't have to worry about it in my life. Why should I go against my will and talk to someone I don't like?" Do you live a cold day?"

Lin Siran was at a loss for words to refute.

"You will definitely say that my family disagrees, because the family is not right, and the family disagrees. How can I resist? I have thought about it too. I have never married. I don't agree with anyone who proposes a marriage. Sooner or later my mother She will compromise, she loves me the most, since childhood, she has tried her best to give me what I want, do you know why?" Huo Min looked at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran shook his head.

"Because my mother is very clear in her heart. If she is not loved by her husband, she will not be happy at all even if she is in the right family. She has never been happy in her life. She has long known that my father's thoughts are not on her. No matter how hard I try, my father doesn't love her, he just doesn't love her, no matter how good her background is, how good she is at being a human being, how well she knows how to manage a house, she can't compare to Second Aunt's tears and sweet words."

"She will definitely not want me to suffer like this in the future."

Huo Min was extremely convinced.

"But what if one day you regret it? Poor and lowly couples are always sad, but you haven't experienced the suffering of being poor and humble." Lin Sizan said.

"Haha... I'm Huo Min, the daughter of the Huo family, how can I suffer? What I have now, I can eat and drink for a few lifetimes!" Huo Min shook her head triumphantly.

Lin Siran was speechless.

"But my brother may not be happy. How can he be so proud to accept his wife's money?" Lin Siran shook his head, still feeling inappropriate.

Huo Min snorted and said: "If he likes me, he must accept it. I can accept his poverty, but I will never accept his hatred of wealth. If he wants to live a hard life, I will let him go. He can eat chaff and swallow it." dishes, but it can’t prevent me from eating delicious and spicy food, and it can’t prevent me from being nice to him!”

Lin Siran chuckled.

"You are really unique and domineering." Lin Siran said helplessly.

"Ranran, I just want to ask you one thing, would you like it?" Huo Min asked, "Do you want me to be your... your relative?"

Lin Sizan rolled her eyes and asked, "Should you ask me this? It's not something I can interfere with."

"Although you are only his younger sister, I think you have the most idea. If you agree, he will definitely listen to you." Huo Min analyzed seriously.

Lin Siran scratched her head in distress, and said, "Is that so? Marriage is the order of the parents. According to the matchmaker, it's impossible for the younger sister to make the decision, right?"

"I don't care, no one supports me now, you must support me!" Huo Min rubbed Lin Siran's face and said coquettishly.

"Yeah...don't rub it anymore, my face is almost cooked by you, I support it, okay?" Lin Siran expressed his surrender.

Life is already very bitter, and there must be a little sweetness. If Huo Min and Yan Shichu are in love, then it's up to her sister to work hard to bridge the gap between them.

Sooner or later, her elder brother will become a master, and she is extremely confident. In this case, what does it matter if you suffer a little when you are young? Anyway, Huo Min doesn't care. She hopes to have a good marriage with the boy in her heart. Why not give it a try?

Even if it fails, there is no regret, right?
"Great, Ranran, you are the cutest, gentlest, kindest, and most beautiful person in the world. I love you, I love you to death!" Huo Min hugged Lin Siran, wishing to use the best love in the world. Words to praise her.

Lin Siran immediately said: "Hey, hey...don't be busy praising me, I'm ugly to say the least, even though I support you unilaterally, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, I still insist, parents order, matchmaker In other words, if the Duke and Madam both agree to this marriage, then it will be justifiable, before that, you are not allowed to do nonsense, and you are not allowed to be angry, but only polite, can you do it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, of course, how could I be so nonsense? Could it be possible to take him home?" Huo Min chuckled, "Although I did fantasize about it, I'm not that bastard Pei Xian, is it? Can you bully men and women?"

Lin Siran poked her head helplessly, and said, "I really can't do anything about you, don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, I'm so happy. When you disagreed before, I always felt very sad, because you are my best friend and his sister. If you don't agree, then I will He has thousands of courage, but he dare not take half a step." Huo Min looked a little lonely.

Lin Siran held her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I always worry about many things, worrying that any of you will be hurt..."

"Don't say I'm sorry, it's too serious. I know you are doing it for our own good, but you don't have to worry, because each of us should be responsible for our own life. Don't regret what path you choose, let alone Afraid of getting hurt." Huo Min was always so optimistic and cheerful.

Lin Siran cherishes this cheerfulness too much, and is afraid that she will endure the hardships of life in the future, and she will never be as happy as she is now.

But now that she is so happy, but hurt because of the affection she wanted, Lin Siran still couldn't bear it, and chose to support her decision.

She remembered Qingxuan's words, as a best friend, shouldn't she support her decision and look forward to the other party's happiness?Why do you want to interfere indiscriminately, why do you have to stand on the side of her self-righteousness and make decisions for her?
Even if she may be sad, regret and sad in the future, then open your arms and let her rely on you.

"If you have thought it through clearly and still decide to persevere, I will not object any more. I only wish you a safe and happy life, and a hundred years without worries." Lin Siran said softly.

After hearing this, Huo Min suddenly pursed her mouth, and she wanted to cry, "Why do you suddenly say such provocative words, people will cry!"

Lin Siran chuckled: "This is the truth, okay... I won't tell you more, you have to go home quickly, don't let Mrs. Huo worry."

"Then...that Mr. Yan..." Huo Min felt shy.

"I'll talk to him, just don't blame him." Lin Siran said.

"How could I blame him? It's too late for me to feel sorry for him!" Huo Min blurted out, and after saying it, he felt too Meng Lang again, and couldn't help but blush.

Lin Siran pretended not to notice her embarrassment, and urged her to go home quickly. It was really not good for her to run out in spite of Mrs. Huo's objection.

Lin Siran asked Qing Ying to take her home, and told her to send her home.

Huo Min couldn't resist Lin Siran's insistence, so he agreed.

Lin Siran sent her out before going to Yan Shichu.

I saw him standing beside the rockery blankly, without moving, like a sculpture, I am afraid his body is standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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