Chapter 439
Because they had already left the teahouse at this time, they had no intention of going back, and it was getting late, so they went back separately.

After returning to her room, Sui'er said cautiously: "Miss, I think... I think I read it right, it is the young master."

"Huh?" Lin Siran looked at Sui'er in surprise.

Sui'er twisted her fingers, feeling a little uneasy, and said: "Because I saw it before you, the young master is still wearing the pouch that the young lady made for him."

Lin Siran's expression was slightly stiff. If Sui'er was right, what happened?

"It doesn't matter even if it's Mr. Yan, right? Maybe I just happened to meet a woman on the road and needed help. Didn't the second lady almost take advantage of her last time?"

Qingying comforted her.

"Even if there is something wrong, miss, just go and ask tomorrow. Don't worry too much. Mr. Yan is such an old man, he must know what he is doing."

"That's true." Lin Sizan nodded, "I'll go to my brother tomorrow to ask, the main reason is that Minmin saw it, and she's afraid that there will be many misunderstandings."

Qingying smiled and said: "Actually, miss, you don't have to be so nervous. Miss Huo is open-minded and open-minded. If there are some misunderstandings, it's okay to explain clearly."

"Well, prepare some food and drink tomorrow, let's go see my brother." Lin Siran said.

"Okay, don't worry." Qing Ying agreed.

The cold wind came in from the window, Lin Sian felt a little cold, Sui'er hurried to close the window.

"It seems that the sky is going to change." Sui'er looked up at the sky outside the window.

Lin Siran said: "The weather is getting more and more unpredictable. Fortunately, I came back earlier."

Not long after, it started to rain, the rain was not light, and it was crackling. The whole night, Lin Siran couldn't sleep well. The complicated things in the dream made her extremely entangled. Together, it makes it difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction.

When Lin Siran woke up, it was still dark, and there was still a strong wind and heavy rain outside.

An uneasy feeling came to my heart.

Qing Ying kept vigil tonight, and when she heard the sound of her getting up, she put on her clothes and got up, asking, "Do you want some tea? Let me come."

Qingying lit a lamp, and then poured tea for Lin Ruran.

Lin Siran took a sip, rubbed his head, and said, "I had a wild dream all night, isn't it daylight yet?"

"Well, it's still early, is it a nightmare?" Qing Ying asked worriedly.

Lin Siran said: "It's nothing, maybe it's raining, you can't sleep well, go back to sleep, I'll just squint."

"If you can't sleep, I'll just talk to you." Qingying said softly.

Lin Siran moved inside and said, "Then you lie down together."

Qing Ying took off her coat, lay down, and asked: "Miss, are you still worried about the day's affairs? Are you worried about Mr. Yan?"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that something is wrong. It's not just my brother... There's also the matter of Luo Zifang. Didn't the concierge say that there is a young man wandering around our door recently?"

Lin Siran was worried that Luo Zifang would come to make trouble again.

Qing Ying said: "If you are worried that Mr. Luo will cause trouble, let's find a few people to teach him a lesson secretly."

"That's not necessary, as long as Princess Shushen takes action, Luo Zifang will soon have no time to trouble me, and Prince Lian will not let him go." Lin Siran was concerned about Luo Zifang's affairs. I'm not really worried.

Instead, it was her brother's matter that made her a little uneasy.

Please pat Lin Siran on the back and said: "Then don't think too much, sleep for a while, read so many books every day, recover your body, and go to learn flower art from Mrs. Luohua again. If you still can't sleep well, it will hurt your body too much."

"Well, okay..." Lin Siran didn't speak anymore.

Qingying's hand patted her gently like coaxing a child, making her feel very at ease.

Lin Siran gradually fell asleep.

But after a while, she woke up with a start, her body trembled, and Qingying was also frightened by her.

"What's wrong?" Qing Ying asked nervously, "Have you had a nightmare again?"

"I don't know, but suddenly I was shocked, as if something bad happened." Lin Siran looked extremely disturbed, "Why is it still dark? I have to go and see my brother."

"Miss, you are too nervous, relax a bit, there is still a long time before dawn." Qing Ying tried her best to comfort her.

Lin Siran couldn't fall asleep anyway, she simply sat up and said, "I feel so uncomfortable, I've been jumping wildly..."

"How about I order some soothing incense?" Qingying asked.

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "No need, I'll just calm down for a while."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Qingying frowned and complained: "It's not yet dawn, who is so ignorant?"

"Go and see, something must have happened." Lin Siran got up in a hurry and began to put on her clothes. The sense of panic she had just appeared for no reason should indicate something.

She didn't know what happened or who it was.

Qing Ying went to open the door with an umbrella, and saw Asi's pale face and extremely disturbed eyes.

"Axi? Why are you here?" Qingying asked.

"Yes... it's the inscription." Asi's voice trembled slightly, and he didn't know whether it was because of the cold or panic.

Lin Siran had already put on her clothes, and opened the door, a gust of cold wind mixed with damp and cold rushed towards her face, making her flinch unconsciously.

"Qingying, who is it?" Lin Siran asked.

Qingying let Asi in, and then hurriedly urged Lin Ruran to enter the house, so as not to get too cold.

"You can't help the chill, you're not in good health yet." Qing Ying let Asi in, and quickly closed the door.

Axi stood at the door blankly, her body was wet, and her hair was also wet a lot. Although she was holding an umbrella, it didn't seem to have much effect.

"Axi, what's the matter? Is it mother..." Lin Siran was worried that Qingxuan was unwell.

But Asi shook her head and said: "Miss, must hold on, and don't let yourself get overwhelmed."

"What's wrong?" Lin Siran had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Asi's hands trembled a little, and he said, "Mingwen is here...he's still in the hall, Mr. is talking to him there, I...I'll come to you."

Lin Siran grabbed Asi's cold hand and asked, "What is Inscription doing here at this time? What happened?"

Asi looked at Lin Siran, and suddenly burst into tears, saying: "I... I don't know how to say it, how can I say it, miss, you must hold on!"

"You said it!" Qing Ying was very anxious, "Is it Mr. Yan..."

"Yes... yes... Mr. Yan, something happened to him!"

After hearing this sentence, Lin Sizan rushed out, ignoring Qing Ying and Asi who were shouting loudly behind her, even the wind and rain could not stop her, and when she reached the front hall, her dress was already soaked and covered with mud spots.


When she rushed in, she saw Inscription kneeling on the ground, crying like a child.

"Inscription... Brother... where's Brother?" Lin Siran tried her best to maintain her composure, and she advised herself that it might just be sick or injured, it's not a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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