Chapter 440 Must Be Wrong

Inscription looked at Lin Siran and cried even louder.

Qingxuan's face was pale, and he didn't even dare to look at Lin Siran.

Inscription plopped on the ground, then kowtowed to Lin Siran.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Miss...I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry, don't kowtow, tell me, what's wrong with my brother? Is he sick? Did you see a doctor?" Lin Sizan grabbed the arm of the inscription. from.

"'s gone..."

The inscription wailed.

Lin Ruran's lips trembled twice, and his eyes blinked, as if he didn't hear.

"What... what did you say?" Lin Siran felt that he must have been hallucinating just now.

"Master... It's gone... It's gone..." The inscription lay on the ground, not daring to look up at Lin Siran.

Lin Sizan shook his head, and asked: "What do you mean he's gone? Did he go to drink again? Did he go to the tavern? We're going to look for him now, why did he sneak away to drink again? Really, a little I don't listen to advice either."

"No...not..." Inscription shook his head violently, tears streaming down his nose mixed with snot.

Qingxuan stood up, walked towards Lin Siran step by step, and said in a very uncomfortable tone: "Ranran, you have to be strong, no one wants such a thing to happen, but if something falls on our head You must also learn to accept it.”

"Mom... what are you talking about? I don't understand. My brother may have been confused and went to drink again. He has been excellent since he was a child, and he is everywhere. There is no one who doesn't know him. He is a genius. Everyone will say , he will become the No. [-] scholar, and he will definitely be able to honor his ancestors. My parents and I have always been proud of it. He must not be able to stand the setback because he did not have the No. [-] Scholar."

Lin Siran tried her best to find all kinds of reasons for herself, but she just didn't believe in the worst possibility.

Qingxuan looked at Lin Ruran's panicked look, hugged her, and said distressedly: "Ranran, there is no brother, there is me, and all of us... It's okay, it will be fine, everything will be fine of."

However, Lin Siran pushed Qingxuan away, forced the corners of her mouth to move, and said, "Mother, what are you talking about? I... I don't understand, I'm fine... I'm going to find my brother, it's dawn now, let's go It rained all night, if I don’t go to him again, he should be frozen to death.”

Lin Siran said that he was about to run outside.

Qingxuan walked a few steps quickly and grabbed her.

"He's already... in the morgue of the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion." Qingxuan also knew how cruel it was for Lin Siran to say such words.

But she is equally clear that at this moment, only she can give Lin Bianran some comfort and comfort.

"I'll accompany you to see him." Qingxuan held Lin Siran's hand tightly, "Commander Huo is still waiting at the door, he came in person."

Lin Siran trembled and shook his head.

She didn't know what else to do but shake her head.

"It's wrong, it must be a mistake, how is it possible... Yesterday, I just saw it yesterday..."

"Mother... must have made a mistake, my brother is fine, he must be fine!"

Lin Siran hoped so much that Qingxuan could tell her that the news was false.

Qingxuan was very distressed, but he tried his best to restrain his heartache, and said: "Ranran, you are a strong child, no matter what happens, there is still mother here, let's go and see... If there is a mistake, then It's better."

The inscription crawled tremblingly to Lin Siki's feet, and said: "Miss, don't go, I've seen it, you don't have to go... The young master's appearance is too miserable, too miserable..."

"What do you mean?" Qingying pulled up the inscription, "What happened?"

The inscription cried and said: "Unrecognizable...unrecognizable...I almost couldn't recognize it, if it wasn't...if it wasn't for the hidden button I sewed for the young master on the clothes, I wouldn't dare to recognize it!"

Qingying staggered a bit.

Lin Sizan shook his head and said, "So... so it may not be my brother, right? It's not just you who can sew the inscriptions and concealed buttons, maybe someone is wearing the wrong clothes of my brother, anyway... Anyway, it may not be my brother! "

"Miss...don't look at it anymore, you will go crazy if you read it." Inscription wiped his tears with his sleeve while persuading Lin Siran.

Lin Siran looked at him coldly, and asked: "Why can't I go and see? My brother won't die, no! You must have read it wrong, you have been so confused all this time, why did the young master disappear? Didn't you come and tell me earlier? Why did you let him take good care of him, and you let him go out alone every time? "

Faced with Lin Siran's roar, Inscription did not defend himself, but just stretched out his hand to hit himself.

"It's my fault, I didn't take good care of the young master, it's me... It's my fault, I deserve to die!"

Lin Siran gritted her teeth. Of course she knew that there was nothing wrong with the inscription. Yan Shichu had always had his own ideas. If he didn't let the inscription intervene in his affairs, there was nothing the inscription could do.

But she couldn't calm down.

Qingxuan said to the inscription: "Don't fight, it's enough, no matter what, I still have to go, if Ranran doesn't take a look, how can I believe all this?"

Lin Siran couldn't bear it anymore and rushed into the heavy rain.

At the door, Huo Si was pacing, with a stiff expression.

When Lin Siran rushed out, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Master, no matter what you see later, please stay calm. If you can't face it calmly, it's better not to go."

"It's not my brother, is it?" Lin Siran asked, "I'm not sure it's him, is it?"

Huo Sizheng saw Lin Siran's hopeful look in despair, and he couldn't bear it.

But he couldn't lie to her.

"It's almost inseparable. Although...although the body is disfigured and cannot be distinguished, the things on his body have been proved to belong to Mr. Yan." Huo Sizheng looked serious.

He came to look for Lin Siran only after he let the inscriptions be deciphered.

"No, there must be a misunderstanding, it must be... I don't believe it!" Lin Siran resolutely refused to believe it, how could his brother die?
Huo Sizheng said: "In order to prevent admitting mistakes, I came to the county magistrate to confirm in the past, but can you do it? If you are not emotionally stable, I'm afraid you..."

"I go!"

Lin Siran didn't shed tears or go crazy, she seemed a little more indifferent than usual, because she couldn't believe it was the truth no matter what.

She followed Huo Sizheng, and Qingxuan chased after her.

Along the way, Huo Sizheng tried his best to do ideological work for Lin Sian, worrying that she would not be able to bear the blow.

Lin Siran just remained silent.

The rain outside was still so heavy that she had no intention of stopping at all. Most of her body was wet. Even though she was sitting in the carriage, she was still as cold as if she was in the wind and rain.

She tensed her body and held her hands in her sleeves. Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, but she still refused to give up her last hope. It must be a misunderstanding. Even if all the evidence proved that it was Yan Shichu, she did not see it with her own eyes. Not allowed.

How could her brother die?He is so young, full of vitality, and has infinite possibilities in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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