Chapter 450 The blood is boiling
As Qingxuan said, she shed a tear.

"But Abai is dead, Enuo is dead, His Majesty has to compromise, and now at the beginning of the world... our strength is too weak, I don't know how many sacrifices we have to make in exchange for success, do you understand?"

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran thought of Li Xingxu, the young monarch who used thunder to frighten the family.

She didn't quite understand before, why Li Xingxu hated the aristocratic family so deeply, and must raise a big sword against them.

She admired Li Xingxu, mostly because of his domineering and kingly demeanor that he has kept a low profile for many years, and it may also be because of the kindness and care of Concubine Hui to her, and more likely because of the same interests.

But only now did she understand that Li Xingxu was hope, a glimmer of hope that could break through the darkness.

His strength alone is weak, but he is good at using a faint light in the dark to attract those who also want to break through the darkness and shine.

In her previous life, she was in a daze, and she became such a little light.

She didn't understand what she had done, but she was so thankful that she turned to the light instead of blending with the darkness.

"It won't be too far away, it won't be too far away, the shimmer and the shimmer attract each other, they will hug each other, they will condense into a torch, the torch and the torch will attract each other, and they will illuminate the darkness." Lin Siran's voice was faint , like from a distant sky.

At this time, Qingxuan's heart was surging, and his blood, which had been sleeping for a long time, seemed to be boiling.

"We have to do something."

"Mother, we will definitely become the light that illuminates the darkness!" Lin Siran held Qingxuan's hand.

"If my brother falls before dawn, then I will go through the darkness for him. If one Yan Shichu dies, more Yan Shichu will appear. He is not alone, and I am not alone either!" Comfort and strength.

She understood that what she really wanted to do was not to mourn the death of her brother, but to inherit his will and continue to walk along the path he had walked until she saw the sun.

Qingxuan was extremely pleased.

"Ranran, you are smarter and stronger than I thought." Qingxuan said, "The Yan family is really not an ordinary family, I really want to meet your parents and know what they are How can such a person cultivate you and Shichu as a brother and sister?"

"Mother will see them soon, I want to escort my brother's body home." Lin Siran said, "After this is done, I can concentrate on fighting them!"

"Okay, I'll go home with you." Qingxuan also decided to go to Yan's house with Lin Siran.

Lin Siran also decided in this way.

Just when Lin Sianran was about to make arrangements to leave Beijing, Mrs. Huo suddenly came.

"Ranran, go and see Minmin, I don't know what to do, you go and see her, now you are the only one who can save her!" Mrs. Huo cried as soon as she opened her mouth.

Only then did Lin Siran remember that Huo Min had been here once.

At that time, she was completely immersed in her own world, and she didn't talk to Huo Min properly at all, and even had a negative impact on her.

When Lin Siran came to Huo's house, she saw Huo Min sitting there blankly with a handkerchief in her hand, her eyes completely lost focus.

"That's it, it's been several days. She doesn't cry, make noise, or talk. She only takes two bites when feeding, and throws up after eating. After a few days, she has lost a lot of weight. If this continues, she will die. what!"

Mrs. Huo burst into tears.

Lin Siran felt uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry..." Lin Siran knelt in front of Mrs. Huo, "It's all my fault."

Mrs. Huo hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull her up, and said, "Ranran, how can I blame you? It's not your fault, it's me...I shouldn't have said that to her!"

Lin Siran asked: "What did Madam say to her?"

"She clamored to ask her brother to find Mr. Yan. His brother said that Mr. Yan was... gone, but she didn't believe it. He said Mr. Yan was still alive and he had to go find him. I scolded her!" Regretful eyes.

"I don't understand her feelings at all. She is my youngest child. I have always pampered her and responded to her requests. But in this matter, I uttered such bad words to her."

Mrs. Huo burst into tears.

Lin Siran didn't know what to say.

"If I hadn't met my brother, it wouldn't be like this." Lin Sizan sighed, "No wonder my brother said such unfeeling words to her in the end, it was actually for Minmin's good, but I wasted my brother's painstaking efforts, I I actually had an extravagant hope, I hope Minmin can have a good result with her brother."

"Ma'am, I was wrong."

Lin Siran regretted it too late.

"Master Yan said unfeeling words to her?" Mrs. Huo asked in surprise.

Lin Siran nodded, and said: "I knew what Minmin was thinking a long time ago. I wanted to dissuade them because of the difference in family status between the two of them. My brother listened. He didn't want to give Minmin hope, worrying that she would Getting hurt."

"He...he's not from the Fire Scythe Sect, right?" Madam Huo asked.

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "My brother will not collude with a cult, absolutely not."

Mrs. Huo breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I also don't think that child should be a cult member."

Lin Siran asked: "Ma'am, can I be alone with Minmin for a while?"

"Okay..." Mrs. Huo just wanted Huo Min to return to normal at this time, so she naturally responded to Lin Siran's request.

Lin Siran waited for Mrs. Huo to go out before approaching Huo Min.

Huo Min was still in a daze, holding the handkerchief in his hand, as if he was holding some treasure.

"The handkerchief was returned to you by brother, right?" Lin Sizan remembered their dispute over the handkerchief on the road in the bamboo forest.

Huo Min didn't respond to her, he didn't even seem to recognize Lin Siran.

"Aren't you in so much pain? Miss him so much?" Lin Siran's hand caressed Huo Min's face, "Minmin, I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one in the world who misses him like this and feels pain over his death. I shouldn't think so, but it seems that there is some comfort in having you with me to feel the pain of losing him."

"My brother, he deserves to be loved, to be missed, and to be remembered forever. As long as there are people who remember him, he will not disappear. For the rest of my life, I can still talk about him, and talk about how he was What kind of person, talk about how talented he is, how ambitious he is..."

"Minmin, so you must get better, don't just sink like this, you have to live well, live a long time, live a long life, so... because the memory of the world is too short, they are still talking about it enthusiastically Yan Shichu, whether it is good or bad, he still seems to have warmth and has not disappeared, but soon there will be new topics to replace him, people will gradually forget about him, and they will no longer talk about him. Then he lives in another world, How lonely must it be? Apart from the aging parents at home, it should be remembered by other people.

(End of this chapter)

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