The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 455 The Inscription Is Missing

Chapter 455 The Inscription Is Missing
"If it's not my brother, who is it?"

"The corpse is beyond recognition. It's impossible to tell who it is, right? It's just that the body is similar, wearing Yan Shichu's clothes, and carrying Yan Shichu's things." Su Wucheng has already inquired clearly.

Lin Sizan's face was serious, and he finally decided: "Okay, then I will go back to Beijing with you, and I also want to know if the dead one is my brother or not!"

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran worriedly, but he knew that it didn't matter whether Yan Shichu was a magician of the Huoshen Sect or not. What was important was that Lin Siran needed to know whether her brother was dead or not.

The convoy turned around and returned to the capital.

Lin Siran was taken directly to Dali Temple.

Su Wucheng ordered more than a dozen eunuchs from Dali Temple to conduct an autopsy.

But it is not easy to find out the identity of a corpse that has been changed beyond recognition.

Su Wucheng asked Lin Siran: "County Lord, you said that you and Yan Shichu have been brother and sister for more than ten years. Is it possible that you mistaken him?"

Lin Siran was at a loss. Although she had been brother and sister with Yan Shichu for more than ten years, it is reasonable to say that she should know her brother well, but in fact, Lin Siran had lived again. In this life, she started directly at the age of 15.

The parting between her and Yan Shichu has already gone through more than ten years in her previous life. Those childhood memories are actually not that clear. Except for some important and very crucial things, many of her memories are incomplete.

Naturally, she remembered Yan Shichu's appearance, but when faced with a destroyed corpse, could she tell at a glance whether it was Yan Shichu?

She knew in her heart that it was impossible.

Inscription and Yan Shichu get along day and night, and know everything about Yan Shichu very well. He even said that it was Yan Shichu, and it is impossible for her to doubt what Inscription said.

"My brother's inscription on the book boy went to the admiral's office to identify it, and he was sure that it was my brother." Lin Siran replied truthfully.

"Then is it possible that the inscription is also lying?" Su Wucheng asked, "We have already searched for Yan Shichu's temporary residence. The inscription of the book boy you mentioned is missing."

"What?" Lin Siran asked in surprise, because she was so sad that she forgot the existence of the inscription.

She suddenly thought that she was going back to her hometown, why didn't she bring the inscription with her?
Lin Sizan looked at Sui'er and asked, "I...I didn't ask you to inform the inscription, are we going back to our hometown?"

Sui'er also had a silly expression on her face, shaking her head and said: "No, you asked the inscription to go back to the young master and wait. At that time... you didn't admit that the young master had passed away, so you insisted on letting the inscription go back and wait. Later... then I went to I looked for the inscription once, but the door was closed, I thought that the inscription went shopping and was not at home. These days, I was busy taking care of sending the young master home, so... I was negligent."

I made a mistake in my busy schedule, and everyone didn't notice the inscription.

Lin Siran was quite flustered at this moment, the inscription was fine, why did it disappear?Did he disappear on his own initiative, or was he murdered?

Lin Siran was very regretful, she shouldn't have neglected such an important matter while focusing on sadness, if the inscription was also murdered, how could she be worthy of her brother?Although the inscription is Yan Shichu's book boy, to Yan Shichu, the inscription is also a brother.

Just like she and Sui Er, they love sisters.

Su Wucheng said: "The book boy is gone too. We have every reason to suspect that Yan Shichu is not dead at all. This is just his trick to get out of his shell. He came to Beijing to take the exam to break into the imperial court and cover his real identity. Unexpectedly It was soon revealed that during a secret meeting with several members of the Huosi Sect in the capital, he almost fell into the trap of Commander Huo. In order to escape, he deliberately killed several people and let the person who was similar in size pretend to be He, to confuse the line of sight."

Listening to Su Wucheng's words, Lin Siran almost believed even her.

If she hadn't believed in her brother's character and knew that he could not collude with the cult, she would have found this speculation very convincing.

"It's nonsense. All your speculations are based on the premise that my brother is a military commander of the Fire Scythe Sect, but my brother can never be a military commander of the divine machine. He is just an ordinary student who has studied hard all these years. It was for taking the imperial examination and serving the country and His Majesty. He was murdered, and as for who was willing to be killed, I will definitely find out."

Lin Siran firmly refuted Su Wucheng.

"Of course you won't admit it, because you are a member of the Fire Scythe Sect. It is clearly written on the roster that you have long been absorbed by the Divine Machine Army Master, and you have become the asylum of the Fire Scythe Sect in the capital and provided them with financial support." Su Wu into a sneer.

Lin Siran would also sneer: "Master Su, you have too much imagination. I am just a girl in a boudoir. Thanks to my godmother's perseverance and the emperor's great grace, I was awarded the canonization of the county lord. Everything about me is The godmother and your majesty gave it, otherwise there is no today's Wencheng county head? How can I, a weak woman who is dependent on your majesty and her majesty, be able to support the Huosian sect? It's ridiculous!"

Su Wucheng looked at Lin Siran, and then said: "The county lord is really self-effacing, you are not a weak woman, you can single-handedly kill Lin's mistress, how can you be a weak woman? Ok?"

Deep hatred appeared in Su Wucheng's eyes.

Lin Siran smiled wantonly, with a dazed look: "So, Master Su just wants to avenge your sister? But sir, it's not my fault, it's Madam who was possessed by a ghost." , that is the Taoist priest she personally invited to practice, save her!"

Su Wucheng was so angry that he shot the case: "It's clearly your fault. After the Taoist left the Lin family, he disappeared without a trace. He must be a liar invited by you!"

"Master Su, are you here to inquire about the case of the Huosian Sect, or to investigate the haunting of our Lin family?" Lin Siran asked back.

It was only then that Su Wucheng realized that he had been fooled. There were still several subordinates watching, and Qingxuan was also present. His words just now clearly gave people the feeling of public revenge, which is very bad.

He cleared his throat, calmed down for a while, and said, "Of course I want to ask about the Huoyam Sect and the Lin family. It's a private matter. How can I ask it in Dali Temple? It's just for proof. County lord, your methods are extraordinary, and you are definitely not the weak woman you claim!"

"Master Su, think again, if I really have colluded with the Fire Scythe Sect as you said, does that mean that the godmother who protects me, or even Your Majesty, may also have colluded with the Fire Scythe Sect?" Lin Sizan asked with a smile, "After all, His Majesty is the one who canonized me as the county lord and even gave me to be a godmother as a daughter."

Lin Siran looked like a kind reminder.

"It's nonsense. Your Majesty was just deceived by you. This is your strength. You used various means to deceive Your Majesty and Mr. Qingxuan, and let them be used by you." Su Wucheng snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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