Chapter 462 Private Guard
"Ranran, I don't think you should go out of Beijing. There are many mountains and rivers along the way. Even if you bring guards, you can't guarantee that you will make mistakes. In case you have something wrong..." Cui Ruo'an sincerely advised Lin Siran not to leave Beijing .

"But I want to send my brother home. I can't just let him stay in the capital." Lin Sizan said sadly, "If I don't send him back personally, how can I explain to my parents and my brother's ghost? There's no way to do it."

"Hey... I also understand your feelings. This is indeed a difficult decision. I just stand on my side and think that you should not take risks." Cui Ruo'an still spoke in a gentle elder tone, and had a deep feeling for Lin Siran. genuine concern.

Lin Siran said gratefully: "Thank you, Uncle Cui, I know that there may be danger, whether it is in the open or in the dark, my enemies seem to be quite a lot. But there are some things that I must do."

Cui Ruo'an nodded and said: "Well, how about this, Uncle Cui will give you a team of private guards. They are all people who have been with me for many years, and they are all trained by me. You can use them with confidence, must Keep it a secret from the outside world, even if it is your godmother, don't reveal it."

"Ah?" Lin Siran was a little surprised, "Why? Can't mother know?"

Cui Ruo'an nodded, and said, "She doesn't quite approve of keeping private guards in captivity."

Lin Siran understood that Cui Ruo'an did things that Qingxuan didn't like, but he didn't dare to let her know.

"Uncle Cui is doing business and travels all over the world. It is understandable that he needs the protection of such a person. But you gave me your private guard, what about your safety? I can't be so selfish." Lin Siran didn't rush to ask for it.

Cui Ruo'an said: "It's not that I gave you all the people. The reason why your mother didn't know is because I raised more than a few people, and she would think that have ulterior motives."

Lin Sizan showed a sudden smile, and said: "I understand, these private guards... I'm afraid their origins are not so simple, right?"

"Actually, they are all poor children. They have no father or mother. I adopted them by my side and let them teach them martial arts." Cui Ruo'an said very euphemistically.

In fact, this kind of private guard is comparable to a dead soldier.

This was explicitly prohibited in the Li Dynasty. Once the dead were kept in captivity, they would be guilty of conspiracy.

Lin Siran understood how much trust Cui Ruoan gave her by revealing such an important matter to her.

"Uncle Cui, you are too kind to me." Lin Siran knelt in front of Cui Ruo'an, "How can Ranran accept Uncle Cui's favor?"

"Good boy, get up quickly. I, like your godmother, have no children. Since she has adopted you as her daughter, to are no different from my children. What's more, I and I have no children. Nuo also loves siblings."

Cui Ruo'an was one year younger than Qin Yinuo, and she always called Qin Yinuo's sister.

Lin Siran was moved for a while, and said: "I can't repay Uncle Cui's kindness for the time being. I shouldn't have received your kindness, but it is true... now I really need Uncle Cui's help, and there is really no way to refuse it stubbornly." For your help, I can only keep this kindness in my heart, if one day, when Uncle Cui needs me, I will do my part and ten of my strength."

"You child, why are you saying such serious things?" Cui Ruo'an felt embarrassed and helped her up.

But Lin Siran insisted: "Uncle Cui treats me with sincerity, and is willing to tell me all about such an important matter. This alone is already a great trust in me."

Cui Ruo'an patted Lin Ruan on the shoulder, and said: "Ranran, you have to walk a very difficult road. This road is full of thorns, and you may face a cliff and abyss at any time. If you are not careful, you will end up in pieces. You have to Be prepared. As elders, your godmother and I can only provide you with limited help, but we all hope that you can go on smoothly."

"Those dreams that we are too late to realize, things that we can't do, I really hope that someone can do it." Cui Ruo'an has a deep and distant light in his eyes.

Lin Siran sometimes doesn't understand why people like them who come from a family choose to take a path that runs counter to the family.

"Uncle Cui, you, mother, and even my aunt, you are all from noble families, why do you want to be able to resist this powerful family system instead of enjoying the benefits you should enjoy? You have already had it since you were born. Everything, why not firmly guard the interests of your own class like everyone else?"

Lin Siran asked this question unconsciously.

Cui Ruo'an smiled, turned his back, and walked a few steps. When he reached the window, he pushed it open, looked at the sky outside, and then turned to look at Lin Siran.

"You're right. We should have been the ones who benefited. We should have everything and enjoy all the convenience and benefits brought by our birth like all the children of the family. If we hadn't seen the truth of this world."

"The truth?" Lin Siran was puzzled.

Cui Ruoan nodded and said: "Yes, the truth is that everyone will become a victim of this decadent system, not only the people from the bottom, and not only those who are determined to climb up but are always suppressed. But everyone, And that includes us and our children and grandchildren.”

"The aristocratic family has developed to the present, and it has become so vast and complicated, with countless branches. Many people have inevitably begun to fall. They have gradually become commoners and no longer enjoy the glory and status brought by the nobles of the aristocratic family. Some people have seen these fall, They are becoming more and more afraid, afraid that they will become one of them, so they are extremely vicious, constantly grabbing power and benefits, and want to make their family stronger and last for more generations. For this, they can sacrifice a lot, betray their conscience, He even sold his own flesh and blood."

"When the poor suffer from famine, they change their children to eat. The rich will not change their children to eat, but what is the difference between what they do and what they do? Giving birth to more and more children, in addition to extending the incense, What is the more role? It is to let them intrigue, and then the winner can inherit the most property and power, and what about the loser? Either die in the struggle, or be pushed out as a tool for marriage, whether you like it or not , since you are in an aristocratic family, you must take this path."

"No one cares whether you are willing or not. From the moment you were born, you were doomed to this fate. It seems that the children of the aristocratic family live a life of luxury, but they are not regarded as human beings, at least when they gain control When the family has power, they are not treated as human beings. They are just pawns of the family, and the most important thing is whether they can play their full role."

There was a faint sneer on the corner of Cui Ruoan's mouth.

"If the family finds out that you are not a qualified chess piece, or that the chess piece has its own ideas and is unwilling to follow the chess player's arrangement, it will become an abandoned piece."

"You are not alone. Whether you are useful or not is not up to you to decide. Even if you are given rich clothes and food, golden mountains and silver mountains, what is there to be thankful for? If you happen to be of little use value, and you are not good-looking, marriage will be difficult." It will be miserable if you don't get your poor trash' turn, you don't even have the right to live."

When Cui Ruo'an said this, his eyes suddenly darkened, full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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