Chapter 461 Chicken Theory
"You girl, are you stupid if you say you are stupid?" The old woman poked Sui'er's head helplessly, "Okay, I'm hungry, don't you want to eat these things on the table?"

Lin Sizan made a gesture of invitation and said, "Mother-in-law, take it easy."

The old woman sat down unceremoniously, and began to feast on it.

Sui'er was dumbfounded, and said, "Grandma, you can still eat like this. Will eating too much at such an age be bad for your health?"

"What's wrong with being able to eat and sleep?" The old woman didn't care, and continued to eat until her mouth was full of greasy food, which was really indecent.

Lin Siran is very envious of such a person. She was chased to the capital city by someone, and she has no fixed place to live here. It may be a problem to eat, but she can still live so recklessly.

She was dressed sloppily, unkempt, and had such a difficult life, but she didn't seem to care. She ate as much as she could, and starved when she didn't have anything to eat. She seemed to be used to this kind of life.

Isn't it miserable for a woman to live such a turbulent life?
Lin Bianran didn't feel her self-pity at all, she didn't seem to care about all of this.

"Mother-in-law... Will it be hard for you to endure the days you have been wandering around?" Lin Siran suddenly became concerned about her.

The old woman raised her head and even smiled at her, then wiped her mouth nonchalantly, and said, "I've been used to it for a long time, what's the big deal, how many people in the world can live as freely as I do? You ladies from official families , You can’t suffer. In fact, everyone’s suffering is different. You don’t have to starve, eat and sleep in the open, but don’t you have to bother yourself because of the open and dark arrows that don’t know where they come from? The person closest to you is assassinated I don’t even know who the enemy is, it’s hard, isn’t it?”

She grabbed another chicken leg, gnawed it in her hand and said, "Take this chicken as an example. If the chicken is domesticated, it does have no worries about food and drink, and there are no natural enemies to hunt and kill it, but it will be locked in a cage and raised." After getting fat, it will be slaughtered and eaten by humans. But what if it is a chicken raised in the wild? It does have to find food by itself, and it is often not enough to eat, and it will be killed by wolves in the wild. Foxes chase after them, and if they can’t escape, they will be eaten. Which one is worse?”

Lin Siran was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Sui'er said: "The chickens raised at home are more miserable. Wild/chickens can run away, there is still hope."

"Yes... There is still hope, and you run for yourself, live for yourself, even if one day you become the enemy's food, what does it matter? How comfortable you are in this life, the scenery you should see I’ve seen it all, I’ve worked hard when I should work hard, I’ve enjoyed what I should enjoy, freedom…freedom is the most precious thing!”

After the old woman finished speaking, she gnawed on the chicken leg and said with a smile: "Although poultry has no freedom, the meat is actually better than wild chicken. The meat of wild chicken is too hard and dry. How can there be such fatness, haha Ha ha……"

Lin Siran couldn't laugh or cry, she thought the old man's words were very funny, sometimes you don't know which of her words is true and which is a joke.

But what she said made sense and made people feel refreshed.

"Then if it were you, would you choose to be a domestic chicken or a wild chicken?" Sui'er asked innocently.

The old woman knocked Sui'er on the head and said, "Of course I choose to be a man, why should I be a chicken?"

Sui'er rubbed her head, and said aggrievedly: "Speak as you say, why beat someone? And... isn't this a description, and it's not true."

"This girl is stupid. Whether it is a domestic chicken or a pheasant, she must be the best chicken. The domestic chicken can also break free from the cage, and the wild/pheasant can also find a safe place. have to learn to be flexible, don't One way to the dark." The old woman said again.

Sui'er was stunned, then looked at the old woman with admiration, and said, "Grandma, what you said makes sense, I understand it."

Lin Siran fell into deep thought.

At this time, Cui Ruoan knocked on the door.

"Ranran, I heard you're here?"

Lin Siran hurriedly got up and went out to greet her.

"Uncle Cui, excuse me, my godmother asked me to wait for her here." Lin Siran explained.

Cui Ruo'an saw that there was an old woman inside.

"Who is this?" Cui Ruo'an asked because the old woman's posture was very indecent, her clothes were sloppy, she didn't look like Lin Siran's servant.

"She... she is my aunt, my mother asked her to come here to find me." Lin Sian made up a lie.

Cui Ruo'an understood, thinking that Lin Sizan was a distant relative when he was in Yan's house.

"So that's the case. Auntie came all the way from the countryside. It must have been a hard journey, right?" Cui Ruo'an asked politely.

The old woman took the chicken leg, bit it down, nodded, and said, "It's okay, I'm just hungry, it's's good to have a good meal here."

Lin Siran said embarrassingly: "Uncle Cui, my aunt has always been so bold, don't mind."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Cui Ruo'an still smiled loosely, not feeling uncomfortable.

Lin Siran said to the old woman: "Auntie, you eat first, I will have someone take you back to your residence later, I will talk to Uncle Cui first."

The old woman nodded and said, "Okay, don't forget to take good care of what I gave you."

"Understood." Lin Siran had already handed the book to Sui'er.

Lin Siran followed Cui Ruoan to his study in Baozhitang.

"Your mother has entered the palace?" Cui Ruo'an asked.

Lin Siran nodded and said, "I said I want to ask why His Majesty ordered Dali Temple to investigate me."

"It's really troublesome to get involved with the Fire Scythe Sect." Cui Ruo'an said, "Your brother's matter... I'm also looking into it. He seems to be very close to a mysterious woman, and they went to the lake together. That woman... …like being born in the land of fireworks."

Lin Siran thought of seeing Yan Shichu walking with a woman holding an umbrella on the street that day, they seemed to be intimate.

"I seem to have seen the woman's back, but I didn't see her face clearly, and I didn't hear my brother mention this woman." Lin Siran was a little annoyed, "I should have asked him directly that day."

"It's meaningless to say these things now. I will try my best to find out the origin of this woman, but... I have sent people to all the fireworks places in the capital. There is no news yet. Even if the woman is still in the capital, I am afraid she will not admit it easily. It has something to do with Yan Shichu." Cui Ruo'an reminded.

Of course Lin Siran understands that if she is really a woman from the Land of Fireworks and knows that Yan Shichu has something to do with the Fire Scythe Sect, who would dare to admit that she has a relationship with Yan Shichu?Can't avoid it.

Cui Ruo'an looked at Lin Siran's distraught look, and said: "Your Majesty won't let you leave the capital, I'm afraid it's not just because of the relationship between Dali Temple and Su Wucheng, maybe it's to protect you, don't forget, the last time you met someone in the suburbs of Beijing... As for the assassination, if you really leave the capital, there's no guarantee that those people won't trouble you again."

Lin Siran was startled, she almost forgot that someone was still secretly watching her life.

(End of this chapter)

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