The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 468 I'm Not a Poison Empress

Chapter 468 I'm Not a Poison Empress

"Poison Empress?" The old woman looked at Lin Siran suspiciously, "Why did you suddenly mention this person?"

"I heard that she has come to the capital. I need her help with something very important. It would be great if I could know where she is." Lin Siran was embarrassed and looking forward to it.

The old woman asked curiously: "You want to ask the poison queen for help? I heard that she is not a good person, she kills people like hemp, she only hurts people, she won't help them!"

"Isn't she the junior sister of Yaowang? Yaowang is a virtuous person, who has been researching medicine all his life, helping the world and saving people. I don't think his junior sister should be a bad person." Lin Siran said.

The old woman chuckled twice, and said: "Girl, you are so naive, who said that a master who comes from the same school must be a good person? The king of medicine, the reason why he is the king of medicine, is because he focuses on medicines that cure diseases and save lives, but the queen of poison is not. , she only likes to study harmful poisons."

"Poison is also medicine. Poison can kill people, but it can also save people." Lin Siran disagreed, "What's more...I need the help of the poison queen, and I need her poison skills."

"Oh? I'm curious, who do you want to kill?" the old woman asked with great interest, "Actually, if you want to kill someone, you don't need to consult the poison queen. Old woman, I also have some poisons that can kill people invisible."

"No, no, no... I'm not trying to kill people but to save people. My friend was poisoned by seven insects and seven flowers. Because he was eager to get rid of the poison, he took the dangerous method of fighting poison with poison. As a result, he messed up and died now." Lin Lin Si Ran looked at the old woman, "Grandma, can you save him?"

The old woman sneered and said: "I'm not the queen of poison, I just know some superficial poison techniques, I'm afraid it won't help."

"Is the mother-in-law the poison queen?" Lin Siran suddenly stared at the old woman with a sharp look in her eyes. She wasn't sure, but she might as well give it a try.

It's really because the timing of this mother-in-law's appearance is very coincidental, and she is so good at using poison, her personality is arrogant and arrogant, she is by no means like an ordinary person.

Sui'er and Qingying were both taken aback, but they didn't speak, they all stared at the old woman nervously.

The old woman laughed again, and asked, "Where did you say that? How can I be a poisoned old woman?"

"Although I don't know what the Poison Empress looks like, the King of Medicine has been famous for a long time. The Poison Empress is his junior junior sister. She shouldn't be too young, and to be called the Poison Empress must be someone with some qualifications. The age of your mother-in-law should be about the same, and you have proved before that your poison technique is very powerful, and you can't be seen when you poison it. claim to be hunted down to this point, if you really Unnamed junior, who will chase you down?"

"Du Hou came to the capital, but disappeared. Many people were looking for her, but no one knew her whereabouts. According to my Uncle Cui, the time of Du Hou in the capital should be about the same as the time when my mother-in-law appeared. Presumably, you and the poisoned queen should be the same person, right?"

Lin Siran was not guessing illogically, but she didn't dare to conclude that the old man in front of her was the poison queen.

But she had no other choice, the Lu family might not be able to find someone who wanted to hide in the capital, let alone her.

The old woman looked at Lin Siran, and it took a while before she smiled, and said: "I said, girl, you are really confused. If I were poisoned, how could I get so miserable? I have nothing to eat and nothing to live, and I have to Do you want to lie to you to cheat food and drink?"

Lin Siran frowned, but still didn't give up, said: "You may have encountered trouble for a while, didn't you hide in the capital because you were hunted down by your enemies?"

"Think about it, if I were the poison queen, who would dare to hunt and kill me? It would be good if I didn't chase and kill others. The title of poison queen, you are young, I'm afraid you haven't heard of it? That's a person Master who is afraid of people, who dares to provoke her?" The old woman shook her head, expressing that Lin Siran really admitted her mistake.

Lin Siran clenched her fists tightly and said, "You... are you really not? Then... does mother-in-law know how to detoxify the seven insects and seven flowers?"

"The poison of seven insects and seven flowers is not difficult to detox, but you need to know the formula of the poison. Do you understand what I mean?" the old woman asked.

Lin Siran said: "If I knew, I would have solved it long ago."

"That's right, I can't help the old lady." The old woman shook her head slightly, "Who is the person you want to save? Is it important to you?"

Lin Siran nodded and said, "It's very important."

"Who are you?" the old woman asked curiously.

Lin Siran pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer, and finally said, "A dear friend."

"Best friend?" The old woman smiled, "I'm afraid it's not your lover?"

"No..." Lin Siran hurriedly wanted to explain, but in the end she still didn't explain.

The old woman suddenly turned cold, and warned: "Girl, I advise you, it's best not to waste your time on men, not even a single bit. Since ancient times, an infatuated woman with a heartless heart, no matter how much you pay for him, it is useless. What you pay is worthless." The more sincerity you have, the more you will be hurt."

Lin Siran shook his head and said: "Grandma, you don't know him well, he is a very good person, and he is definitely not the kind of heartless person."

"People change, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable. You are still young, how could you know that the most unreliable thing in this world is the feelings of men." The old woman shook her head, with a trace of loneliness and sadness in her eyes.

Lin Siran looked at the old woman and asked, "Is the mother-in-law also a person with a story?"

"Story? Hahaha..." The old woman laughed and went out.

Lin Siran was about to catch up, but saw Qingxuan getting off the carriage and walking towards this side.

Lin Siran had no choice but to say to Sui'er: "You take your mother-in-law to your brother to settle down temporarily, remember... you must take her there."

"Miss..." Sui'er was a little reluctant.

"Be obedient." Lin Siran gave her a push.

Sui'er just left.

Lin Siran went to meet Qingxuan.

"Mother, why have you been gone for so long?" Lin Siran hurried over.

Qingxuan pulled Lin Siran back and led her to the inner courtyard in a hurry.

Cui Ruoan also followed.

"Qingxuan, what happened? Why was Ranran reported as a member of the Huosian Sect?" Cui Ruo'an asked hastily.

Qingxuan sat down, pulled Lin Siran, and asked, "Ranran, I want to ask you something, and you have to answer me honestly."

Lin Siran nodded and said, "Okay, tell me."

Lin Siran was a little nervous, because she was indeed a person who hid too many secrets, the biggest of which was her resurrection from the dead.

Only then did Qingxuan ask: "Do you know what the Yan family... used to do?"

"Huh?" Lin Siran looked at Qingxuan in surprise, not understanding what she meant.

"My father is a teacher from a private school, and my mother is just an ordinary peasant woman." Lin Siran had a confused expression on his face.

Qingxuan shook his head and asked: "Is this really the case? A private school teacher and an ordinary peasant woman can really cultivate children like your brother and you? What they teach you is really unusual. Maybe poor people can also let their children study Literacy, but your brother is capable of writing and martial arts, and you are also excellent in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, not to mention your knowledge, that is definitely not the vision that children hiding in the countryside can have."

(End of this chapter)

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