The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 489 A touch of tenderness is only for you

Chapter 489 A touch of tenderness is only for you
Lin Siran tried to struggle, but found that he was holding her tighter.

"What are you doing? Don't do this!" Lin Siran was dressed in men's clothes at this time, and Li Xingxu was naturally dressed in men's clothes. The two men were holding hands, isn't it weird?Although there was no one on the road outside the city gate at this time.

"Don't move around, or people will feel weird when they see it." Li Xingxu pretended to be calm, but his palms were already sweating slightly.

Lin Ruran's bamboo hat was covered by a black veil, and the face under the veil was a bit more beautiful than the sunset glow in the sky.


"I just want to hold your hand, so that I won't be able to hold you if you go too far."


"It's only for you, it's not frivolous!"

"I am angry."

"I'll coax you."

"You... hate it!"

"Hate means like, right?"

"Who said that?"

"I said."

The two of you came and went, without riding a horse all the way, walking slowly and leisurely on the ancient road under the sunset, only the birds and the wind were buzzing in your ears.

Lin Siran finally shook off Li Xingxu's hand.

She still felt a little awkward in her heart, she couldn't tell what it was like to Li Xingxu, she didn't hate him, but she didn't love him either.

To her, Li Xingxu is mysterious and dangerous.

In her impression, he is an iron-blooded monarch, with a cold face and a cold heart, who uses thunder to frighten all officials and powerful groups.

That kind of courage and skill made her admire and be in awe.

How could a person be tempted by such a man?She was afraid of his feelings, with a purpose she feared.

Lin Siran couldn't believe it, even though Li Xingxu had done a lot for her, and even helped her again and again.

But the deep-rooted impression made her feel that what Li Xingxu did was for a purpose, not simply liking her.

Does a person like him still care about the love of his children?
For a person whose ultimate goal is grand dominance, how much tenderness is left in his heart?
What is so special about her that she can occupy the last tenderness in the king's heart?
Lin Siran doesn't have that kind of self-confidence. She knows that she is timid and resistant to feelings, and she doesn't dare to ask for an emperor's love.

She can contribute to Li Xingxu's imperial career because she has the same ideals and goals as him, and he is the master she recognizes.

But this kind of recognition has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, but the relationship between monarchs and ministers.

"What are you thinking?" Li Xingxu was not angry when she broke free from his hand, but rather curious, she suddenly fell silent.

Lin Siran stopped suddenly and looked at him: "Your Highness, I have a question, you don't have to answer it, but if you want to answer it, please be sure to tell the truth."

"Okay." Seeing that she was so serious, Li Xingxu no longer showed any cynical expression.

Lin Siran took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and asked, "Is it because I have special value to you now that you have tried so hard to get close to me?"

Li Xingxu's face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were extremely sharp, looking at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran clearly felt that he was angry.

"I said, don't need to answer." Lin Sian felt that she must look very timid now.

Li Xingxu narrowed his eyes, and then asked: "What answer do you hope to get, is you worthless or valuable?"

"I..." Lin Siran couldn't speak properly under his direct gaze.

"Has your tongue been bitten by a cat? You can't speak anymore?" Li Xingxu's attitude was aggressive.

Lin Siran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and tried to muster up the courage: "I just think you are too diligent, which is not in line with your nature."

"My nature? How do you judge my nature?" Li Xingxu twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a mocking smile, "Lu Jinnian is so attentive, so he is gentle and affectionate. Being alone with you has ulterior motives?"

"I... didn't mean that." Lin Bian felt that what he said seemed to be too much, and it was easy to hurt others.

Li Xingxu snorted coldly: "That's not what you mean, what do you mean? You can't have feelings, you can't be attracted to a woman, you can't have the impulse of ordinary people?"

Lin Siran felt it was difficult to breathe, as if the air around him had become thinner because of his anger.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I just think that His Highness is someone who is going to do big things, and I don't necessarily have... space in my heart for a woman." Lin Siran muttered.

She also wanted to be more confident, but in front of Li Xingxu's powerful aura, she really couldn't hold on to the situation.

Li Xingxu suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand, and stroked Lin Siran's face lightly.

"In the past, Gu also thought the same way. What Gu wanted was the rivers and mountains of thousands of miles, the name left in the history, the imperial power that lasted through the ages, the return of all people, the peace of the country and the peace of the people, and the long song of the prosperous age. What a difficult and bumpy road that is. Lu, how can I have extra energy and thoughts to distribute to a woman?"

He looked into Lin Siran's eyes again.

"But some things are just so strange and unreasonable. If you hadn't hadn't said to me pitifully that morning, Your me, I might never be aware of it, this heart still exists There is a touch of tenderness, I just want to give it to you."

Li Xingxu pointed to his heart, his eyes burning.

Lin Siran's heart trembled, as if someone had thrown a small stone into the lake of his heart. There were no rough waves, but there were ripples that reverberated for a long time and could not be calmed down.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, one day you will understand Gu's heart. Maybe you are tempted by other women, Gu will not hesitate to kill this feeling, but only you, I am willing, and only you can accompany Gu. This lonely and difficult road, I want you to come to me, walk with me, keep going."

Li Xingxu turned around and didn't look at Lin Siran again. He was speaking to the front, as if he was just muttering to himself.

Lin Siran's ears were buzzing, but his heart was rarely calmed down.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint His Highness." Lin Sizan said, "I'm selfish and cold-blooded, narrow-minded, and I can't be the person next to His Highness."

"How do you know that what Gu wants is not a selfish, cold-blooded, narrow-minded person?" Li Xingxu curled his mouth and looked at her with gentle and doting eyes.

Lin Siran dodged subconsciously.

"Who would like such a person?" Lin Siran muttered.

"I prefer to like it." Li Xingxu said stubbornly.

Lin Siran couldn't help laughing.

"Twisted melons are not sweet."

"Gu doesn't like melons, but Gu likes the dim sum you make."

Lin Siran found that he couldn't convince Li Xingxu with words at all, he was much better at talking.

But why did she feel that there was a hint of sweetness spreading from the tip of her tongue to the bottom of her heart?
The two of them soon arrived at the place agreed between Lin Sian and Qian Layer, but before Qian Layer came, Lin Sian tied the horse in the distance, and then found a place to sit down.

Li Xingxu also sat down with her.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Lin Siran asked.

(End of this chapter)

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