Chapter 490 No such life
"I don't know." Li Xingxu said, "But there will be wild beasts in the woods at night. If I don't accompany you, I'm afraid you will have a hard time."

"Someone is with me." Lin Siran smiled, "You should know that there are people by my side."

"That's different. The reason why a shadow guard is a shadow guard is that he has to hide in a dark place. How can he be by your side like me, so that you can see, touch, and rely on?" Li Xingxu naturally I know, there are shadow guards following Lin Siyao.

Lin Siran continued: "I captured Su Wucheng."

"Arrest him? To investigate the Huosi Sect?" Li Xingxu guessed it right away.

"Well, I need to know how my brother died." Lin Siran didn't hide anything from Li Xingxu, "My brother must not die in vain."

Li Xingxu looked at Lin Siran and asked, "I see, so what?"

"Naturally, I want to avenge my brother. Is there any other possibility?" Lin Siran asked, "Whoever kills my brother, I will pay for it!"

Li Xingxu just nodded slightly, did not speak, but found some dry wood and lit a fire.

It was completely dark in the woods, and the woods at night were still a bit cold.

"Come on, don't catch a cold, your body is very weak." Li Xingxu said.

Lin Siran nodded, moved her position, and brought herself closer to the fire. She was indeed a little afraid of the cold. Since her rebirth, she had been injured several times, and her bones were indeed not as good as before.

"If you have the opportunity, you should take good care of it. Don't run around so hard all the time. There are some things that you can hand over to other people instead of doing it yourself." Li Xingxu persuaded.

Lin Siran asked: "To whom?"

"Leave it to me." Li Xingxu answered the words naturally.

Lin Siran smiled wryly: "Your Highness is also busy with His Highness's affairs, how can I keep bothering you? Everyone has their own life, I can't always think about relying on others."

"What if I'm not someone else?" Li Xingxu asked, "You don't need to treat me as someone else, you can treat me as one of your own."

Lin Ruran's eyes shone with a moving luster under the firelight.

"Even if you are on your own, you can't be too dependent. Dependence is addictive. Once addicted, it means losing the ability to control yourself. At that time, you will have to worry about gains and losses. Too much dependence on others will not only cause pressure on the other party and troubles, will also make myself passive.”

Lin Siran's eyes remained firm.

She learned this lesson at the cost of her life.

Li Xingxu looked at her with a smile, and said: "This is why I admire you. As a woman, you can be weak as a matter of course, but you don't have such a fluke."

"I don't dare, I can't, and I don't have that kind of fate." Lin Siran smiled, "In life, I don't know when there will be a storm. I hope I can be stronger, stronger, and able to resist all unexpected events. Even in the face of disasters, we still have the energy to protect precious people.”

Li Xingxu looked at Lin Siran. At this moment, the woman in his eyes was so bright that he couldn't look away.

Time passed bit by bit, and they talked one after another, like old friends who have known each other for many years.

Lin Siran felt that this moment was very beautiful, and Li Xingxu stopped being glib and teasing her heartstrings. He was restrained and polite, sitting opposite her, adding wood to the fire from time to time, ensuring that the fire would never go out. Warm her thin body.

Sometimes they didn't talk, just listened to the crackling of the fire, Lin Siran was warmed by the fire, and also a little sleepy.

Li Xingxu asked: "Do you want to lean on me to sleep for a while? It's still early."

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "Come on, I'm not sleepy."

"You won't die for a while, why are you so stubborn?" Li Xingxu sat next to her and took her body over, "I will lend you a loan for a while, no money will be charged, and you will not be responsible."

Lin Siran laughed angrily at him, and said, "Your Highness, sometimes I feel like you are a rascal."

"These words sound harsh, but you smiled, so I reluctantly listened." Li Xingxu said sullenly.

Lin Siran leaned on his shoulder and smelled a familiar smell. She suddenly woke up and looked at Li Xingxu.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her widening eyes, Li Xingxu was puzzled.

Lin Siran stared at him and asked, "Who... are you?"

"Who else am I?" Li Xingxu looked a little hairy under her stare, "Are you out of your mind? You don't even recognize me?"

"No...not right..." Lin Siran was a little confused, she shook her head, "Why? What kind of incense do you use?"

Li Xingxu's eyes flickered, and he asked, "It's just ordinary ambergris, is there anything strange about it?"

"Is it because you smoked ambergris that you smell this way?" Lin Siran asked, because she felt very familiar with this scent.

She remembered that Lan Jiu had the same smell.

She suddenly felt that the shadows of Li Xingxu and Lan Jiu overlapped together. They were similar in figure and age, and even their eyes were so similar.

Li Xingxu asked with a smile, "Why are you looking at me so nervously all of a sudden? Ambergris has the same taste."

"Really? Really? You..." Lin Siran didn't know how to ask, how could he be Lan Jiu?How could Lan Jiu be Li Xingxu?

Their voices are different, their voices are completely different, how can this be done?

Lan Jiu wore a mask, and what impressed her most were his eyes.

Li Xingxu's eyes are as beautiful as his.

Shining brightly, like the stars shining in the sky.

Can two different people have the same eyes?
Lin Siran was terrified and at a loss. She had never linked Lan Jiu and Li Xingxu together, and she never felt that these two people would have any relationship.

But just approaching Li Xingxu's arms, the familiar scent awakened her dormant memory.

If it's just the same fragrance, maybe it can be explained by the same kind of incense, but how can the almost identical eyes be explained?
"What's wrong?" Li Xingxu still looked ignorant.

"No, no... Lan Jiu!" Lin Siran suddenly lowered his face, staring at Li Xingxu, "You are Lan Jiu!"

"Lan Jiu?" Li Xingxu tilted his head, "Who is that?"

Lin Siran said angrily, "Stop pretending, I recognize you, you are Lan Jiu!"

"Lin Siran, why are you so nervous?" Li Xingxu asked helplessly, "I am Li Xingxu, the crown prince!"

"You are the crown prince, and you are also Lan Jiu." Lin Siran gritted his teeth, "Why did you lie to me? Why did you keep pretending to be two people in front of me?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Li Xingxu shook his head, "The Lan Jiu and I are the same person? Are you confused?"

"Then you... how do you explain that you look so similar to him? You have the same eyes, and the scent on your body." Lin Siran stood up, panting excitedly, "You are just putting on a pose, I saw you through Yes, you are Lan Jiu!"

(End of this chapter)

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