Chapter 497 Just Like You

"When I saved Lu Jinnian, I didn't hesitate, because I admired his talent, appreciated his character, and thanked him for saving me. But I didn't ask him to give me anything in return. There is nothing wrong with him choosing the Lu family. I don't feel hurt."

"Everyone has their own life and their own responsibilities, not only you men have, I also have a desire to do my best to achieve it, and like you, I want to change the world and do something real. Meaningful things, not just caring about the love of children. Women don’t just want to marry a good man, and then take care of their husbands and raise their children, right?”

"My godmother, as a woman, she is admired by countless people. Is it because her husband is so great? Is it because she used to be the daughter of a princess? Is it because she is His Majesty's cousin? It's because of herself , She is amazing in her own right, she is knowledgeable, has a broad vision, and a big heart, but she has never entrusted her life to a man, because she doesn't feel that she needs a man to have a perfect life."

"Why do I have to choose you or Lu Jinnian? If you can't learn to truly respect me, appreciate my thoughts and talents, but just see me as an interesting woman who can be played and adjusted in your spare time If you live a busy or poor life, then you are very wrong."

"I stand in front of you, equal to you, I also have the same soul as you, I have also read poetry and books, I also have thoughts and feelings, what you can see, I can see, you can think Yes, I can think of it too. So why do I have to rely on you men to survive?"

Li Xingxu frowned, and said, "I didn't underestimate you, nor did I ever think of treating you as a vassal or a plaything."

"But you still despise me in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't say whether I'm still obsessed with Lu Jinnian's words. I said I would stand behind you and be your companion, and you wouldn't think I was What promise did you make to you emotionally? If I were a man, would you still despise my promise?" Lin Siran was a little angry.

Li Xingxu said helplessly: "I don't... I like you, I really like you, so I hope you will be with me, not just as a companion, is this considered contempt? You are indeed someone I admire, not because of you Having extraordinary beauty is not because you are more talented than other women. Women with both talents and looks are not uncommon. I like you and appreciate you because... no matter what kind of desperate situation you face, you never want to The courage to compromise."

"I like your courage, your tenacity, your decisive and proud eyes, I like that you are not only strong, but also gentle and kind. You have not lost your humanity just because you were treated maliciously."

"I have lived in the deep palace since I was a child, and I have seen many more women than men. There are countless beautiful people, and there are endless cruel ones. I have seen people who are more miserable than you, but they either sink in misery and feel sorry for themselves. Self-pity, or abandon their conscience in misery, and become as cruel as those who bullied them, or even more cruel and vicious."

"But you showed me another possibility. You didn't compromise with the evil. You fought with all your strength, but you still kept your own heart. You were ruthless to your enemies and warm to your relatives and friends. You are yourself, and you have never Circumstances and anyone change."

"This is really rare, because people's hearts are very fragile. If you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. Who can really get out of the mud and not be stained? You are not unstained, but you have restrained the black side of yourself well. , don’t let the demons in your heart corrupt your soul and hurt the ones you love.”

Lin Siran blinked a few times, she looked at Li Xingxu, it was the first time she heard such an evaluation from another person, and she couldn't refute it.

He seemed to have seen all of her and analyzed her so thoroughly.

Obviously she didn't have much contact with him, why does he seem to know him so well, so familiar?

The panic of being seen through and the touch of being understood collided with each other in Lin Siran's heart, forming a contradictory and harmonious situation.

She reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Don't make it sound like you know me very well." She stubbornly refused to admit it, even though her heart was already in turmoil.

Li Xingxu walked back step by step and stopped in front of her.

"It's because I don't understand it thoroughly enough, but life is still long, and I still have a lot of time to slowly discover you." Li Xingxu said.

Lin Siran looked at him, aggrieved and angry.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"When am I going to leave?" Li Xingxu refused to admit it, "I just took two steps first to help you see if the road ahead is okay."

"Really? You walked so fast, and you walked beside me when you came here. What did you say? Although there are shadow guards following, it's better to have a real person by your side. As a result, you didn't want to leave by yourself when you got angry just now. Leave me here." Lin Siran didn't know why he was entangled in this.

She wasn't really afraid of being left behind, she could go out of the woods by herself, even though the trees that covered the sky made it dark, she could light a torch by herself.

But when Li Xingxu just turned around and left, she still felt a sense of resentment and grievance of being left behind.

That's why I said a lot of things.

"No, how could it be? You misunderstood. I really went to explore the way ahead. Didn't I just come back to pick you up? I won't leave you, never will." Li Xingxu stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Si dyed hands.

Just as Lin Siran wanted to break free, Li Xingxu added: "As companions, walking together in the dark forest hand in hand, supporting each other, is there no problem?"

"I don't want to hold hands with you." Lin Siran wanted to shake off awkwardly.

But Li Xingxu said: "You don't want me. I don't know what to do when I walk alone. You see, I was afraid after walking for a while. I must come back and walk with you. Although I don't want to admit it, I am actually I’m still very afraid of walking alone at night, not because I’m afraid of encountering bad people, but the feeling of not knowing where to go in the face of darkness is very disturbing.”

Lin Siran asked in surprise, "Are you afraid of the dark?"

"I'm afraid, but if you stay with me, I won't be afraid." Li Xingxu smiled.

Lin Siran asked: "Didn't you say it on purpose to lie to me?"

"How come, do you know? I made a mistake when I was young, how will father punish me?" Li Xingxu asked.

Lin Siran shook his head.

"He locked me in a small dark room by myself, didn't let anyone see me, and left me water and food. I couldn't tell whether it was dark or day, so I could only curl up in a corner alone, neither eating nor eating. Drink, until someone comes to take me out, I will definitely admit my mistake to my father, and I will never make the same mistake again. Because it is really terrible to be alone in the dark."

Li Xingxu said this in a relaxed tone, but Lin Siran felt a burst of sadness and pain.

(End of this chapter)

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