Chapter 532
She has clearly rejected Lu Jinnian, and the Lu family has also rejected her clearly. There is no future between them.

But Lu Jinnian didn't seem to understand this point, and insisted on pointlessly persisting.

Lin Sizan said to Qingxuan: "Mother, let's go back earlier, shall we? I also want to go to Dali Temple. I don't know if Mr. Zhu has asked about the result."

Qingxuan knew that Lin Siran's emotions had been affected, so he stayed unintentionally, and those unfriendly eyes were also very unpleasant.

Qingxuan pulled Lin Siran up and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I'm tired too, so I'll take my leave first, and please give me your Majesty's permission!"

"Sister Qingxuan, are you leaving too? I haven't had a drink with you yet." The emperor wanted to keep her.

Qingxuan smiled and picked up the wine glass, and said to the emperor: "Then respect your Majesty!"

The emperor also picked up the wine glass and drank it with a smile.

After drinking, Qingxuan took Lin Siran away, and before leaving, he did not forget to scan the audience, watching those people dodge.

Qingxuan showed a sneer, and then left without looking back.

After leaving the palace gate, Lin Siran said: "It's likely that this rumor will spread all over the capital tomorrow, and I should become a hot topic again."

"Your mouth grows on others, so don't worry about it, just be yourself." Qingxuan said.

"That's right, since I returned to Beijing, I have been causing troubles a lot. I'm probably a person who always has right and wrong, and there are always right and wrong people to talk about." Lin Siran laughed at herself.

Qingxuan asked: "I don't care about those idlers who like to talk about people's right and wrong. What I care about is you. Today, Mr. Lu refused to marry in public. Everyone knows that it is because of you. Can you continue to remain indifferent?"

Lin Siran was unusually sober, with sadness in his eyes.

"Because of his public refusal, I'm afraid that the next few days will not be easy. Princess Huayang is so protective of the calf, and Princess Ningrong is her heart and soul. She was rejected in public. This shame, she I'm afraid it will be remembered in my head."

"The relationship between Princess Ningrong and me was not bad before, but now, I'm afraid we can't get along like before, right?"

"Not to mention the Lu family, Lu Xiang didn't like me in the first place, but now that their father and son are at odds because of me, he should hate me even more."

"What Lu Jinnian did today completely cut off the fate between me and him, whether it's...or..."

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran, and could only smile helplessly, and said: "You child, you are too sober, but what you said makes sense, after all, he doesn't understand, the peaceful life you want to protect, is suddenly destroyed He was ruined."

Lin Siran said: "He doesn't understand even more. As a man, he can continue to marry a good wife and have a happy life after the situation is calm. When others mention today's incident, they can at most say one thing, a young man is mad, and a prodigal son will not be exchanged for money. But for me Such a woman will only be pointed at by others, leaving a stain on her life."

Lin Siran was angry and helpless in his heart.

She knew that Lu Jinnian didn't do it on purpose, he hinted at the relationship between them in front of so many people with the mentality of breaking the ax and sinking the boat.

He thought that in this way, Lin Siran would no longer have any way out, and could only go to the dark like him.

But he never thought about whether Lin Sizan was willing to accompany him to the bottom of the boat, whether he was willing to take this extremely difficult road.

Qingxuan said: "You don't have to care about those people's eyes, your life is up to you to decide."

"Having said that, mother should understand that I do not exist independently in this world. I still have you, friends, parents of the Yan family, and even embarrassing blood relatives like the Lin family."

"When others talk about me, they are not only talking about me, they will also bring you to criticize together. If my reputation is bad, it will also bring trouble to you."

Lin Siran didn't want to blame Lu Jinnian, but she still couldn't help feeling disappointed and saddened by his recklessness and impulsiveness.

Doesn't he understand that a woman's reputation is very important?
He doesn't care, doesn't she care too?

She is not so otherworldly, not so bohemian, she still wants to achieve success and happiness in the worldly sense.

But tonight, everything seemed to be ruthlessly torn apart.

Her long-term hard work and the good image she managed to manage will be replaced by her affair with Lu Jinnian, the prince of the family, and reduced to a joke after dinner, and may even be cast aside and resented by Lu Jinnian's love interest.

Qingxuan patted Lin Siran, feeling sorry for her in his heart, but he also knew that the matter had come to this point, and it was impossible to undo it.

"Actually, mother, I vaguely know that sooner or later, between me and him, we will come to this point." Lin Siran smiled wryly, "This is probably why I have not dared to approach him and trust him for a long time."

"I know that once I give trust and get used to relying on it, I will definitely collapse in the face of such a situation." Lin Siran was actually a little thankful.

The carriage swayed suddenly and almost caused a rollover. Fortunately, the groom was skilled and did not cause any damage.

"What's going on?" Qingying opened the curtain and asked, Li Fu in red was standing opposite.

Li Fu shouted: "Master Wencheng, can you dismount and speak?"

Qingxuan frowned, and said: "One more thing is worse than one less thing, let me go down and talk to her."

"Mother, no need, I'll deal with it myself." Lin Siran still decided to face the problem by herself, she had a clear conscience and there was no need to hide from Li Fu.

Lin Siran got off the carriage.

She didn't know what expression to put on, or what to say, facing Li Fu who was aggrieved and resentful.

He could only salute her according to the rules.

"The princess!"

Li Fu ignored her salute, but looked at her sadly, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"What?" Lin Siran looked at her puzzled.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that Mr. Lu likes you?" Li Fu asked in a questioning tone.

Lin Siran frowned slightly, but didn't know how to answer.

"Why didn't you talk? Are you guilty? You lied to me on purpose, didn't you?"

Li Fu became more and more angry.

Lin Siran seemed to have realized it now, and asked, "Guilt? Deliberate deception? Where do you start?"

"I asked you before, whether you and Mr. Lu have a close relationship, how did you answer me?" Li Fu asked coldly.

Lin Siran asked back: "Princess, you have never expressed your feelings for Mr. Lu. What's more... what position do I have to tell you these things? I am a woman. What are you talking about? Don't I think I'm not in enough trouble?"

"I definitely didn't intend to deceive the princess, and I never thought that the princess would have intentions for Mr. Lu. But even if I knew, I would never say anything beyond my duty to the princess. I have no vows with Mr. Lu, nor have I For a hundred-year contract, the princess can like him, or discuss marriage with him, this has no conflict with me."

(End of this chapter)

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