Chapter 543 The Unspeakable Secret

"What nonsense, he is an elder brother, he should protect you, there is no reason for you to protect him." Yan Yunchang said in a hoarse voice, "We are hurrying all the way to arrive early, you know You are probably thinking wildly again in your heart, afraid that we will blame you."

Yao shi was crying so hard that he couldn't speak, but he still tried his best to cooperate with Yan Yunchang and nodded, holding Lin Siran's hand tightly.

"Get up quickly, don't kneel on the ground, are your injuries healed?" Yan Yunchang came over to pull her and Yao Shi by himself.

Lin Siran was so choked up that she couldn't hold back, and like Yao Shi, she couldn't speak.

It took her a while to recover.

"Father, brother is gone... brother... I don't even know who killed him, and I don't know why he was killed. I... I'm sorry!"

Yan Yunchang shook his head, sighed, and said, "Silly boy, you don't have to blame yourself. I understand Shichu. It is definitely his own choice to get to this point, and it has nothing to do with you."

"He has been stubborn since he was a child, and he is very assertive. This time he was involved in this kind of thing and was killed. I think he should have been prepared. In the last letter he wrote to us, although he did not explicitly say, But it also explained some circumstances, his death was not your fault."

Yao wiped away tears, and said in a hoarse voice: "What your father said is, Ranran, don't think about it, we didn't blame you, not at all, it's not your fault."

"Brother wrote you a letter? What did the letter say?" Lin Siran believed more and more that Yan Shichu must have anticipated the danger he might face before he died.

Yan Yunchang said: "Believe me, I have already burned it. The letter didn't specifically mention anything else. It just told us that if something happened to him, let us take good care of ourselves. I knew right then that he would definitely take care of us." to do something dangerous."

"Is that so? Why didn't he tell me? If I knew what dangerous things he was going to do, I would definitely be able to prevent the tragedy from happening. Why didn't he tell me?"

Lin Siran was tormented by this thought.

"Probably because I knew you would stop him, so I didn't tell you. Don't you understand your brother's temperament? Once he decides something, ten cows can't pull him back. No one can stop him. "

"What's more, he should have chosen what he thinks is the right thing, even if he goes through fire and water."

Yan Yunchang was also sad and sad, but from his tone, one could still hear an unconditional trust and support for his son.

This is what makes the Yan family different from other families.

Most parents only want to let their children take a path that they think is correct, safe, and solid, to be safe or rich.

But Yan Yunchang and Yao shi always give such choices to their children.

They trust their children and believe that they know what they are doing, how to judge right from wrong, and how to live their lives well.

They even believe that their teachings have already been rooted in the hearts of the children, and they don't need to be reminded all the time, let alone make decisions for the children.

So when he learned that Yan Shichu would be in danger, Yan Yunchang didn't close his eyes all night, but in the end he discussed with his wife and wrote back to Yan Yunchang, respecting all his decisions, and letting him rest assured to do what he thought was right. Things to do.

Of course, they chose to come to the capital to tell Lin Siran that they don't have to blame themselves too much for Yan Shichu's death.

"Father..." Lin Siran choked up and shouted, "I will definitely find out the truth and give my brother justice."

"Son, take care of yourself, the person your brother worries about the most is you!" Yan Yunchang said, "We also worry about you, that's why we came to the capital."

"You mustn't dig into the horns and make yourself too painful."

Instead, Yan Yunchang comforted Lin Siran.

"Don't you want to know how your brother died?" Lin Siran asked, "Don't you want to help your brother get justice and avenge him?"

"Of course I want to, but you can't come back to life after death, you who are alive are the most important thing." Yan Yunchang was so calm, so calm that Lin Siran felt abnormal.

"Father... how can you say that? How can you be so rational? The one who died is your brother, your son!"

Lin Siran said almost angrily, she felt that Yan Yunchang shouldn't be so "indifferent" to Yan Shichu's death.

"Ranran, your father... your father is also sad, but what can you do if you are sad?" Yao choked up, "We cried all our tears, and we can't return to the beginning of the world. We just want you to be well, and we don't want to Don't let you get hurt any more."

Lin Siran heard this, and started crying again.

"Mother, don't cry, it's all my fault, it's my fault..." She shouldn't say such things to hurt the heart of the second elder.

They love her so much, what right does she have to lose her temper?
"Don't say such stupid things. There is nothing wrong with you. It is Shichu's own decision. It has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself." Yao said sadly, "He is worried about you, so we must Find a chance to come and see you and tell you that we have no complaints against you because of his death."

Lin Siran couldn't control her tears after hearing this sentence.

My brother is so gentle.

He thought of everything for her, including the pain and suffering she might face because of his death.

He thought of everything for her, but he just refused to live well.

Is there anything that has to be done, even if it means giving up your life?

"Why is it like this? I still can't accept it. My such a good brother is gone."

Lin Siran flung herself into Yao's arms, shouting heart-piercingly.

Losing control several times, Lin Siran cried until she had no strength left, and just sobbed in Yao's arms.

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry..."

Yao patted Lin Siran's back lightly to make her feel better.

Lin Siran drank two sips of water and took a long time to regain his sanity.

"Father, mother...the reason why I brought you here this time is because His Majesty wants to see you, do you know about this?" Lin Siran asked.

Yan Yunchang nodded and said, "We came here for this matter, but Ranran...we don't plan to go to the palace to see His Majesty."

"Why?" Lin Siran asked, "Your Majesty probably wants to know if the Yan family has anything to do with the Fire Scythe Sect. It's just a routine question. I don't think our family has anything to do with the Fire Scythe Sect."

Yan Yunchang nodded, and said: "Of course there can be no involvement. Our family studied and farmed innocently, how could it get mixed up with the rebellious party? But we still don't want to go face to face."

"Why?" Lin Siran didn't understand, "Is there any reason why dad can't face the saint?"

"Father doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble." Yan Yunchang seemed to have something to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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