Chapter 550: Just Friends
"This is not something that can be tried casually, my princess, please do me a favor, don't embarrass me, you might as well find a way to intercede with His Majesty for me later, so that His Majesty will not embarrass me. "

Although the sixth princess was very disappointed, she still nodded in agreement with Lin Siran.

"Okay, I'll play by ear, but you can't choose Mr. Lu."

"Now it's not for me to choose, but for Mr. Lu to choose."

"But if he chooses you, will you marry him?"

The question of the sixth princess made Lin Siran pause.

She didn't know how to answer.

"Do you still like Mr. Lu?" the sixth princess asked, "Even if the Lu family treats you like that, you still like him, right?"

Lin Biran looked at the disappointed and wronged eyes of the sixth princess, and touched her face.

"It's true that I like him, and it's true that I decided to forget him. I won't regret it. No matter how he chooses, I can't marry him!"

Because there is no turning back.

She knew that in the future, there would inevitably be irreconcilable conflicts between herself and the Lu family.

It is absolutely impossible for her to give up her principles and original ideals for the sake of feelings.

The sixth princess exhaled and became happy again.

But Lin Siran didn't smile again.

Instead, her heart was tormented.

When there is a violent conflict between reason and emotion, and she can only choose reason, her heart will inevitably be torn apart by broken emotions over and over again.

But no matter how tormented she was, she still wanted to walk in the direction of her heart.

No one can stop her, not even Lu Jinnian.

After entering the palace, he saw Li Fu and Shushen sitting opposite each other, both of them were angry.

After Lin Siran came in, the anger of the two turned to Lin Siran.

The emperor was dressed in ordinary clothes today, he looked approachable and amiable, but he smiled and waved to Lin Siran.

"Lin girl, come here, I have something to tell you."

Lin Siran stepped forward and wanted to salute, but was stopped by the emperor.

"There is no need to be too polite today. I am not looking for you as an emperor today, but as an elder. Since you recognize Qingxuan as your foster mother, you can be regarded as my junior."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Siran didn't dare to take it seriously, he was still well-behaved, and there must be no mistakes in etiquette.

The emperor looked at Shushen and Li Fu, and then asked Lin Sizan with a smile: "Surely, Liu'er has already told you why I am looking for you, right?"

"Probably know a little bit, but the sixth princess didn't speak clearly enough in a hurry." Lin Siran deliberately pretended to be confused.

The emperor had no choice but to say: "Then I'll make it clear to you, Shushen and Afu both like Mr. Lu, you know this too, right?"

"Probably understand a little bit." Lin Siran still said ambiguously.

Shushen snorted coldly: "Pretending to be!"

Li Fu also pouted.

The emperor didn't take it seriously, and continued: "But both of them think that you hindered their marriage with Mr. Lu. I also learned at the banquet before that Mr. Lu seems to have another sweetheart, and this person is you, right? ?”

Lin Siran could only keep silent.

"Don't dare to admit it, or don't want to admit it?" the emperor asked.

Lin Siran took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked calmly and firmly: "It's not that I don't dare, and it's not that I don't want to. Mr. Lu and I are friends, and we have nothing to do with each other, and we haven't made a private decision for life. You can't open your mouth about this kind of thing." Yes, so as not to damage each other's reputation."

"Don't worry, this matter will not get out. I said it. Today is a family sitting down to discuss. We are the only ones present today. No one is allowed to spread the news about what happened today. Otherwise, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor." Discuss." The emperor said at the end, his face was downcast, and his momentum was intimidating.

Lin Siran still insisted: "Mr. Lu and I are just friends, nothing else."

"Lin Siran, you are really hypocritical. Everyone knows something well, why do you hide and refuse to admit it?" Shushen protested.

Li Fu also stood up and said, "County Lin, don't deny it. It's no secret that Mr. Lu is interested in you."

"Calm down, Shushen, Afu, you all forgot what I just said? Don't shout, what's the point?"

The emperor frowned and motioned for them to sit down.

"Girl Lin, don't say anything against your will. This is the last chance I will give you to express your heart. Before you came, I promised Shushen and Afu that if you are willing to speak your heart , I will betroth you to Mr. Lu, so that you will be affectionate and get married in the end."

The emperor drew a wonderful pie for Lin Sian.

Lin Siran was unmoved.

It's a tempting promise, but I'm afraid the truth isn't pretty.

"Your Majesty!" Lin Siran knelt down, "Thank you for your kindness, but forgive me for not accepting it."

"Why?" The emperor was very surprised, "Master Lu is a dragon and phoenix among men, not just Shushen and Afu, I have heard of many women who admire him, don't you want to marry him?"

Lin Siran nodded, and said, "Young master Lu is very good, but Qi Dafei is not me."

"You still have self-knowledge!" Shushen raised her chin proudly.

Li Fu rolled her eyes at Shushen: "Don't talk so much, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"You want to take care of it?" Shushen pushed back, "I'm your elder!"

"Cut... the elders don't look like elders, I feel ashamed for you." Li Fu was not to be outdone.

"It's better than you. Relying on your mother, you are arrogant and unreasonable. You want to force the Lu family to marry you, but Mr. Lu still doesn't want to talk to you. I'm ashamed for you!"

The two choked again.

"Okay, it's noisy again? Can you let me be quiet for a while?" The emperor was helpless.

The two sat down again, snorted at the same time, and turned their heads to ignore each other.

Lin Siran felt that these two princesses were really interesting, but he didn't know how they could be so disrespectful in order to compete for a man?
The emperor re-examined Lin Siran, and asked, "Is what you said just now true?"

"Yes." Lin Siran nodded, "I dare not expire Your Majesty."

"But I heard that you risked your life to save Young Master Lu in exchange for the antidote to save him. You clearly have deep affection for him, why are you unwilling to marry him now?" the emperor was very puzzled.

Lin Siran knew that many people did not understand.

"When he is in trouble, I can work hard for him, but if he is safe and sound, then I will draw a line with him and go our separate ways."

After hearing this, the emperor became even more puzzled.


"Because I never want him to die, but I will never be with him either. We are not fellow travelers, so there is no need to force each other." Lin Siran said lightly.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Shushen began to express her "high opinion" again.

"People like you will never understand, County Lord Lin is different from you." Li Fu seized the time to respond to Shushen.

If the emperor's cold eyes hadn't swept over, the two of them might have fought again.

(End of this chapter)

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