The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 561 Love Comes from Misunderstanding

Chapter 561 Love Comes from Misunderstanding

"How can you give up someone you like so easily?"

"Did you share any important moments with him?"

"From the beginning to the end, have you trusted him and relied on him? Have you considered him in your future?"

"When he was facing life and death, and you wanted to save him, did you have the idea of ​​repaying your gratitude because you fell into the water and were rescued by him during that Qiqiao Festival?"

"Lin Siran, have you ever faced your heart directly?"

"I admit that a man like Lu Jinnian is very attractive to girls regardless of his talent, bearing, or even appearance. You are just an ordinary woman, so how can you not be tempted when you meet such an outstanding man? "

"But besides the heartbeat, is there any deeper emotion?"

Li Xingxu's series of questions caused Lin Siran to have deep self-doubt.

Did she really never love Lu Jinnian?
Every important moment seems to never want to share with him.

When faced with desperation, he never turned to him for help.

The bond between them seemed very shallow, even if she was willing to sacrifice her life for him.

But at that time, wasn't she very sure that her mother-in-law would come to rescue her?
If she wasn't certain that her mother-in-law was the poison queen, how would she dare to take such a dangerous risk?
She had the chance to win, so she gave it a go, not really desperately.

Lu Jinnian is indeed like what Li Xingxu said, he is a man who is easy to fall in love with.

But is she also such a superficial person?
Lin Siran was a little annoyed, but couldn't find strong evidence to refute Li Xingxu.

"Speechless?" Li Xingxu asked.

"Then let's discuss your feelings for me again." Li Xingxu felt that he liked this part very much, "Well, listen carefully, after all, you are a bit slow, if I don't tell you, you may be forever I can’t understand my own feelings.”

Lin Siran puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"I'm not dull, don't talk nonsense, I don't have any deep feelings for you..."

Lin Siran thought, since her liking for Lu Jinnian is only superficial, then it's not even superficial for Li Xingxu, is it?

"You're less narcissistic." Lin Siran couldn't help but make another stab.

Li Xingxu didn't care at all, and said arrogantly: "I'm not narcissistic, it's because you can't see your true heart clearly."

"Think about it, why can you always quarrel with me unscrupulously?"

"Why can you cry safely in front of me?"

"Why do you, who are so proud and stubborn, ask me for help?"

"Why don't you worry about telling me your secret?"

"Why do you want to introduce my dear brother to me?"

"Why can you go to the bamboo forest to learn from a teacher just for me? Haven't you forgotten my entrustment and sent me those ancient books that were burned?"

"Why do you believe that I can be a good emperor?"

"Why bet everything on me?"

Lin Siran became more and more confused, but soon realized that this guy had misunderstood her so much.

The reason why she trusts him is because she knows the future.

But in Li Xingxu's eyes, did all of this become evidence that she fell in love with him first?
How would she explain it?

It seems that I can't explain it clearly.

"I know you must be thinking about how to refute me now." Li Xingxu poked her head, "But it's useless, don't try to refute me, you just like me, admit it! It's not just liking, it's love without complacency Know."

Li Xingxu was extremely proud. If human beings also had tails, his tail would definitely be wagging at this moment.

Lin Siran couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of situation is this?

"What's your expression?" Li Xingxu asked dissatisfied.

"What expression? I think you are arrogant, narcissistic, and self-righteous." Lin Siran snorted.

Li Xingxu let out an "oh" before saying, "Is it shy? Right, I forgot that you are a very shy person. It's really not good to expose you face to face like this, but who made you confused? You don't even know your own thoughts." I don’t get it, I’m just a fool emotionally.”

"You're a fool." Lin Siran said angrily.

"Yeah, I also admit that I am a fool, and a fool will fall in love with a fool. Then...will you tell me now, are you willing?" Li Xingxu stretched out his hand, suddenly became serious again, and looked at Lin Siran affectionately.

"Then..." Lin Siran thought of a question, but felt it was hard to say it.

"Just tell me what you want. You don't have to be polite to me at this time. If you don't mention it now, I might bargain if you mention it in the future. I can even go to the sky to pick stars for you now." Li Xingxu said with a smile.

Lin Siran was so teased that he laughed.

"I just like to talk nonsense, and I'm not serious at all." Lin Siran was also very helpless sometimes, she always thought that Li Xingxu, who was very deep and serious, would always show such a childish naivety in front of her.

Li Xingxu shook her arm and asked, "Then do you want stars?"

"I don't want the stars, I... want you, all of you." Lin Siran was surprised that she said such a thing, knowing that it was impossible, but she couldn't help but say it.

What she wants is all of a person, not just one of them. She doesn't want to share her husband with anyone.

Li Xingxu smiled brightly.

"I understand, you want to monopolize me, ah... so I found out that you like me so much." Li Xingxu was actually very proud.

Lin Siran glared at him: "No."

"There's no reason why you want to monopolize me? You only want to have everything about someone you like so much. Lin Siran, do you want to continue to deceive yourself?" Li Xingxu smiled so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Seeing his white teeth shining in front of her, Lin Sizan couldn't help punching him.

"Shut up!"

"Why shut up? Lin Siran, are you shy?" Li Xingxu took her hand and wrapped it in his own.

"I don't want to listen to you anymore, go away!"

Lin Siran was a little angry, angry at him for avoiding his own question and refusing to answer it directly.

Li Xingxu pulled her over from the other side of the table, held her shoulders, and looked into her eyes seriously.

"I'm answering your question seriously now, so you must listen carefully, don't miss it, let alone doubt me."

"I am the prince. As you can imagine, I have to go down the path of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. I have no way out. Either I will reach the top, or I will never recover. There is no other possibility."

"If I can successfully succeed to the throne, I will be the king of a country. Since ancient times, few kings can have only one woman, and a couple for a lifetime. For kings, it is an extremely luxurious concept."

When Lin Bianran heard this, she could hardly listen any longer. She struggled a bit and didn't want to continue listening.

"Enough, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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