The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 574 Don't Let Down Your Vigilance

Chapter 574 Don't Let Down Your Vigilance
"What do you mean? You say I'm pitiful? Are you pitiful?" Mrs. Lin retorted angrily, "You are the one who was abandoned, and you are the laughing stock of the whole capital!"

Lin Siran moved the corner of her mouth slightly, and said: "I said you are so pitiful, because you know that you can't win me anyway, so you can only use such a low-level way to mock me, but is it useful? Can it hurt me?"

"You..." Mrs. Lin was furious.

"Are you very angry? Are you helpless? Today, your situation and mine are completely different. When I first came to the capital, I was just a chess piece in your hand that you can manipulate at will. It is difficult to resist. I almost died at your hands this time."

"But now, how about it? Look at yourself, your appearance is ruined, your legs are disabled, your hands seem to be usable, but they are not flexible. You sit in a wheelchair every day, and you can't move without your servants."

"Father used to love and trust you, but now he doesn't bother to look at you, and he looks disgusted when he sees you. He won't complain to you that I'm useless, right? It's really hard for you to make up such nonsense, Because those days of father's love have become a good time that you can't go back to."

"Keeping the position of the main wife is not because he still cares about you, but because you still have a son. The father is thinking about his son, but not for you. So you are afraid that Er Niang will give birth to a son, and your son will fall out of favor." , you have nothing."

Lin Siran could see through Mrs. Lin's thoughts.

"It's so pitiful. The lady who used to be so beautiful, she only covered the sky with her hands in the Lin Manor, and she can do whatever she wants, but now she has become such a miserable appearance. She can't live or die."

"Even your biggest reliance, the Su family, has abandoned you. Why are you so pitiful?"

Lin Siran shook her head, turned around and was about to leave, not bothering to take a second look at Mrs. Lin.

"Don't go, stop for me! Lin Siran, stop for me, speak clearly, stop for me!"

Mrs. Lin yelled behind her.

Lin Siran didn't intend to look back at her either.

Anyway, her goal has been achieved, no matter how angry Mrs. Lin is, it's useless.

"Oh... I forgot to tell you, I really didn't do anything to Yuandi. The fan pendant just now was actually taken from Er Niang at random. Although it is very similar to Yuandi's fan pendant, it is not the same. , you... are you still a little stupid, maybe it's because of your bad eyesight?"

When Lin Bian walked to the door, she turned around and gave her a nasty smile.

Mrs. Lin was so angry that she fell off the wheelchair and lay on the ground, trying to crawl towards Lin Siran, looking like a ghost.

"Lin Siran, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Lin Siran walked quite a distance, and heard the sharp curses and roars.

But Lin Siran didn't pay attention, he was just a useless person, no matter how angry he was, it was just a manifestation of incompetence.

Lin Siran returned to Wei Rong'er's yard.

Mrs. Lin also hurried over.

I checked the nurse's diet, and found that someone had tampered with her.

Mrs. Lin's face turned green with anger.

"This woman is too vicious!"

"Grandmother, I'm afraid you still have to tell father the truth about this matter, but at this juncture, it's not appropriate to touch her, so let father handle it." Lin Siran was not pleading for Mrs. Lin, but because Lin Xiaoqian was working hard at this time to make peace with Su Wucheng. Get on good terms.

Otherwise, this one can make Su Yan rest, and let her go back to Su's house.

But would the Su family treat Su Yan kindly?
Su Wucheng may have a brother-sister relationship with Su Yan, but Mrs. Su may not.

"I'm so pissed off, I'm really pissed off, I've repeatedly warned her not to touch Rong'er and the baby in her belly, strictly guard against it, but something went wrong." Mrs. Lin complained endlessly.

Lin Siran didn't care too much.

"Grandmother, as long as the eldest lady is here, she will never let Erniang and Erniang's children go. She said this herself, so this vigilance cannot be let go." Lin Siran sighed.

"Then what should I do?" Mrs. Lin also had no idea at this time, and she hoped that Lin Siran would give her a good idea.

Lin Siran thought for a while and said: "The Su family can't offend the dead for the time being, and it's definitely not appropriate to divorce the eldest lady, but let her stay in the Lin family, she has been making troubles, and everyone has no peace. Find a way to send her out of the mansion and let her live outside alone, so as to separate her from Erniang, maybe everything will be fine."

"Separate, how?" Mrs. Lin asked, "Will she be willing to leave? She won't, she will definitely make trouble."

"Are you afraid that she will make trouble, so you ignore Erniang and Erniang's children?" Lin Siran asked, "Grandmother, sometimes you should show a little bit of courage as an elder, and you can't let her temper go?"

"If I didn't force her to tell the truth this time, the consequences would be disastrous, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin also deeply agreed.

"You're right, I can't pamper her anymore, but... where are we going to send her?"

"Doesn't the Lin family also have some Zhuangzi outside the capital? Find one that is a little bit out of the way and send her there. Anyway, she hasn't gone out since she was disabled, and outsiders don't know if she is in the mansion. Claiming she had the plague, which was contagious, and had to be sent out for treatment."

Lin Siran secretly took a small bottle to Mrs. Lin.

"There is a little medicine in it, which will cause some red sores on people's faces. It is not painful or itchy. Even if it looks scary, it will not hurt people's lives. It makes her and her confidantes around her think that they have contracted the plague. send away."

Mrs. Lin frowned and asked, "This...isn't this harmful?"

"No, if you don't believe me, grandma can let someone try it. It will definitely not harm the body. It just has a small pimple on the outside, which looks like a mosquito bite, but it doesn't itch." Lin Siran said.

Mrs. Lin is skeptical.

"Why do you have such a thing?" Mrs. Lin asked.

"I'm very familiar with the doctors of Baozhitang, so I naturally know a little about these medicines." Lin Siran said, "If you don't believe me, you can show them to the doctors to ensure that there are no poisons that hurt people's health."

Facing Lin Siran's assurance, Mrs. Lin said: "Why don't you believe it? Grandma is just worried that you haven't verified the toxicity of this poison. If it hurts someone's life, it would be a crime. I eat fast and chant Buddha all my life, so I can't do it." A disastrous thing."

"Grandmother, don't worry, you can take a drug test on the spot." Lin Siran suddenly thought of something, "I can try it for you."

Lin Siran took out a little poison and applied it on his wrist.

After a while, the skin gradually turned red, which was not obvious, but it could be seen if you looked closely.

"Oh, Ranran, I didn't mean that. I didn't want you to test the poison yourself." Mrs. Lin stopped her hypocritically at this time, "Of course I believe you, but I'm just afraid that there is something wrong with the medicine itself."

"Grandmother can rest assured now?" Lin Siran asked.

"Of course, as long as it's not harmful to people, don't worry." Mrs. Lin said.

"Grandmother, give this kind of medicinal use to those who are safe, don't be taken advantage of by others, and if something goes wrong, I won't be able to tell clearly." Lin Siran instructed.

Mrs. Lin said: "Of course, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Lin handed the medicine to Nanny Chun.

"Chun'er, keep it."

(End of this chapter)

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