Chapter 577

"Ranran, what do you think should be done? She has already been taken away. Your grandmother is old and not in good health, but she can't bear it. What if those people tortured her?" Lin Xiaoqian turned around anxiously. .

At this time, Qingxuan also came after hearing the news.

After understanding the ins and outs, he said to Lin Xiaoqian: "Master Lin, you should go back first, find a way to control the members of the Lin family, ask carefully, maybe there is no clue, we will go to see Mrs. Lin, At least for the time being, it is guaranteed that her old man will not have to suffer any hardships."

"Sir, please accept my worship!"

Lin Xiaoqian looked at Qingxuan tearfully, almost choked up.

"Lord Lin, you're being polite, I'm just trying my best." Qing Xuanxu raised his hand as a gesture of courtesy.

Lin Xiaoqian looked at Lin Ruran and said, "Ranran, I know you have complaints against the Lin family, but this time, please let go of your grudges, help the family, and help your grandmother. If someone really framed our Lin family, sooner or later It will affect you too."

Lin Siran knew that Lin Xiaoqian was worried about her indifference to the life and death of the Lin family, so she said such words on purpose.

But Lin Xiaoqian's words also reminded her indirectly, could it be that the person who killed Mrs. Lin was actually trying to target her, but for some reason, Mrs. Lin blocked the catastrophe for her?
Lin Sizan told Lin Xiaoqian: "You must carefully question your family members, but if you have any clues, please tell us. If you really want to save grandma, don't hide anything from us."

Lin Xiaoqian thought for a while, and said: "I remember that when I came back last night, I went to Rong'er's yard. She cried with me, saying that Yan Niang planned to harm her and the child. I was very angry at that time, and I wanted to warn Yan Mother, but Rong'er stopped me, saying that it's useless to scold me, let me spend more time with the child."

"I looked at the baby for a while, and then I fell asleep with sleepiness."

"I woke up once in the middle of the night, and wanted to ask Rong'er if she wanted some water, but she was not in the room, but she came back after a while, saying that she heard movement outside, so she went to have a look, for fear of being disturbed The child slept with me. I didn't pay attention to it at the time, but thinking about it now, I feel something is wrong."

Lin Xiaoqian frowned, but quickly denied his doubts.

"However, I think that Rong'er won't kill people. She just gave birth and her body is still very weak. I'm afraid she just walked from the inner room to the outer room at most."

Lin Siran glanced at Qingxuan.

"Okay, let's not make wild guesses, Master Lin, you'd better go back and check carefully. If you doubt the second lady, test her."

Qingxuan didn't comment on Lin Xiaoqian's statement, but just let him go back.

Lin Xiaoqian said: "Alright, then if I have any news, I will send someone to tell you, Ranran, if you see grandma, tell her, you must be patient, I will definitely do my best to save her."

"Okay." Lin Siran responded, but she was a little absent-minded, she was thinking about what Lin Xiaoqian said just now.

Did Wei Rong'er go out in the middle of the night?
After Lin Xiaoqian left, Lin Siran still didn't recover.

Qingxuan called her several times before she could react.

"Mother?" Lin Siran looked at Qingxuan.

"What are you thinking?" Qingxuan asked, "There is indeed something strange about the Lin family."

"That's right... It's really surprising that the eldest lady died." Lin Siran was a little confused for a moment.

Is Mrs. Lin actually dead?

This feeling is really a bit mysterious.

The person she had always hated, who was still yelling at her the day before, died suddenly, which felt unreal.

She didn't feel sorry for Mrs. Lin at all.

But not many people seemed to care about her life or death. Even Lin Xiaoqian only cared about whether Mrs. Lin could get rid of the suspicion without incident, and seemed much indifferent to Mrs. Lin's death.

Perhaps, Lin Xiaoqian has long been looking forward to this day?
The indifference between husband and wife is really Madam Lin's retribution.

Back then, she took Qin's husband away and killed Qin's. Perhaps she never thought that this day would come?

What an irony.

Looking at Lin Siran's expression, Qingxuan guessed what she was probably thinking.

"Her life or death is not important anymore, and you don't need to take it to heart. For you, it may be a good thing for her to die, so as not to keep becoming a knot in your heart." Qingxuan said.

Lin Siran asked: "A knot in my heart? Mother is too worried, she won't become my knot in my heart."

"But you've always hated her, right? Because she was the murderer who killed your mother." Qing Xuan patted Lin Siran's head, "It's normal to not let go of such hatred."

"I just think she died too quickly, and it's not at my hands, it's too cheap for her." Lin Ruran showed cold eyes, feeling unwilling.

Qingxuan sighed: "It's fine if she dies. If she dies in your hands, it will dirty your hands instead. Now someone can help you solve this enemy who has been deliberately trying to fight against you, isn't it great?"

"But she owes me too much, and she can't repay it with one life." Lin Siran was still unwilling, " don't know how hateful she is."

Qingxuan could see Lin Siran's inner struggle and pain, although she didn't know how much Mrs. Lin had caused her.

"It's all over, and she can't hurt you again in the future."

"She can't hurt me long ago, but I still can't forgive, so even if she dies, I still feel that she hasn't paid enough for her debt to me."

Lin Siran let out a breath.

But she thought, it doesn't matter, Mrs. Lin is dead, and Lin Qianyu is still there.

Lin Qianyu was still alive, living to bear all the sins for her mother.

"You don't have to forgive her, and no one is qualified to ask you to forgive her. What you have to do is to let go of your heart, let her die, take away that part of the hurt, and then go to battle lightly to create a happy life that belongs to you." Qing Profound way.

Lin Siran shook her head, unwilling to think about it.

"Her death makes me a little regretful, but what I am most concerned about now is who caused her death? Why did you kill her?"

Lin Sili felt that this was the issue that should be the most concerned at the moment.

It's not that she really wants to exonerate Mrs. Lin.

But if this matter is related to herself, then she absolutely has to get to the bottom of it.

"You said that Mrs. Su wanted to harm Mrs. Wei's child, but your father just said that Mrs. Wei seemed to have gone out last night, is it possible?" Qingxuan asked.

"It's not impossible, Wei Rong'er does have a motive. But...she, a woman who has just given birth and is still weak, how did she go so far to poison Mrs. Lin? There are also people on duty at night in Mrs. Lin's yard. "

"And... she wants to kill Mrs. Lin, why not find a better time? To kill someone at this time, the body is weak and it is not convenient to walk. If you want to escape, it will be easy to be discovered, right?"

Lin Siran felt something was wrong.

"What if someone else went there for her?" Qingxuan asked, "It's not impossible. Maybe that person succeeded and came back to report to her. She was afraid of being heard by your father, so she ran out to talk secretly."

"It's possible, but there is only one girl around her who is a confidant. The others should be from the Lin family. She has only been in the Lin family for a year. Even if she intends to subdue some people for her own use, it is generally not acceptable to kill people. Dare to let others do it.”

"Then start with the people around her." Qingxuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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